The Other Paris Church Fire No One Is Talking About

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Just one month ago another very famous church nearly was burnt to the ground.
Paris is in upheaval, and part of that is the social unrest caused by a large influx of so called Muslim refugees. I have no doubt in my mind that these church burnings, two within 30 days in Paris, are directly tied to Arson and Radical Islam.

Paris' historic Saint-Sulpice church briefly catches fire, nobody hurt - Reuters

PARIS (Reuters) - Paris’s historic Saint-Sulpice church, which was used in the filming of U.S. author Dan Brown’s ‘Da Vinci Code’ bestseller, briefly caught fire on Sunday but firefighters were able to bring the blaze under control and nobody was hurt.

The church, which was built in the 17th century on foundations dating from the Middle Ages, towers over the Left Bank district of Saint Germain des Pres.
Just one month ago another very famous church nearly was burnt to the ground.
Paris is in upheaval, and part of that is the social unrest caused by a large influx of so called Muslim refugees. I have no doubt in my mind that these church burnings, two within 30 days in Paris, are directly tied to Arson and Radical Islam.

Paris' historic Saint-Sulpice church briefly catches fire, nobody hurt - Reuters

PARIS (Reuters) - Paris’s historic Saint-Sulpice church, which was used in the filming of U.S. author Dan Brown’s ‘Da Vinci Code’ bestseller, briefly caught fire on Sunday but firefighters were able to bring the blaze under control and nobody was hurt.

The church, which was built in the 17th century on foundations dating from the Middle Ages, towers over the Left Bank district of Saint Germain des Pres.
If you have no doubt in your mind then I guess it's safe to say that it's all bullshit.
Just one month ago another very famous church nearly was burnt to the ground.
Paris is in upheaval, and part of that is the social unrest caused by a large influx of so called Muslim refugees. I have no doubt in my mind that these church burnings, two within 30 days in Paris, are directly tied to Arson and Radical Islam.

Paris' historic Saint-Sulpice church briefly catches fire, nobody hurt - Reuters

PARIS (Reuters) - Paris’s historic Saint-Sulpice church, which was used in the filming of U.S. author Dan Brown’s ‘Da Vinci Code’ bestseller, briefly caught fire on Sunday but firefighters were able to bring the blaze under control and nobody was hurt.

The church, which was built in the 17th century on foundations dating from the Middle Ages, towers over the Left Bank district of Saint Germain des Pres.

Evidence? You don't need no stinkin' evidence. It's hate of all things Muslim.

These are ancient buildings. The fire at Notre Dame started with the workers who were repairing the spire. The spire caught fire and the fire spread to the roof.

Amazing, you refuse to believe the evidence of your own eyes that Trump threatened witnesses, and committed obstruction of justice. You refuse to believe that right wing terrorism is a problem, but you are fully prepared to believe that Muslims are burning churches in Paris.

You are too stupid to be one person.
Just one month ago another very famous church nearly was burnt to the ground.
Paris is in upheaval, and part of that is the social unrest caused by a large influx of so called Muslim refugees. I have no doubt in my mind that these church burnings, two within 30 days in Paris, are directly tied to Arson and Radical Islam.

Paris' historic Saint-Sulpice church briefly catches fire, nobody hurt - Reuters

PARIS (Reuters) - Paris’s historic Saint-Sulpice church, which was used in the filming of U.S. author Dan Brown’s ‘Da Vinci Code’ bestseller, briefly caught fire on Sunday but firefighters were able to bring the blaze under control and nobody was hurt.

The church, which was built in the 17th century on foundations dating from the Middle Ages, towers over the Left Bank district of Saint Germain des Pres.
You mean the churches in the South, don't you?
Catholic and French......more likely some freedom fry eating redneck got their bass boat across the pond, entered illegally, and torched the place.
Just one month ago another very famous church nearly was burnt to the ground.
Paris is in upheaval, and part of that is the social unrest caused by a large influx of so called Muslim refugees. I have no doubt in my mind that these church burnings, two within 30 days in Paris, are directly tied to Arson and Radical Islam.

Paris' historic Saint-Sulpice church briefly catches fire, nobody hurt - Reuters

PARIS (Reuters) - Paris’s historic Saint-Sulpice church, which was used in the filming of U.S. author Dan Brown’s ‘Da Vinci Code’ bestseller, briefly caught fire on Sunday but firefighters were able to bring the blaze under control and nobody was hurt.

The church, which was built in the 17th century on foundations dating from the Middle Ages, towers over the Left Bank district of Saint Germain des Pres.

I agree....I also hope that Macaroni insists that a fire protection system be part of the rebuild.

Just one month ago another very famous church nearly was burnt to the ground.
Paris is in upheaval, and part of that is the social unrest caused by a large influx of so called Muslim refugees. I have no doubt in my mind that these church burnings, two within 30 days in Paris, are directly tied to Arson and Radical Islam.

Paris' historic Saint-Sulpice church briefly catches fire, nobody hurt - Reuters

PARIS (Reuters) - Paris’s historic Saint-Sulpice church, which was used in the filming of U.S. author Dan Brown’s ‘Da Vinci Code’ bestseller, briefly caught fire on Sunday but firefighters were able to bring the blaze under control and nobody was hurt.

The church, which was built in the 17th century on foundations dating from the Middle Ages, towers over the Left Bank district of Saint Germain des Pres.
Burnt to the ground?

It was a fire in a pile of donated clothes
Just one month ago another very famous church nearly was burnt to the ground.
Paris is in upheaval, and part of that is the social unrest caused by a large influx of so called Muslim refugees. I have no doubt in my mind that these church burnings, two within 30 days in Paris, are directly tied to Arson and Radical Islam.

Paris' historic Saint-Sulpice church briefly catches fire, nobody hurt - Reuters

PARIS (Reuters) - Paris’s historic Saint-Sulpice church, which was used in the filming of U.S. author Dan Brown’s ‘Da Vinci Code’ bestseller, briefly caught fire on Sunday but firefighters were able to bring the blaze under control and nobody was hurt.

The church, which was built in the 17th century on foundations dating from the Middle Ages, towers over the Left Bank district of Saint Germain des Pres.

I agree....I also hope that Macaroni insists that a fire protection system be part of the rebuild.


I’m sure they will use more modern fire suppression techniques that were not available 700 years ago
LOL You probably blame bad weather on Muslims.

"This drink tastes funny.... must be Muslims"

"Raining today..... must be Muslims"

Steak too well done....Muslims

Car won't start.....

Ran outta TP....

And so on....
Read this. FNC is almost as littered with dimocrap scum leftist pigs as most other 'news' outlets. You can't count on any of them to be truthful.

Directly from Ace of Spades HQ

............I admit that even I was not aware of the epidemic of church desecrations, thanks largely to a media actively working to cover up the global jihad or excuse and obfuscate those acts it cannot. That was shoved right in our face yesterday in the erstwhile "fair and balanced" Fox News coverage of the fire by Shep Smith and Neil Cavuto. The former was interviewing a French media analyst, someone I should think has more of a handle on what's going on in the country than Shep. But the moment he mentioned the wave of church arson and desecration, Smith warned him not to speculate about it and repeatedly shut him down. Here's a guy in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina unequivocally declared there was cannibalism going on in the Superdome and night after night for the past two years proclaimed Trump to be a liar - both with absolutely zero evidence at all. And yet, he has the unmitigated temerity to warn a French media analyst not to mention the possible connection to scores of absolutely 100% confirmed acts of church arson ravaging that country.

Even more disgusting was the performance of Neil Cavuto, someone I actually once respected as a fair and open-minded pundit. No more. His guest was Bill Donohue, one of the most erudite, knowledgeable and vocal proponents not just of Catholicism but of religious freedom and tolerance. You couldn't find a more decent guy out there. And yet, when he brought up the undeniable possibility that this might be another act of terrorism, Cavuto fired a warning shot. Donahue did not back down and rightly and reasonably tried to bring up the issue which by all logic and reasoning is relevant even if it has yet to be proven or disproven. Beyond that, the wave of attacks and other persecution against Christians and Jews around the world perpetrated 99.999% by Muslims (who also are far and away most culpable for attacks on their co-religionists) and in accordance with the central tenets of their faith has been going on almost non-stop and in ever-increasing frequency and bloodiness since 9/11 and mores since Obama and his administration's fecklessness and madness spawned ISIS.

In any case, when a reasonable, responsible religious advocate and civic leader such as Bill Donohue, who is about as far from a tinfoil-hat wearing fire-can't-melt-steel type as you can get raises the issue, what did Cavuto do? He hung up on him. Loathsome, loutish and despicable. And dangerous.

All of this serves as an object lesson when one considers the revolting, pig-ignorant words of "Bro-Fo" Omar, and the reaction to them from all quarters. Rush Limbaugh made this observation yesterday:

...You know, there is a trend that has developed in the Drive-By Media, and it is happening all over cable news. It doesn't matter where you go in the mainstream media. Any story that comes out, any story, if the story is a negative for the Republicans or for conservatives, then that alone is the story.
However, if a story emerges that is bad for the left, like the Covington kids or the Mueller report or anything, anything that is bad for the left, anything that's bad for the media, guess what the story is? The story is not the story. The story is the right's reaction to it. And so the conservative Republican segment of our population is always the target of any story, especially stories that are bad for the left, especially stories that point to the hypocrisy of the left...

The media is supposed to be a sacred institution whose purpose is pursuing the truth wherever it may take us as well as ensuring that all opinions have a free and open forum to be expressed. Now, take what I just said and imagine it's exact polar opposite. That is our legacy media today. It is actively seeking to silence anyone and anything that will impede, disrupt or threaten the Leftist Globalist enterprise. And given that Islam has the unholiest of alliances (pun totally intended) with the aforementioned, all voices against it will have their tongues cut out. Rhetorically or otherwise.........

dimocraps are scum

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