The Picture in Rumsfeld's Office


VIP Member
Dec 21, 2003
Everywhere, simultaneously.
I had seen this photo before. Sec. Rumsfeld had it in his Pentagon office and talked a little bit about it during a FoxNews interview. It's worthy of looking at and contemplating the reality of it.

This is a picture taken from a defense satellite of the Korean Peninsula at night. While South Korea is ablaze in light, North Korea is dark.
Such a disparity is no surprise...North Korea is still mostly an agricultural society, while their South Korean counterparts enjoy some of todays newest and trendiest technological advances. I blame the leadership of North Korea...they practically starve their people and spend everything on weaponry. North Korea has a long way before it can become an economically stable nation...and in order to do that we have to do something about that dictator of theirs. Whats the point of having the best military technology, when the rest of your nations is "backwards?"
Originally posted by Johnney
what do you mean practically?

Sometimes it's more of a "near-starvation experience" . "I saw a bright light at the end of a tunnel. There was a burger king combo #2 king size with cheese and a diet coke there too!"
Originally posted by Johnney
wehre at man? i was in waegon and pyongtek (sp on both)

If you know Waegwon, you HAVE to know the 'ville' out the back gate at Camp Carroll... :) I was the Admin NCO for the 57th MP Company, and lived outside the gate, across from Key's place, above a barber shop.

Originally posted by dmp
If you know Waegwon, you HAVE to know the 'ville' out the back gate at Camp Carroll... :) I was the Admin NCO for the 57th MP Company, and lived outside the gate, across from Key's place, above a barber shop.

DUDE!!! what year was that? i was at the 57th 96ish
Originally posted by Johnney
opps... humphries (557th mp) was 96, carroll was 99

I left Camp Carroll in July of 98 for Ft Lewis. :D

Are you still in? Were you an MP? I was a 71L, btw...
no im not in anymore, got out in 99. and yes i was an MP. that job kicked ass!
you still in?
no - MMRB in I'm a GS11 at Ft Lewis. :)

Was CPT Rayman? still the CO at the 57th when you were there?
Originally posted by dmp
no - MMRB in I'm a GS11 at Ft Lewis. :)

Was CPT Rayman? still the CO at the 57th when you were there?
yup, big tall dorky kinda
Originally posted by Johnney
yup, big tall dorky kinda


which platoon were you in? Did you know MSG Dean? His eyes didn't quite line up.
Originally posted by dmp

which platoon were you in? Did you know MSG Dean? His eyes didn't quite line up.
dean doesnt sound familar. i was in 2nd or 3rd, then in HQ's for a bit. its a fucked up
Originally posted by Johnney
dean doesnt sound familar. i was in 2nd or 3rd, then in HQ's for a bit. its a fucked up

lol :)

I vaguely remember a couple of the platoon sgt's...

Randy _ something...
A short 2lt - black girl...forget her name..
Also - a KATUSA named Kim...or Choi...or Lee.... :p

Originally posted by dmp
lol :)

I vaguely remember a couple of the platoon sgt's...

Randy _ something...
A short 2lt - black girl...forget her name..
Also - a KATUSA named Kim...or Choi...or Lee.... :p

not to sound fucked up, but the katusas all looked

dont hink there was any black LT's there wwhen i was there
Originally posted by Johnney
not to sound fucked up, but the katusas all looked

dont hink there was any black LT's there wwhen i was there

and...there were a lot of Lee's, Choi's, Kim's, and Hwang's.. :D

Was the "American Restaurant" there? If you walk out the back gate - directly across is a little grocery store...just to the left was the "American Rest."

They had good ribs. I'd rape an ape for one of Key's Schnitzel Sandwhich + Ramen right about now. Also, down in Taegu, there was this little old lady, near McD's (in the shopping district) who had the BEST Chicken-on-a-Stick.


Good times.

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