The Politics of General Patton


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Recently, a poster wrote this about General George Patton:

"George Patton was pretty irrelevant politically."
General Patton Speaks With God Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It is typical of the level of misunderstanding most folks have about the FDR era, from before WWII though the post-war period.
The fact is, this ignorance is exactly what the folks who rule the schools and the media wish. But understanding same give perspective on the political climate today.

Let's set the stage:

1. The economic policies of Franklin Roosevelt were based on those of the fascist, Benito Mussolini.... It is a fact that none of the New Dealers were constitutionalists. Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: 'Any people who must be governed according to the written codes [the United States Constitution] of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for solution.'
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.63

a. Tugwell was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government. General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Francis Perkins (U.S. Secretary of Labor) the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship for the benefit of the people was glowingly described."
Francis Perkins, "The Roosevelt I Knew."

The NRA was copied from Mussolini's corporative system.

a. Perkins questioned whether Johnson 'really understood the democratic process...'
New Dealers had no problem with the fascist nature of their plans.

b. " Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union." Manly, p. 48

2. And not just a student of Mussolini, Roosevelt had the same amiable relationship with Adolf Hitler..... The National Socialists hailed Roosevelt's ‘relief measures’ in ways you will recognize:

a. May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.

b. And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’

c. And “[Roosevelt], too demands that collective good be put before individual self-interest. Many passages in his book ‘Looking Forward’ could have been written by a National Socialist….one can assume that he feels considerable affinity with the National Socialist philosophy.”

The paper also refers to “…the fictional appearance of democracy.”

3.In 1938, American ambassador Hugh R. Wilson reported to FDR his conversations with Hitler: “Hitler then said that he had watched with interest the methods which you, Mr. President, have been attempting to adopt for the United States…. I added that you were very much interested in certain phases of the sociological effort, notably for the youth and workmen, which is being made in Germany…” cited in “Franklin D. Roosevelt and Foreign Affairs,” vol.2, byFranklin D. Roosevelt andEdgar B. Nixon, p. 27.

So....the President of the United States looked to the economic programs of Mussolini and Hitler for direction.

Any other dictators he favored?

I'll get to that....then General George S. Patton.
took your cynical pill early today------by its very nature----
"GOVERNMENT" controls-------more or less. In times
of great stress a great government controls ----greatly---slobs
like Mussolini and Adolf and Stalin-------did it NOT GREATLY---but very badly. In good times---great governments need not
engage in great control. -------no GENERAL RULE applies----
the whole issue is kinda hit or miss
Militarily, Patton was a genius
Politically, he was a moron
My, my, another paste job from PoliticalShit.

When you are dead and gone, Franklin Delano Roosevelt will be remembered by the nation with Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson. And those few who do remember you will simply remember a silly bitter old broad.
Militarily, Patton was a genius
Politically, he was a moron

uhm.... I was a little kid when Eisenhower was golfing his way
thru life (actually baby)------but---looking back----it seems to me-------same can be said of him. Truman was smart---probably not so much a military genius, however
took your cynical pill early today------by its very nature----
"GOVERNMENT" controls-------more or less. In times
of great stress a great government controls ----greatly---slobs
like Mussolini and Adolf and Stalin-------did it NOT GREATLY---but very badly. In good times---great governments need not
engage in great control. -------no GENERAL RULE applies----
the whole issue is kinda hit or miss

I wonder if you would mind making you point again......seems to be all over the place.
Militarily, Patton was a genius
Politically, he was a moron

uhm.... I was a little kid when Eisenhower was golfing his way
thru life (actually baby)------but---looking back----it seems to me-------same can be said of him. Truman was smart---probably not so much a military genius, however
You massively underestimate Eisenhower. His adept handling of the enormous egos of Patton and Montgomery during WW2, his feeding of enough rope to Tailgunner Joe, and the Interstate Highway System are all testimony to a quiet and solid intellect.
Militarily, Patton was a genius
Politically, he was a moron

I haven't discussed Patton yet.

I estimate about seven panels in total....and, after you read same and then claim not to have.... will find that you are totally, and absolutely incorrect.

Stay tuned

That should be quite a treat. I can hardly wait to see how you politicize a military icon.....what else can you do since you couldn't possibly conduct an intelligent discussion of military history.
took your cynical pill early today------by its very nature----
"GOVERNMENT" controls-------more or less. In times
of great stress a great government controls ----greatly---slobs
like Mussolini and Adolf and Stalin-------did it NOT GREATLY---but very badly. In good times---great governments need not
engage in great control. -------no GENERAL RULE applies----
the whole issue is kinda hit or miss

I wonder if you would mind making you point again......seems to be all over the place.

it was the equivalent of OFFICE PARTY------I no longer work-------you are just no fun------anymore. I consider
Roosevelt to have been a great man----who used his over-
bearing control in a time of great stress-----because it was
necessary--------<<< that was actually the point. Lots of
people hated him as a "socialist" When I was a little kid---
during the Mc Carthy era-----when saying "you are a communist" was a big time insult------my dad remarked---
"if you were not a little pink in the 1930s-----it is because you
were stupid" I grew up in a small---semi rural, suburban town that was entirely republican and quite Nazi.
All governments are a bit socialist------that's
what taxes are-----redistribution of wealth. ----see? I am
FLEXIBLE!!!!!! -----marx was not a politician----he was a
THEORIST on economics. Darwin was not a Nazi<<<<
he was into biology. Freud was not a psychiatrist---he was a neurologist. Go right ahead and comment "all over the place"
Militarily, Patton was a genius
Politically, he was a moron

uhm.... I was a little kid when Eisenhower was golfing his way
thru life (actually baby)------but---looking back----it seems to me-------same can be said of him. Truman was smart---probably not so much a military genius, however

Ike was a military genius understanding everything it takes to win a war. Strategy, Logistics and Politics

A damn good President too
You would think PC would after all the many times, and there are many, in which her bizarre off the wall revisionist nonsense was countered that she'd learn something, even a little something. FDR's administration policies were based on Benito Mussolini alone is so stupid is there any need to read anymore? The right wing in America does nothing positive or forward looking, they constantly revise history to fit some imaginary past that never was. Their inability to face factual history is psychological and the reason that even in the present they have no grasp of what is happening. The thing is there is plenty of information for the serious student, for the blind ideologue there is always more nonsense. Ideology makes puppets of people and PC is the site's best puppet.

"Not only does there seem to be widespread social fragmentation and disillusionment with democracy in the United States, but the possibility of reversing this sense of alienation appears to many of us to be already lost. Any democratic president who wants to institute the desperately needed reforms in health, welfare and the environment faces one of two options. He can stick by his reform program and suffer a loss of public confidence through orchestrated campaigns to publicly portray him as 'too liberal' and ineffectual (the Carter image) or too indecisive or sexually indiscreet (the Clinton image). Alternatively, a reforming democratic president can move further to the Right, forget his promises and become part of the propaganda campaign. Given the history of democratic propaganda in the United States, some of us doubt that another Roosevelt or New Deal is possible. The political system is now so attuned to business interests that this kind of reformer could no longer institute the substantial health, welfare, education, environmental and employment reforms the country needs." Andrew Lohrey, Introduction, Alex Carey "Taking the Risk Out of Democracy"
Militarily, Patton was a genius
Politically, he was a moron

uhm.... I was a little kid when Eisenhower was golfing his way
thru life (actually baby)------but---looking back----it seems to me-------same can be said of him. Truman was smart---probably not so much a military genius, however

Ike was a military genius understanding everything it takes to win a war. Strategy, Logistics and Politics

A damn good President too

he was president during a prosperous era------
and he gave us NIXON
Militarily, Patton was a genius
Politically, he was a moron

I haven't discussed Patton yet.

I estimate about seven panels in total....and, after you read same and then claim not to have.... will find that you are totally, and absolutely incorrect.

Stay tuned

That should be quite a treat. I can hardly wait to see how you politicize a military icon.....what else can you do since you couldn't possibly conduct an intelligent discussion of military history.

If only you were capable of learning.....(sigh...)
Actually, sometime in the future, someone will write a great book on the great American political tragedy that Nixon was. During Nixon's terms, many good things were done for America. Had Nixon had the ability to turn off his paranoa once he sat in the Oval Office, he would probably be remembered as one of the great Presidents.
Militarily, Patton was a genius
Politically, he was a moron

uhm.... I was a little kid when Eisenhower was golfing his way
thru life (actually baby)------but---looking back----it seems to me-------same can be said of him. Truman was smart---probably not so much a military genius, however

Ike was a military genius understanding everything it takes to win a war. Strategy, Logistics and Politics

A damn good President too

he was president during a prosperous era------
and he gave us NIXON

I don't think he liked Nixon

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