The Official "Feedback Loop/Ocean Acidification" Challenge Thread

That's funny, but not in a really funny way, more like a Carrottop kind of funny.
Is that how you explain how CO2 is both decreasing in the oceans in a "feedback loop" and increasing in the oceans turning them "Acidic", with stupid insults? The two concepts are mutually exclusive and you've still no posted a single article describing how that works.

I guess it's like waiting for you to post the repeatable lab experiment that shows us how a .01% change in atmospheric composition by adding a wisp (wisp is a vast overstatement) of CO2 causes ANY much less ALL of the things you propose

God learn to read plz. CO2 isn't increasing in the oceans Carbonic acid is, which is a direct result of more CO2 int he atmosphere, further more as water gets more acidic and temperatures rise the oceans will begin absorbing less CO2, resulting in even higher CO2 levels. Further more the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere due to human activities has increased by almost 100% which is a significant amount but given that you cant do basic math I doubt youd realize that

If 100% increase is such a vast increase, how easy should it be for you to post a single laboratory experiment showing how a 100% increase in atmospheric CO2, warms the container and acidified whatever water is in the container?

So your thesis is that CO2 is exiting the oceans as CO2 but then reentering as H2CO3?
"Once dissolved in seawater, CO2 reacts with water, H2O, to form carbonic acid, H2CO3: CO2 + H2O ↔ H2CO3. Carbonic acid dissolves rapidly to form H+ ions (an acid) and bicarbonate, HCO3-(a base)."

Chemical Reactions « Ocean Acidification

This is from a Warmers webpage. Again, how is CO2 both leaving and entering the oceans? It can't be both.

Take a guess how much Carbonic acid is in the oceans expressed as a percent

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