The Only Way To Defeat Slavery


Sep 23, 2010
The number of slaves worldwide is a lot higher than 30 million. This excerpt only identifies the most brutal forms of slavery:

LONDON, Oct 17 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Some 30 million people are enslaved worldwide, trafficked into brothels, forced into manual labor, victims of debt bondage or even born into servitude, a global index on modern slavery showed on Thursday.

Thirty million people are slaves, half in India: survey
By Timothy Large| Reuters – 9 hours ago

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Every definition of human slavery and slave can be applied to tax dollar slavery. I’ve inserted the word government in the following dictionary definitions:

slavery (noun)
plural slaveries

1. The state of one bound in servitude as the property of a slaveholder (government) or household (government). See synonyms at servitude.

2. a. The practice of owning slaves. b. A mode of production in which slaves constitute the principal work force.

3. The condition of being subject or addicted to a specified influence (government).

4. A condition of hard work and subjection: wage slavery (government).


slave (noun)

1. One bound in servitude as the property of a person (government) or household (government).

2. One who is abjectly subservient to a specified person (government) or influence (government): “I was still the slave of education and prejudice” (Edward Gibbon).

3. One who works extremely hard.

4. A machine or component controlled by another machine or component.

Thirty million slaves in today’s world is far off the mark when you include the number of people enslaved by their governments through taxation. Look at it this way. Only a minute percentage of all of the human beings that ever lived were not slaves. Interestingly, the exact dates for the life span of non-slaves is known. Those few people who were not slaves were only free from December 15, 1791 to February 3, 1913.

Before continuing, let me say that I know all of the talking points about slavery in early America; so please spare me. I have no use for black racists who, more than any other group, were instrumental in enslaving everybody in the myth of equality. The Chicago sewer rat living in the White House is their flag bearer.

October 2, 2013
Why 'Equality' Must Die
By Selwyn Duke

Articles: Why 'Equality' Must Die

In this thread I’m not talking about slavery in early America. That horse was ridden to death when I was a teenager. I’m talking about that brief span of 122 years when people who were free to work for themselves and keep what they earned. More than 122 years if you add in those colonial Americans who were free to work for themselves before the Constitution was ratified, but still an insignificant number in mankind’s long list of governments that came and went over thousands of years. There was never another like it should tell you why priests hate it so much.

NOTE: In Barack Taqiyya’s long running goal of establishing himself as a spiritual leader he asked “What kind of a country do we want to live in?” By now, everyone should know that he wants a Communist country. The question itself shows that he hates America as it once was. The thing that is most troubling about Taqiyya is that many Americans —— in addition to his army of parasites —— allow a piece of garbage to define their country, their morality, their living standards, and just about everything else. You’d have to be living in a vacuum not to know that Congress is more like the R.C.Ch’s college of cardinals than a legislative body representing the American people.

The shutdown

If you look at the government shutdown along with the accompanying media B.S. you’ll see that the scum in government never had any intention of relinquishing their grip on their slaves. To do so meant returning the freedoms that were stolen in 1913. That’s why I do not devote too much time posting messages about the economy’s nuts and bolt. Nothing is going to change for the better until the XVI Amendment is repealed.

Consider this. Slavery is handed down from generation to generation; i.e., children born into slavery are condemned to slavery. Starting in 1913 it’s fair to say that many Americans are fifth generation slaves. Seventeen trillion dollars in debt, and growing, begs the question: Are future Americans being condemned to slavery by debt? Answer: Yes, because in order for Socialism to compete with longstanding religions in the coming centuries the Socialist priesthood is deliberately enslaving generations yet unborn as well as using tax dollars to fund Socialism worldwide. No other religion could get away with proselytizing by force in this country because it is a violation of the First Amendment:

proselytize (verb)
proselytized, proselytizing, proselytizes verb, intransitive

1. To induce someone to convert to one's own religious faith.

2. To induce someone to join one's own political party or to espouse one's doctrine.

verb, transitive
To convert (a person) from one belief, doctrine, cause, or faith to another.
proselytization (noun)
proselytizer (noun)

In practical terms the federal government has carte blanche to bury Americans under mountains of debt. Debt and taxing income was not enough for the scum in government. Importing slaves for the purpose of cheap labor is a prelude to slavery by force.

Bottom line: The tax on income is cheap labor. The higher the taxes the cheaper the labor. Combining the income tax with higher prices for life’s necessities, and the dollar’s shrinking buying power, puts private sector Americans one step ahead of slavery —— and slavery is gaining.

Working for one’s self ——not education as the government tells us while they enslave us —— is the only way to defeat slavery in all of its forms.
Slaves in India?
Surely not.

Of course, criticise India in any way and 'racist' will immediately be hurled at you.

Yes, anything and everything they do in India is just fine by the PC brigades of multiculturalism and appeasement in the West.

Everything that happens in the world today is screamed by many as being all the fault of White males.
Of course, criticise India in any way and 'racist' will immediately be hurled at you.

Yes, anything and everything they do in India is just fine by the PC brigades of multiculturalism and appeasement in the West.

Everything that happens in the world today is screamed by many as being all the fault of White males.

To bianco: Exactly so. Not only do they scream racist at every opportunity, not once did I ever hear a politically correct freakazoid point out that it was white Christian males in missionary societies who fought to stop girl babies from being thrown in the river in many countries. Instead of a simple acknowledgment for trying to stop the slaughter of female babies Democrat party strategists accuse white males of being women-haters.

Trying to put an end to infanticide’s barbarity came to a halt with the advent of worldwide Socialism. Kermit Gosnell is the tip of the iceberg in our country. I fully expect that piece of garbage in the White House to pardon Gosnell in addition to funding baby-killing with federal tax dollars going through Planned Parenthood:

Democratic leaders in Colorado, sympathetic to Planned Parenthood officials and their financial desires, have unconstitutionally handed over some $14 million from state taxpayers to the abortion industry giant, according to a new lawsuit has that been filed.


It alleges that in open defiance of a state constitutional prohibition on taxpayer funding of abortions – either “directly or indirectly” – Hickenlooper, a Democrat, and his predecessor, Bill Ritter, also a Democrat, handed over millions to Planned Parenthood.

Colorado sued for funding Planned Parenthood
Voters have decided to ban 'direct or indirect' tax subsidies for abortion
Published: 10 hours ago

Colorado sued for funding Planned Parenthood

Also, our wonderful Socialists posing as Democrats suck up to China, but never a word against the Chicoms leaving unwanted infants and children to die of disease and starvation in state run institutions. It seems that Socialists/Communists can always find the money to enrich themselves, while they always act as though coming down on the side of life takes money out of their pockets.

Today, Socialism’s culture of death is preparing to slaughter the aged, the infirm, and the unwanted with the help of the Affordable Care Act. The next logical step is to euthanize veterans with “expensive” wounds received in combat. That’s not so far-fetched when you look at how Democrats already treat America’s veterans.

Finally, the sad truth is that ending slavery everywhere is not a priority for the filthy bums in Washington, and all the while they tell us about the glories of diplomacy and negotiating. Hell, they won’t even talk about slavery never mind stopping foreign aid to countries where various forms of slavery are practiced openly.

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