The politics of prison overcrowding.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The reason Democrats are always complaining about so many people being in prison is because it is costing them votes.

Republicans like over crowding of prisons as then they can sell their private jails for a real high price.
The reason Democrats are always complaining about so many people being in prison is because it is costing them votes.

The reason why we raise the issue of so many people in prison is, well, because there are too many people in prison who don't ned to be in order to keep communities safe. Too many of them are non violent drug law offenders and yes, too many of them are black and brown. And , they have been disenfranchised which is wrong and makes no sense. You fuckers are afraid of a system that allows everyone to vote because you know that you will loose big time . Too bad.
Prisons are the only thing Republicans have provided to our society
Felons register as Democrat over Republican by a margin of 6 to 1. Democrats are the party preferred by convicted felons.

Felons register as Democrat over Republican by 6 to 1
You still have not provided any evidence that "Democrats are illegally registering felons, and dead people as alleged in your OP. Nor have you addressed the broader question that I posed -Why should felons be disenfranchised, especially after completing their sentence ? They have been punished with the loose of their freedom. Is it necessary and useful to strip them of every vestige of their dignity and humanity- or would it serve society better to facility full re-entry into normal life?

You can't claim a belief in our Constitutional republic and our representative democracy, and then bitch about who has the right to vote or not, based on how they might vote. Maybe if the republicans embraced criminal justice reform that is needed to reduce unnecessary and lengthy incarceration, and stopped shitting all over minorities and the poor who make up a disproportionate percentage of the prison population, they might get more of those votes.

Do you give much critical thought to the crap that you post? Or, are you just given to mindless , chronic logorrhea?
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