the party of


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
The Republicans at the moment are less a party than an ongoing civil war (with, from a centrist point of view, the wrong side usually winning). There is a dwindling band of moderate Republicans who understand that they have to work with the Democrats in the interests of America. There is the old intolerant, gun-toting, immigrant-bashing, mainly southern right which sees any form of co-operation as treachery, even blasphemy. And muddying the whole picture is the tea-party movement, a tax revolt whose activists (some clever, some dotty, all angry) seem to loathe Bush-era free-spending Republicans as much as they hate Democrats. Egged on by a hysterical blogosphere and the ravings of Fox News blowhards, the Republican Party has turned upon itself (see article).

Optimists say this is no more than the vigorous debate that defines the American primary system. They rightly point out that American conservatism has always been a broad church and the battle is not all one way. This week California’s Republicans chose two relatively moderate former chief executives, Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina, to run for governor and the Senate. But both had to dive to the right to win, which will not help them in November. And in neighbouring Nevada the Republicans chose a tea-partier so extreme that she may yet allow Harry Reid, the unloved Democratic Senate leader, to hang on to his seat. Many of the battles are indeed nastier than normal: witness the squabble in Florida, where the popular governor, Charlie Crist, has left the party; Senator Lindsey Graham walking away from climate-change legislation for fear of vile personal attacks; and even John McCain, who has battled with the southern-fried crazies in his party for decades, joining the chorus against Mexican “illegals” to keep his seat.

As for ideas, the Republicans seem to be reducing themselves into exactly what the Democrats say they are: the nasty party of No. They may well lambast Mr Obama for expanding the federal deficit; but it is less impressive when they are unable to suggest alternatives. Paul Ryan, a bright young congressman from Wisconsin, has a plan to restore the budget to balance; it has sunk without a trace. During the row over health care, the right demanded smaller deficits but refused to countenance any cuts in medical spending on the elderly. Cutting back military spending is denounced as surrender to the enemy. Tax rises of any kind (even allowing the unaffordable Bush tax cuts to expire as scheduled) are evil.

mal left out

Out of power, a party can get away with such negative ambiguity; the business of an opposition is to oppose. The real problem for the political right may well come if it wins in November. Just as the party found after it seized Congress in 1994, voters expect solutions, not just rage. The electorate jumped back into Bill Clinton’s arms in 1996. Business conservatives are scouting desperately for an efficient centrist governor (or perhaps general) to run against Mr Obama in 2012. But tea-party-driven success in the mid-terms could foster the illusion that the Republicans lost the White House because Mr McCain was insufficiently close to their base. That logic is more likely to lead to Palin-Huckabee in 2012 than, say, Petraeus-Daniels.

The Republicans: What's wrong with America's right | The Economist

has the tea party forced the gop so far to the right that the only alternative is the democratic party?
The Republicans: What's wrong with America's right | The Economist

has the tea party forced the gop so far to the right that the only alternative is the democratic party?

Is the DNC the new party of fiscal responsibility?
It doesnt seem so.
Where do voters go who understand that running the printing press 24/7 .
Obama has now taken private liabilities and turned them into treasury bonds The entire USA bond market is junk bond derivatives market.

The USA is a 100 % debt /GDP. far more in debt then Greece Spain or any 3rd world nation.
We are borrowing money to pay for benefits to illegal immigrants while the unemployed get fat instead of fighting for the American dream , whats the point if the government is going to take it to give to some socially deprived statistic?
The end result ?
Higher taxes or reduced spending (unlikely)

Pointing fingers at the problems of the GOP is not a solution ,they are untrustworthy slobs,
The DNC are ordering new china for the titanic .The Tea party embraces S palin who is stumping for the Punch bowl turd.

Where do rational people go to be represented.

**Spelling and grammar errors intentionally left for trolls to comment on.
Hahahaha, who know they HAVE to work with Democrats.

In other words, give in to their every DEMAND to hose the American people.

and you just gotta love this line.
There is the old intolerant, gun-toting, immigrant-bashing, mainly southern right which sees any form of co-operation as treachery, even blasphemy.

stopped reading when I got to there.:lol:
I guess the left thinks these types of written articles are going to get people to come "over to their side".

Loved this line also.
Egged on by a hysterical blogosphere and the ravings of Fox News blowhards,
I have asked a hundred times for something the republicans have done for America's working class since starting posting over eight years ago and all I get is nada. But I have to say if whining were a good they would be pros, are pros. :lol:

Some conservatives even mention how bad republicans are:

"The previous eight years, during which the GOP controlled the executive, legislative and the judicial branches of government were a mixed bag.

On taxes and federal judicial appointments, both Congress and the White House get top marks. However, their transformation of a budget surplus into a trillion dollar deficit, their contribution to the nation's cumulative debt load through the passage of a new, huge entitlement for prescription drugs, and their abject failure to do anything to reform entitlements, the Death Star looming over the America, merit them failing grades. Add to these their support of tariffs on steel, a monstrosity of a Farm Bill and ethanol subsidies for an inefficient energy source with negative consequences for food prices and the environment. It isn't a pretty picture of right-of-center governance.

Other areas for a Republican examination of conscience are ethics, public and personal, and foreign and military policy. I will not flog the obvious case of earmarking and its corrupting influence on the body politic, but what, pray tell, was the difference between Democrats and Republicans on this issue, other than the Republicans under Tom DeLay et al. took it to even greater lengths of abuse than ever before? "

The American Spectator : What Would a New Era of Republican Governance Bring?

Republicans want what? LOL

"At TPM Boehner says,

"I think the people responsible in the oil spill--BP and the federal government--should take full responsibility for what's happening there," Boehner said at his weekly press conference this morning.

Boehner's statement followed comments last Friday by US Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donohue who said he opposes efforts to stick BP, a member of the Chamber, with the bill. "It is generally not the practice of this country to change the laws after the game," he said. "Everybody is going to contribute to this clean up. We are all going to have to do it. We are going to have to get the money from the government and from the companies and we will figure out a way to do that."

So today I asked Boehner, "Do you agree with Tom Donohue of the Chamber that the government and taxpayers should pitch in to clean up the oil spill?" The shorter answer is yes.

I know Republicans make careers of paying lip service about taxes, religion, sexuality, and every thing else but wouldn't it be sweet it just once in a while they be helpful?"
Squarestate A beautiful state deserves competent governance.

Interesting too. Republicans Slide Right: The Parties Aren't Equally To Blame for Washington's Schism - Brookings Institution
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The Republicans: What's wrong with America's right | The Economist

has the tea party forced the gop so far to the right that the only alternative is the democratic party?

Is the DNC the new party of fiscal responsibility?
It doesnt seem so.
Where do voters go who understand that running the printing press 24/7 .
Obama has now taken private liabilities and turned them into treasury bonds The entire USA bond market is junk bond derivatives market.

The USA is a 100 % debt /GDP. far more in debt then Greece Spain or any 3rd world nation.
We are borrowing money to pay for benefits to illegal immigrants while the unemployed get fat instead of fighting for the American dream , whats the point if the government is going to take it to give to some socially deprived statistic?
The end result ?
Higher taxes or reduced spending (unlikely)

Pointing fingers at the problems of the GOP is not a solution ,they are untrustworthy slobs,
The DNC are ordering new china for the titanic .The Tea party embraces S palin who is stumping for the Punch bowl turd.

Where do rational people go to be represented.

**Spelling and grammar errors intentionally left for trolls to comment on.

The unemployed are getting FAT? That's a good one. I love it when lackeys spew their corporate master's rhetoric.

And the jobs? Republicans worked tirelessly supporting companies as they moved American jobs overseas in the never ending search for "cheap" labor.

And now that American jobs are overseas, Republicans call the unemployed "fat" and "lazy".

And what is happening in China? They are going on strike for better wages and benefits, like "healthcare". Only the jobs are "over there" and not coming back to "over here".

Republicans fucked this country hard and deep. It's going to take a long time to recover. And they want another shot to "finish the job"? I don't think so.

Chinese workers strike at Honda Lock parts supplier | Business | The Guardian

Following industrial action this week at foreign-invested plants in Jiangxi and Xian, labourers at Honda Lock in Zhongshan, Guangdong province, demanded a pay rise and improved collective bargaining rights.


SHANGHAI — China’s wage contagion continues to spread.


Bargaining Power Grows for Striking Chinese Workers -
Well how bout that. The Nyslimes is giving kudos to a COMMUNIST country.
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They are overstating the issue with the Democrats.

This is the difference between Republicans and Democrats:


The Democratic Party only seems to be far left because the Republican Party is SO far right.

Vocal far left in the Democratic Party are dragged back to center because the Democratic Party is a true coalition unlike the white, conservative Republican Party. 90% one race.

It's no like. It's just the way it is.
They are overstating the issue with the Democrats.

This is the difference between Republicans and Democrats:


The Democratic Party only seems to be far left because the Republican Party is SO far right.

Vocal far left in the Democratic Party are dragged back to center because the Democratic Party is a true coalition unlike the white, conservative Republican Party. 90% one race.

It's no like. It's just the way it is.
Proof that you pay attention to skin color more than the issues themselves. Congratulations RacistDean.

The sad part about the people that voted for Obama in 2008 just because of his skin color is that when the 2012 elections come around those same people are gonna' vote against Obama just because of his skin color.

"I voted for the Black dude but he fucked everything up. I aint doin' that again, I learned my lesson!" Future Black candidates will have to overcome the stigma of Obama.

They won't tell you that to your face but that's what'll happen.
the vast majority of people whose top reason for voting for obama was 'because he was black', probably were black themselves. they will probably vote for obama again, and probably for the same reason.
the vast majority of people whose top reason for voting for obama was 'because he was black', probably were black themselves. they will probably vote for obama again, and probably for the same reason.
Never underestimate the power of white guilt, nor the attitude that an Obammy bumper sticker on the car of a rich white suburbanite is treated as a fashion accessory.
How does compromising with people who want to fundamentally transform this nation into a totalitarian state serve the interests of America?

Every elected official has sworn an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. There are far too many politicians from both parties who take that oath lightly. But why should any politicians compromise with others in their blatant attempts to violate their oaths?
Using a soft voice and a gentle touch here, I am just wondering in a hypothetical sort of way:

Why is it that the GOP is generally portrayed as the stubborn, selfish, (or pick an adjective) party of 'no' because they don't want to work with Democrats. . . .but. . . .

The Democrats are never expected to work with the Republicans and are not branded the 'party of no' when they don't?

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