The Panties Are Mightier Than the Sword....HUH?


Mar 12, 2004
Chapel Hill, NC
As some other posters & members of the TRUE American press have pointed out, I, too, have noticed that the latest liberal talking point is "cycle of violence." This basically equates America with some L.A. street gang or two warring Mafia families. Or worse, it equates us with these filthy-beast terrorists, the same ones who beheaded Nick Berg. They STILL don't get it- or REFUSE to get it- that WE are the good guys. Liberals & most muslims always have to stick a "but" or "still" into the mix. They are just incapable of condemning this barbaric, cowardly act without implying that WE had a hand in it, that WE are somehow culpable for it.

Ya know what's funny? Just for a second, let's just say that we WERE the bad guys.

With all of our might, technology, & our powerful military, just think of the damage we COULD do if we WANTED to go that route. We might lose several hundred thousand soldiers, but we could OWN this world in a few years, killing & nuking hundreds of millions of people.

Now, this leads us to the "Just because we aren't as bad as Saddam or the terrorists doesn't make us good" line of illogic. Yes, we, as a nation, have made mistakes [slavery, FDR's Japanese internment camps], even horrific mistakes in the past few centuries, but this is now & we are better than they are, for we are simply better.

If you follow that liberal line of lies to its illogical conclusion, it would lead to utter paralysis, then chaos. Since there are some abuses by bad cops, we should disband ALL police agencies and let the criminals rape & kill with complete impunity.

"Hey! Who the hell are WE to judge them?"

It's funny that the traitorous LMM are lapping up Al-Zarqawi's explanation & rationalization for beheading Berg. Not only do they leave out that he & others of his terrorist brethren never needed the abuses at Abu Ghraib to butcher the innocent BEFORE, but there is something they NEVER would point out, something that shows what a lying piece of garbage Al-Zarqawi is: He claims he beheaded Berg for American abuse of Iraqis, but he had no problem when he detonated that bomb, last month,[among all of his other attacks] killing many IRAQI civilians & IRAQI school children, just trying to make their way through life. So, are we to buy this garbage? NO! Yet, the LMM can't HELP themselves. They have NO problem using even Zarqawi to hurt our troops and bash President Bush & America. Gee, the line "giving aid & comfort to the enemy" just keeps ringing in my ears.

Note: If an Iraqi woman WAS raped- though all stories & photos, to this point, have been proven frauds- then that IS serious, and the culprit(s) must be dealt with severely. Still, considering that these prisoners were thugs, thugs who killed or tried to kill our soldiers & innocent Iraqis, I have no empathy for them, AT ALL. True, we shouldn't sink to their level, but we haven't. When we start hacking off limbs, throwing innocent people off of buildings, slowly lowering people into huge shredders, giving battery acid baths, and smashing infants to death against walls, THEN we will be on their level. Until then, my only concern is for our soldiers & the INNOCENT Iraqi civilians.

That said, the LMM have NOW used this Abu Ghraib incident to review how we treated Al Qaeda members. They are NOW starting to act enraged over our treatment of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the mastermind behind 9/11. We denied him food & medicine for short periods of time, kept him in a dark room, and gave him an upside-down shower, used to simulate a drowning feeling- plus, I'm fairly sure he needed one. We did this to get vital information from him, information which, no doubt, saved lives & helped the CIA to connect the 9/11 dots. If the LMM have their way, they will support bin Laden suing President Bush for racism, religious persecution, and harassment.

So, even though we have the power to take over nearly the entire world, we use our power to free over 50 million people from tyranny. Yeah, there have been a few incidents of abuse or poor judgment, but just keep in mind what we WOULD do if, in fact, we WERE the bad guys. This kind of moral relativism has totally distorted reality, and it is making us into a nation of apologists & terrorist-sympathizers. Liberals might not be outright pulling for the terrorists, but they SURE as hell aren't pulling for US! Remember...."Blame America first, screw the truth!" Now that they have gone so far as to call these acts at Abu Ghraib "atrocities," I am just waiting for them to go for the gusto with " waton acts of mass genocide."

When you see Democrats like Bill Nelson & Dianne Feinstein using Berg's slaughter to make a political point, one where they, for the most part, blame us, even calling us barbarians, the liberals are showing where their allegiance lies. When one of their leaders, Howard Dean, calls terrorists "soldiers," when Kerry calls Hamas & Hezbollah "sort of" terrorist groups, when you have Teddy "The Killer" Kennedy drawing a DIRECT parallel between President Bush & Saddam Hussein, you KNOW that they are the willing pawns of our enemies, just as they were during the Cold War.

When we Americans call for an end or even a reduction to the aborting of innocent babies, liberals accuse us of being misogynistic oppressors. Yet, when a muslim man stones his wife to death, the result of some infraction of islamic "law" on her part, liberals tell us that this is just a case of us not being knowledgeable of their culture. Well, I say it is a case of THEM having a backwards, fuc&ed-up culture....if you can CALL it a "culture." So, I say that we say FU*K IT! I say we tell liberals & muslims that sticking women's panties on terrorists' heads is "just part of OUR culture".....and they, the terrorists, had better thank their lucky fu*king NECKS for it!

As with all liberal ideas & sinister strategies of the LMM, their attempt to use these Abu Ghraib photos to bash Bush & America will backfire. Instead of the American public turning on Bush & their own country, coming to the conclusion that they, just as the terrorists, are monsters, they will become enranged & emotionally fortified. The American public will put into perspective the mischief & infractions at Abu Ghraib with the gruesome Berg beheading, they will remember 9/11, and they will decide that Americans, in fact, ARE the good guys, not the misunderstood terrorists. They will see our minor flaws, but they will see our progress, compassion, & humanity. They will see that the LMM, with their disproportionate coverage between these two events, are working hand-in-hand with the terrorists. They will not buy the whole "We are patriots for exposing the evil of our soldiers & president" garbage. They will see that the LMM only considers action to be patriotic when it comes at the detriment of President Bush, our military, and our war against these barbarians. They will compare the terrorist prisoners at Abu Ghraib with that of Nick Berg, the symbol of innocence, the symbol of a person who just wanted to help people. The LMM & liberal politicians will fail here, just as they will fail on November 2nd.

When liberals say, "Who the hell are WE to force our culture on others?," we need to say, "We're America, we're the good guys, we have the biggest bat on the block, and, if you can't take it away from us, you better get used to it!"
I certainly don't and don't want to speak for the liberal media.

But as for America being ALL good:

I love my country, and as any good American I constantly question authority. The U.S. has made a lot of mistakes. Alot of criticisms of foreigners are probably based on jealousy or on the fact that they're tired of US dominance in global life, but we need not be afraid of being a bit more introspective.

Europeans make some good points when they bring up the fact that for a country that is constantly imposing our will on others, we have some really fucked up problems in our own backyard. Among them, the highest rate of gun-related deaths IN THE WORLD.

I mean hell, do we get along so poorly as fellow Americans that we need to form new borders and nations within our own country as someone brought up today?

America is great though.
Anyone who declares "God is Great" an murders my brethren, be damned.

But I won't let my country behave with same type of vengence of those that don't value life... AT ALL.

This was not a direct response to your post, just some things I though of...
When liberals say, "Who the hell are WE to force our culture on others?," we need to say, "We're America, we're the good guys, we have the biggest bat on the block, and, if you can't take it away from us, you better get used to it!"

now, is it just me or does that smack of Imperialism without the colonialism?
It smacks of the ignorance that could make us justifiably hated by those who now only hate us because they follow some twisted, militant-Islamic psychopath.

We need to lead by example, not by brute force. We use brute force to establish strategic goals, not diplomatic ones.
osama bin laden and all those who follow his perverted version of islam are fanatical idealists. You can't be diplomatic with idealists. Idealists are unpredictable except that you can bank on them doing anything necessary to achieve those ideals. You can't be strategic with them either because of that very unpredictability. You must be direct, forceful, even more guerilla like than they are.
I liked it too Spikes!! :clap:
I was so angered about what happened to those Iraqi prisoners, but seriously, I am starting to not give one shit. I hate to say that because I do feel compassion for all, but it's getting to that point. I am sick to death of other countries who thought America was shit before, is trying to knock us off this "pedastel" (sp?) that they didn't even believe we were on in the first place.
And even Americans, and I totally understand where you're coming from cause I was saying it too, BUT, if I hear "we're better than that" one more friggin' time I'm gonna scream! WHY??? Why do WE have to be better than that? They're burning our people, they're hanging our people, they're cutting heads off our people, they're bombing OUR PEOPLE, WHY do WE have to be better than that?
I'm sorry, but this is just amazing and dissapointing the hell out of me. I just don't understand.
Please, no violins are needed, I'm not asking for pity just trying to state MY feelings. Thank you!
Originally posted by nycflasher
It smacks of the ignorance that could make us justifiably hated by those who now only hate us because they follow some twisted, militant-Islamic psychopath.

We need to lead by example, not by brute force. We use brute force to establish strategic goals, not diplomatic ones.

Damn STRAIGHT! Who the hell were WE to call Hitler evil? Why couldn't we just understand that they were sick of those Jews taking their jobs? Who the hell were WE to call the Soviet Union "The Evil Empire?" It was because of our ignorance & lack of understanding which kept us from realizing that Stalin was forced to murder 26 million of his OWN PEOPLE!

I rarely call someone out by quoting them, but I think you speak for a LOT of liberals.

I just want everyone to examine his first few lines and REALLY think about their complete absurdity. Ok, so our enemies are crazy, violent, they follow a psycho extremist, they want to destroy let's not make them mad?

I think I will let it speak for itself, but it sure sounds like "surrender" to me..

I'm telling you guys, I just saw two segments on Chris Matthews' "Nerf Softball," and we are at WAR with liberals.

First, he showed a disgusting murder of vietnamese civilians, then cut to Abu Ghraib pics. Then, he bled Nixon's face- I was screaming,"Come on, bleed it into Bush's"- into Bush's, using similar soundbites from both.

Second, he did a segment on whether or not the media were being balanced in their coverage of the pictures. So, to get to the truth he interviewed.....TWO LIBERALS![Michael Wolff & Bob Zelnick]

He actually ended the segment with the best part: "You're watching Hardball.....and it IS!"


Now, I would like to say that I hope that the weird connections between Berg and, well, I just want to let it play out, making sure that everything is what we thought it was. I am fairly sure that everything was just a big coincidence.

Having said that, I found that his father's statement was very telling of Bush haters. He said that President Bush & Rumsfeld are responsible for his son's death, this even though his son A) Was NOT in the military, hence was not required to be there, and B) He CHOSE to go there, something I always found a little strange, but I guess that he just wanted to do his own thing, and C) The FBI pleaded with Nick to safely get him out of the country, but he refused, though that is no excuse for what those barbaric bastards did to him.

Still, his father's indictment of Bush & Rummy wasn't the most telling point. No, it was when he said that he guessed that the Al Qaeda guys were "PROBABLY" just as bad as Bush. PROBABLY? WHAT THE FU*K! Tell Daniel Pearl's family. Tell the families of the Fallujah massacre. Tell the families of 9/11- not the liberal activist ones, that is- that Al Qaeda isn't nearly as evil as the man, President Bush, who avenged their deaths, invaded the country responsible, waged war against bin Laden & crushed- to a great extent- his organization, freed 50 million people, is waging a gloal war on terror, and who has kept us safe ever since that day of death & destruction!!!!!!

I guess he would prefer the Clinton Doctrine: Fu*k a young intern and ignore it.

Or the Kerry Doctrine: Pick from 6 or 7 rhetorical options, given whatever day it is.

I feel horrible for his loss, but I believe he is disgracing his own son's memory, especially if his son, as reported, was a Bush supporter.

My friends, this is the war we are fighting against terrorists & liberals, and we CANNOT LOSE!
well said Spikes.

I just want to say the panties are mightier than the sword. Most men would do anything for a woman. Heck how many wars have been fought because a man is trying to get his woman out of her panties? Food for thought.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
well said Spike.

I just want to say the panties are mightier than the sword. Most men would do anything for a woman. Heck how many wars have been fought because a man is trying to get his woman out of her panties? Food for thought.

Which makes you wonder if these Islamic terrorists are really men. Because they don't go for the panties like we do. :D

Anyway, excellent points again Spikes. Everything i've wanted to say but didnt know how to articulate.
Originally posted by insein
Which makes you wonder if these Islamic terrorists are really men. Because they don't go for the panties like we do. :D

Anyway, excellent points again Spikes. Everything i've wanted to say but didnt know how to articulate.

Well Islam DOES have major problems with women in that they feel so scared of them that they must control them. Hence the need for burkas and such.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
well said Spikes.

I just want to say the panties are mightier than the sword. Most men would do anything for a woman. Heck how many wars have been fought because a man is trying to get his woman out of her panties? Food for thought.

Can you say Helen of Troy?? :D
Originally posted by gop_jeff
Can you say Helen of Troy?? :D

Yeah. Or cleopatra is another one off the top of my head... i was thinking about Troy more specifically since the movie comes out tonight.
With all of our might, technology, & our powerful military, just think of the damage we COULD do if we WANTED to go that route. We might lose several hundred thousand soldiers, but we could OWN this world in a few years, killing & nuking hundreds of millions of people.
Obviously, you're not and I'm not advocating that the US do that, but it's really true. Can you imagine what a lot of terrorists and rogue nations would do if they had the types of weapons and technology the US has? If people think that the US shows no restraint, it is nothing compared to what they would do.

I am always disgusted by people saying how horrible the US is and how we're no better than terrorists. Some also say shit like how they could understand why they would behead someone because of what went on at Abu Ghirab. Al-Zarqawi made up some bullshit about how he did it because of the prisoner abuses, but, as you said, he didn't seem to care about blowing up Iraqi citizens. Also, I'm sure he wouldn't care if US prisoners were tortured and killed.
I am tired of people stating what a bad country America is. The point has been made that if we were truely bad, we could be ruling the world by now. This is especially true since for a period of about 10 years we were the only ones with atomic weapons. We could have nuked the shit out of the Russians and forced the world to bend to our will. Instead, we shared the bomb with the Birtish and French and opted for the cold war instead of just nuking them. Is that the actions of a country that is just as bad as the terrorists?
Reading these has made me think of Israel for some reason. I mean Ive never understood how people can support the palestinians in this. The Israelis are obviously the ones who want peace. I mean they are the ones offering the land. They are the ones trying to make the deals. Yet people seem to be like well Israel is so evil cause they use those weapons to hunt down terrorists and all and im thinking you know with all the weapons we supply them, if they were really that bad they could have ruled the middle east many times over already.

And if Israel could do it im sure we could as well if we really wanted that. But we dont. we just want these people to stop annnoying us. to actually work with us and better mankind. Frickin idiots.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Reading these has made me think of Israel for some reason. I mean Ive never understood how people can support the palestinians in this. The Israelis are obviously the ones who want peace. I mean they are the ones offering the land. They are the ones trying to make the deals. Yet people seem to be like well Israel is so evil cause they use those weapons to hunt down terrorists and all and im thinking you know with all the weapons we supply them, if they were really that bad they could have ruled the middle east many times over already.

And if Israel could do it im sure we could as well if we really wanted that. But we dont. we just want these people to stop annnoying us. to actually work with us and better mankind. Frickin idiots.

Don't forget that Israel is the only one that followed the UN by establishing a Jewish state in the first place. The original agreement in 1948 allowed for both a Palestinian and a Jewish state. The Palestinians, under the influence of the surrounding Arab nations, rejected the deal and wanted it all. Why is it that Arabs seem to have a difficult time following UN mandates yet they want to hide behind the UN when they think it is in their best interest....? Human nature I guess.

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