The party of division and strife : The new democratic party

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Now that every possible subsection of American has been divided from the other the dems have begun the process of fostering hatred from one to another. We all now fight over such trivial shit as who's going to pay for my next door neighbors rubbers. We can now all be envious of our neighbors tax burden. We can now argue about if a Mexican is white or not depending on the crime he has been charged with. We can now fight over illegals being welcomed into our workforce despite legal Americans being unemployed in mass. We can now argue that expecting blacks to have an ID makes it hard for them to vote despite they need those same ID's for everyday simple tasks like driving or buying prescriptions.

Dems stand for division and strife
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And lets also add the following things their leader doesn't posses:

Self respect
Respect for others
A grasp on reality

If he had those things he wouldn't ask you to give the following to him:

Your birthday money
Your wedding gift money
Sell your personal possessions and give him the proceeds

Seriously people. With the terrible hardships Americans are going through why the fuck does he want you to give him your valuables?

Vote this motherfucker out!!!
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Wtf are you talking about?

The OP was my rebuttal to sallows thread. The second post was my dismay at Obama asking Americans to sell their stuff on Sept 22 &23 and donate the money to him. It's disgusting and unbecoming of high office to beg from those whom you've driven into debt
The Republicans certainly do march in lockstep* together, that is certain.

*One might call GOOSESTEP actually.
Let's see how it goes.

Our great uniter has said all he needs to do is "communicate more" !

That is going to solve it all. Right ?
Rahm Emanual, the Good Democrat he is, is taking the teachers to court now for continuing the strike after having a tentative deal. No word from the White house. Another split in the party?

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