The political double standard

Oh there's double standards alright.

They're not left/right different standards, though, they're UP/DOWN different standards.

A simple look at the way our criminal justice system metes out punishment to the well heeled v the rest of us is really all one needs to see that double standard in action.
Hypocrisy, ethical relativism and a propensity for hyperbole seem to be most common among the callous conservatives on this forum, as well as their lack of substantive arguments in support of an ideology which seems to be devoid of kindness and tolerance in judging others.

" well as their lack of substantive arguments in support of an ideology which seems to be devoid of kindness and tolerance in judging others."

Remember the right has self proclaimed to be the moral majority party.
the party of personal responsibility.
the party who will bring back the morality of america.
Bring back God in our country, etc, etc.
Reduce spending, balance budget, reduce govt size...
Support personal liberty.
the dems not so much on those angles.

OK so if the left is amoral, against personal responsibility, disavows God, wants to increase spending, increase the deficit, increase the size of government and reduce personal liberty, why don't they come out and say it in their platform?

The Bible actually states that it's a sin to increase spending, increase the deficit, increase the size of government and reduce personal responsibility? Really?
I know that God's Word tell us that we should be protecting the environment and helping the poor, weak and elderly.
So, we have folks on the right making up what God's wishes are and then they ignore the specific words of God regarding helping people and taking care of God's Earth.
It must be great running as a democrat. Left wingers have created a cottage industry looking for the hypocrisy factor in the GOP but there can't be any moral hypocrisy in the democrat party because they don't give a damn.

Democrats have no shame. Ted Kennedy, murderer and Senior Statement. Robert Grand Kleagle KKK Byrd, Senate Majoroty leader? Helloooooo!
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Remember the right has self proclaimed to be the moral majority party.
the party of personal responsibility.
the party who will bring back the morality of america.
Bring back God in our country, etc, etc.
Reduce spending, balance budget, reduce govt size...
Support persoal liberty.
the dems not so much on those angles.

OK so if the left is amoral, against personal responsibility, disavows God, wants to increase spending, increase the deficit, increase the size of government and reduce personal liberty, why don't they come out and say it in their platform?

Because they are against hypocrisy?

Ahh, the partisan hackery that is going on in this thread.
Why don't people accept the fact that neither party holds the claim of being morally superior? I guess that's too tough for ideologues. They refuse to acknowledge their own ideology's moral short-comings while pointing fingers at the opposing ideology's short-comings.
Ahh, the partisan hackery that is going on in this thread.
Why don't people accept the fact that neither party holds the claim of being morally superior? I guess that's too tough for ideologues. They refuse to acknowledge their own ideology's moral short-comings while pointing fingers at the opposing ideology's short-comings.

Exactly, the funny thing is I'll bet tons of politicians get out of trouble because of inside relationships they have with cops, cops being afraid to arrest a prominent politician, cops belonging to a certain party and not wanting to oust the person they voted for, and yet these people STILL can't keep themselves from getting in trouble.

If I had a to pick a random person out of a hat or an american bureacrat to babysit kids, I'd pick the random person 1000 out of 1000 times.
Remember the right has self proclaimed to be the moral majority party.
the party of personal responsibility.
the party who will bring back the morality of america.
Bring back God in our country, etc, etc.
Reduce spending, balance budget, reduce govt size...
Support persoal liberty.
the dems not so much on those angles.

OK so if the left is amoral, against personal responsibility, disavows God, wants to increase spending, increase the deficit, increase the size of government and reduce personal liberty, why don't they come out and say it in their platform?

Because they are against hypocrisy?

Except their own, of course.
Remember the right has self proclaimed to be the moral majority party.
the party of personal responsibility.
the party who will bring back the morality of america.
Bring back God in our country, etc, etc.
Reduce spending, balance budget, reduce govt size...
Support persoal liberty.
the dems not so much on those angles.

You make my case groucho cat. What does the democrat party stand for?

Who knows ?????

we are all discussing the Democratic party.
Remember the right has self proclaimed to be the moral majority party.
the party of personal responsibility.
the party who will bring back the morality of america.
Bring back God in our country, etc, etc.
Reduce spending, balance budget, reduce govt size...
Support persoal liberty.
the dems not so much on those angles.

You make my case groucho cat. What does the democrat party stand for?

Who knows ?????

we are all discussing the Democratic party.

I know what it stands for, spending and warmongering.

Same things the other party stands for.

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