The only thing that can really save our country in the long run

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Term limits for Congress.

I believe it really is that simple. Term limits would relieve a lot of the financial corruption that leads to bad laws and regulations. If a congressman didn't have to focus so much of his time trying to appease donors and influential figures they could instead focus on the issues that face our country.
Either party couldn't threaten members to vote a certain way or lose reelection funding. Career politicians will always put their own careers ahead of our countries best interest.
It could also prevent either the left or the right from drastically altering the direction of this country.

On a related topic I believe that elections should have both monetary restrictions placed on them. Ads should be restricted to public television with limits placed on them. Remove the need for huge cash investments in campaigns and we remove the tool for a lot of the corruption that begins before a candidate even takes office.
Term limits maybe maybe not.
Major campaign finance reform, Yes.
Just my two cents.
I agree. I would also add that all bills must stand alone. No more piggybacking.

I'd also like to see a justification of how each bill is Constitutional.
Term limits for Congress.

I believe it really is that simple. Term limits would relieve a lot of the financial corruption that leads to bad laws and regulations. If a congressman didn't have to focus so much of his time trying to appease donors and influential figures they could instead focus on the issues that face our country.
Either party couldn't threaten members to vote a certain way or lose reelection funding. Career politicians will always put their own careers ahead of our countries best interest.
It could also prevent either the left or the right from drastically altering the direction of this country.

On a related topic I believe that elections should have both monetary restrictions placed on them. Ads should be restricted to public television with limits placed on them. Remove the need for huge cash investments in campaigns and we remove the tool for a lot of the corruption that begins before a candidate even takes office.

Where in the Constitution does it allow for term-limits for members of Congress?
Term limits for Congress.

I believe it really is that simple. Term limits would relieve a lot of the financial corruption that leads to bad laws and regulations. If a congressman didn't have to focus so much of his time trying to appease donors and influential figures they could instead focus on the issues that face our country.
Either party couldn't threaten members to vote a certain way or lose reelection funding. Career politicians will always put their own careers ahead of our countries best interest.
It could also prevent either the left or the right from drastically altering the direction of this country.

On a related topic I believe that elections should have both monetary restrictions placed on them. Ads should be restricted to public television with limits placed on them. Remove the need for huge cash investments in campaigns and we remove the tool for a lot of the corruption that begins before a candidate even takes office.

You're right. Usually I think you're a partisan hack, but these ideas have some merit.

Term limits for Congress should be no more than 10 years (5 terms) and 12 years (2 terms) for Senators. Then, if a corporation wanted to buy influence in DC they'd have to do it on a regular basis, making it more expensive for them, as well as would make it easier to expose the companies that are buying influence.

As far as monetary restrictions? Definitely, because corporations will always have more money than your average citizen to donate to campaigns, basically rendering the politician beholden to a corporation even before they swear in to office.

BTW...........Have a pos rep for some decent ideas Grandpa.
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Term limits for Congress.

I believe it really is that simple. Term limits would relieve a lot of the financial corruption that leads to bad laws and regulations. If a congressman didn't have to focus so much of his time trying to appease donors and influential figures they could instead focus on the issues that face our country.
Either party couldn't threaten members to vote a certain way or lose reelection funding. Career politicians will always put their own careers ahead of our countries best interest.
It could also prevent either the left or the right from drastically altering the direction of this country.

On a related topic I believe that elections should have both monetary restrictions placed on them. Ads should be restricted to public television with limits placed on them. Remove the need for huge cash investments in campaigns and we remove the tool for a lot of the corruption that begins before a candidate even takes office.

Where in the Constitution does it allow for term-limits for members of Congress?

In the amendment that has yet to be put to a vote and the presidents desk.
Term limits for Congress.

I believe it really is that simple. Term limits would relieve a lot of the financial corruption that leads to bad laws and regulations. If a congressman didn't have to focus so much of his time trying to appease donors and influential figures they could instead focus on the issues that face our country.
Either party couldn't threaten members to vote a certain way or lose reelection funding. Career politicians will always put their own careers ahead of our countries best interest.
It could also prevent either the left or the right from drastically altering the direction of this country.

On a related topic I believe that elections should have both monetary restrictions placed on them. Ads should be restricted to public television with limits placed on them. Remove the need for huge cash investments in campaigns and we remove the tool for a lot of the corruption that begins before a candidate even takes office.

Here we go agian. Another liberal wants to write enough laws that government can manage itself. 'if we just make the bureaucracy big enough, then the bureaucracy will no longer be a bureaucracy'. Quit being a fucking bum and manage your own government. You already have term limits just vote them out.

What your really talking about is stripping the freedom of choice from the citizens. It sounds like a great plan provided its a shitbag that the people hate, but what if its a congressman like Ron Paul who has been elected 12 times?

No, the solution is to return to the constitution and strip federal government of most of its power. That power should return to the states, and thus to the people. When citizens know they have a greater stake in whats going on there will be more participation. It dilutes corporate power into 50 governments instead of one.

As usual, government is the problem. It is not the solution. Expansion of government will only create more problems.
Term limits for Congress.

I believe it really is that simple. Term limits would relieve a lot of the financial corruption that leads to bad laws and regulations. If a congressman didn't have to focus so much of his time trying to appease donors and influential figures they could instead focus on the issues that face our country.
Either party couldn't threaten members to vote a certain way or lose reelection funding. Career politicians will always put their own careers ahead of our countries best interest.
It could also prevent either the left or the right from drastically altering the direction of this country.

On a related topic I believe that elections should have both monetary restrictions placed on them. Ads should be restricted to public television with limits placed on them. Remove the need for huge cash investments in campaigns and we remove the tool for a lot of the corruption that begins before a candidate even takes office.

You're right. Usually I think you're a partisan hack, but these ideas have some merit.


BTW...........Have a pos rep for some decent ideas Grandpa.

Term limits for Congress.

I believe it really is that simple. Term limits would relieve a lot of the financial corruption that leads to bad laws and regulations. If a congressman didn't have to focus so much of his time trying to appease donors and influential figures they could instead focus on the issues that face our country.
Either party couldn't threaten members to vote a certain way or lose reelection funding. Career politicians will always put their own careers ahead of our countries best interest.
It could also prevent either the left or the right from drastically altering the direction of this country.

On a related topic I believe that elections should have both monetary restrictions placed on them. Ads should be restricted to public television with limits placed on them. Remove the need for huge cash investments in campaigns and we remove the tool for a lot of the corruption that begins before a candidate even takes office.

Here we go agian. Another liberal wants to write enough laws that government can manage itself. 'if we just make the bureaucracy big enough, then the bureaucracy will no longer be a bureaucracy'. Quit being a fucking bum and manage your own government. You already have term limits just vote them out.

What your really talking about is stripping the freedom of choice from the citizens. It sounds like a great plan provided its a shitbag that the people hate, but what if its a congressman like Ron Paul who has been elected 12 times?

No, the solution is to return to the constitution and strip federal government of most of its power. That power should return to the states, and thus to the people. When citizens know they have a greater stake in whats going on there will be more participation. It dilutes corporate power into 50 governments instead of one.

As usual, government is the problem. It is not the solution. Expansion of government will only create more problems.

How the fuck is imposing term limits growing the govt? Do tell.....

And by the way Paul has been one of the least effective congressmen of all time. All those years in congress and all the money spent supporting him through his position and all he has to show for it is one fucking law that passed. And that law was to sell a piece of property for historical purposes. What a joke.
I agree. I would also add that all bills must stand alone. No more piggybacking.

I'd also like to see a justification of how each bill is Constitutional.

With the power that the federal government currently has individual bills would be a disaster. It would gridlock much, much worse then it already is.

Each bill is supposed to be constitutional. It is the Presidents responsibility to veto every bill that is unconstitutional. So again people, if you want to fix shit then look to yourself instead of writing more laws. You will never make the government manage itself. It must be managed by us.

If you really wanted each bill to be constitutional then you would elect a honorable constitutionalists into the white house instead of sycophants.
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Term limits for Congress.

I believe it really is that simple. Term limits would relieve a lot of the financial corruption that leads to bad laws and regulations. If a congressman didn't have to focus so much of his time trying to appease donors and influential figures they could instead focus on the issues that face our country.
Either party couldn't threaten members to vote a certain way or lose reelection funding. Career politicians will always put their own careers ahead of our countries best interest.
It could also prevent either the left or the right from drastically altering the direction of this country.

On a related topic I believe that elections should have both monetary restrictions placed on them. Ads should be restricted to public television with limits placed on them. Remove the need for huge cash investments in campaigns and we remove the tool for a lot of the corruption that begins before a candidate even takes office.

Here we go agian. Another liberal wants to write enough laws that government can manage itself. 'if we just make the bureaucracy big enough, then the bureaucracy will no longer be a bureaucracy'. Quit being a fucking bum and manage your own government. You already have term limits just vote them out.

What your really talking about is stripping the freedom of choice from the citizens. It sounds like a great plan provided its a shitbag that the people hate, but what if its a congressman like Ron Paul who has been elected 12 times?

No, the solution is to return to the constitution and strip federal government of most of its power. That power should return to the states, and thus to the people. When citizens know they have a greater stake in whats going on there will be more participation. It dilutes corporate power into 50 governments instead of one.

As usual, government is the problem. It is not the solution. Expansion of government will only create more problems.

How the fuck is imposing term limits growing the govt? Do tell.....

And by the way Paul has been one of the least effective congressmen of all time. All those years in congress and all the money spent supporting him through his position and all he has to show for it is one fucking law that passed. And that law was to sell a piece of property for historical purposes. What a joke.

Do you have to write another law to get done what you want?

Thats growing government libby.
I am opposed to term limits.
I am opposed to limiting contributions.

We have had massive regulation of campaign funding. And that's the problem. Candidates have to run around collecting $500 donations. I seem to remember Reagan was elected with about 20 major donors. I could be wrong. It makes candidates whores for thousands of people.
I am for more disclosure on all sides. Shine the light of day and watch the cockroaches scatter.
Here we go agian. Another liberal wants to write enough laws that government can manage itself. 'if we just make the bureaucracy big enough, then the bureaucracy will no longer be a bureaucracy'. Quit being a fucking bum and manage your own government. You already have term limits just vote them out.

What your really talking about is stripping the freedom of choice from the citizens. It sounds like a great plan provided its a shitbag that the people hate, but what if its a congressman like Ron Paul who has been elected 12 times?

No, the solution is to return to the constitution and strip federal government of most of its power. That power should return to the states, and thus to the people. When citizens know they have a greater stake in whats going on there will be more participation. It dilutes corporate power into 50 governments instead of one.

As usual, government is the problem. It is not the solution. Expansion of government will only create more problems.

How the fuck is imposing term limits growing the govt? Do tell.....

And by the way Paul has been one of the least effective congressmen of all time. All those years in congress and all the money spent supporting him through his position and all he has to show for it is one fucking law that passed. And that law was to sell a piece of property for historical purposes. What a joke.

Do you have to write another law to get done what you want?

Thats growing government libby.

Wrong. Using the existing legislature to pass laws that would benefit the country isn't growing government.

Growing government is creating new departments that are in charge of various things, kinda like what Jr. did when he created Homeland Security.
I am opposed to term limits.
I am opposed to limiting contributions.

We have had massive regulation of campaign funding. And that's the problem. Candidates have to run around collecting $500 donations. I seem to remember Reagan was elected with about 20 major donors. I could be wrong. It makes candidates whores for thousands of people.
I am for more disclosure on all sides. Shine the light of day and watch the cockroaches scatter.

That was a different time. As time progresses so does the corruption that money buys. The campaign finance reform we got was a joke.
I am opposed to term limits.
I am opposed to limiting contributions.

We have had massive regulation of campaign funding. And that's the problem. Candidates have to run around collecting $500 donations. I seem to remember Reagan was elected with about 20 major donors. I could be wrong. It makes candidates whores for thousands of people.
I am for more disclosure on all sides. Shine the light of day and watch the cockroaches scatter.

That was a different time. As time progresses so does the corruption that money buys. The campaign finance reform we got was a joke.
Richard Daly stole the Chicago vote for JFK, giving him the presidency. How have we gotten mroe corrupt than that?

There is no way to eliminate money from campaigns without voting people in for life.
Hey wateronthebrain, this thread IS NOT ABOUT PAUL.....numbnuts

You used his name, not me.

Because implying it was a clever way of doing the same damn thing.

You paulbots are so predictable.

Im just speaking the truth. If you associate that with Ron Paul thats fine. The fact that you have a problem with Ron Paul being associated with truth speaks volumes to your mental capacity and your delusional state when it comes to picking your candidate.

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