The Perfect Gift?


Apr 20, 2010
Cleveland. Feel mah pain.

Hold on to your hats cubicle dwellers, office warfare just took a turn for the awesome. Even though the release of what is sure to become known as the office BFG won’t get recorded in any history books, it isn’t any less important to your daily grind. Why? Because nothing says take those TPS reports and cram them up your ass like a thirty foot range and fifty marshmallows flying through the air. Pull back the plunger, release, repeat. In the event of a jammed bullet or an explosion in the chamber, the magazines are dishwasher safe. In the world of non-lethal warfare, what’s more fun than two barrels of arm powered, potentially gooey, white goodness? Absolutely nothing, so lock and load. $36

The Double Barreled Marshmallow Crossbow - Hammacher Schlemmer

I know I'm sorry I did not invent this. $36? I am ordering one for damned near everyone I know (one at a time, LOL).

Canca see xotoxi vs Radioman with this gear?
The perfect gift has bacon salt in the very loins of it's giving.

*I can't understand why Hallmark told me to seek medical help.

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