The Party Of Reagan Now The Party Of Trump

Who is more depraved, Donald Trump or the people who would vote for him?

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VIP Member
Jan 25, 2016
I've always said that as horrible and the Republican leadership is their base is far far worse. Those scumbags had a few sane and qualified candidates running such as Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham and John Kasich but sadly the vast majority of the Republican party supported Trump with a much smaller amount going to criminal asshole Cruz and a few stragglers from the Reagan era going to Kasich.

Sadly, the Republican leadership is nearly as depraved as their base. Their closet gay boy Marco Rubio said that Trump is too crazy to be trusted with the nuclear launch codes but it would appear Trump through some money and Bubbles Rubio and now Rubio is endorsing him. Criminal fat boy glutton Chris Christie has been with Trump all along.

Trump is the overwhelming choice of the of the Republican base. This is some scary shit!



Reagan was a class act who ended the cold war. Trump will end up starting WW3.

The GOP has sucked since Nixon and has continued to descend into evil insanity and now it has reached a new low.


Trump has lust for his daughter.


Trump hates women.


Trump is a lying hypocrite.


Chicken hawk Trump says John McCain is not a war hero.

In spite of Trump's douche baggery most Republicans support him. This speak less of Trump's scum baggery and more to the complete and total depravity of the Republican base.
"The Party Of Reagan Now The Party Of Trump"

And both equally wrong on the issues.

Pity the GOP can’t return to being the Party of Eisenhower.

How is that even possible. Trump and Reagan are often at direct opposite views. How can both be equally wrong, when they take the opposite position.

This car is moving.
This car is stopped.

"You are both equally wrong!"

No.... A car can't be moving, and stopped at the same time, so it has to be one or the other. Someone has to be correct.

How can both be wrong, when they are directly opposed?
"Trump is the overwhelming choice of the of the Republican base. This is some scary shit!"

Actually it’s pathetic.

Of course, Trump is but a symptom of what’s wrong with the GOP, and the disease that’s crippled the Party for decades: the social right, libertarian reactionaries, and TPM nitwits; and Trump represents the GOP well, the fear, bigotry, and ignorance common to most conservatives and republicans.
"Trump is the overwhelming choice of the of the Republican base. This is some scary shit!"

Actually it’s pathetic.

Of course, Trump is but a symptom of what’s wrong with the GOP, and the disease that’s crippled the Party for decades: the social right, libertarian reactionaries, and TPM nitwits; and Trump represents the GOP well, the fear, bigotry, and ignorance common to most conservatives and republicans.

I doubt that. I'm sure left-wingers say that, but I doubt it.

From what I've read thus far, 20% of Democrats say they would vote for Trump. Point being, when you look at the polls, I wager many of the votes for Trump, are being cast by Democrats that have jumped ship from Hillary, knowing Bernies days are numbered.

Even so, to suggest the Republican base is the core of Trumps support, doesn't really show up in the polls. Trump has never gotten 50% of the Republican vote, even now that the two runner ups have dropped out. The fact that at this moment, with zero contenders, he's still at 46% support among Republicans, suggest the Republican base has never been behind him.

The only reason people are supporting him now, is because he's the only option to beat that human trash known as Hillary. That's the only reason I'll vote for him.
"Trump is the overwhelming choice of the of the Republican base. This is some scary shit!"

Actually it’s pathetic.

Of course, Trump is but a symptom of what’s wrong with the GOP, and the disease that’s crippled the Party for decades: the social right, libertarian reactionaries, and TPM nitwits; and Trump represents the GOP well, the fear, bigotry, and ignorance common to most conservatives and republicans.

I doubt that. I'm sure left-wingers say that, but I doubt it.

From what I've read thus far, 20% of Democrats say they would vote for Trump. Point being, when you look at the polls, I wager many of the votes for Trump, are being cast by Democrats that have jumped ship from Hillary, knowing Bernies days are numbered.

Even so, to suggest the Republican base is the core of Trumps support, doesn't really show up in the polls. Trump has never gotten 50% of the Republican vote, even now that the two runner ups have dropped out. The fact that at this moment, with zero contenders, he's still at 46% support among Republicans, suggest the Republican base has never been behind him.

The only reason people are supporting him now, is because he's the only option to beat that human trash known as Hillary. That's the only reason I'll vote for him.

PROOF? LINK? Why do you lie?
Reagan believed in
-Free fucked trade with Mexico
-Running away when 300 marines get slaughtered.

I believe trump won't be like Reagan at all.

Republicans talk like Reagan like he was God. Now you guys are trashing him.

Trump will be nothing like Reagan. Reagan was respected by world leaders. Every world leader and most Republican leader think Trump is an asshat.
And the Clintons are the party of JFK.

Both parties have gone to shit.

From what part of your ass did you pull that turd of wisdom?

The Kennedys were never very fond of Bill Clinton nor were they fond of Carter.

NYT: Bill Clinton holding grudge against Ted, Caroline Kennedy ...


Bill and Hillary=car lot

Even when you CONS try to be funny it's tragic.

Maybe because that wasn't a joke.

What the real joke is, is that you thought it was one.
Oh look. Another I hate Trump thread posted in the politics forum instead of the rubber room.
I love his 'polls'

A Democrats Good

B Republicans Bad

pick no more than 2.

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