The Officer Who Shot Clay Duke is a Genuine Hero

Mini 14

Senior Member
Jun 6, 2010
Mike Jones: Humble, distraught, courageous, and professional.

Schwinn has donated 500 bikes to his personal cause (he takes broken bikes, repairs them, and gives them to needy kids in Bay County).

He is a true hero, and it is nice to see one of the good guys recognized after such a gut-wrenching experience at the hands of a lunatic POS.

Thank God for men like Mike Jones.
Mike Jones: Humble, distraught, courageous, and professional.

Schwinn has donated 500 bikes to his personal cause (he takes broken bikes, repairs them, and gives them to needy kids in Bay County).

He is a true hero, and it is nice to see one of the good guys recognized after such a gut-wrenching experience at the hands of a lunatic POS.

Thank God for men like Mike Jones.

Agreed. I saw his first interview..he was weeping openly because he felt terrible about "taking someone's son away from them".

It's hard to imagine what gives a person to the fortitude to engage complete lunacy and still come out a strong, caring person. But whatever it is..Mike Jones has it.
Mike Jones: Humble, distraught, courageous, and professional.

Schwinn has donated 500 bikes to his personal cause (he takes broken bikes, repairs them, and gives them to needy kids in Bay County).

He is a true hero, and it is nice to see one of the good guys recognized after such a gut-wrenching experience at the hands of a lunatic POS.

Thank God for men like Mike Jones.

Right person in the right place. Good Man. I watched him on NBC and FOX News.
Endorsed. The man's a hero, but should be treated with quiet gratitude instead of public acclaim - because he's clearly troubled by what he had to do in the circumstances.
Agreed. It was nice to see a corporate giant like Schwinn stand up for him too. He was genuinely touched.

Great guy, who continues to say "I was only doing my job" and is clearly troubled, yet committed to fulfilling his duty.
Sounds like a very good man. I think that most people with a conscience would bad killing another, even if it was 100% justified.
A true hero

Many police are trained not to go one-on one with an armed assailant. Normally, they are instructed to wait for back-up.

Charging in on someone he knew was bent on shooting up the place saved many lives

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