The Occult...ooooooo

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Personally.. I avoid such things as tarot cards, Ouija Boards, saying phrases that could invite trouble to me but I'm just funny that way...I do like reading up on such things though..


The Occult: Some
Definitions and Categories

The word "occult" means: "hidden from view; secret; mysterious..." (The Modern University Dictionary). It has been defined in the following ways:

1. secret, hidden except from those with more than ordinary knowledge. 2. involving the supernatural, occult powers. The occult [involves] the world of the supernatural, mystical or magical. (The Oxford American Dictionary).

"A person...who studies or practices any form of the "occult sciences" (such as divination, magick, mysticism, spiritualism, and so forth) is called an "occultist". (Gerina Dunwitch, A-Z of Wicca, p. 95).


Although many occult groups do tend to share in common elements of secrecy and exclusivism among themselves, it is useful to understand that not all groups which may be classed as "occult" are the same. This article will therefore seek to briefly identify and examine some of the main occult groups in existence today and highlight some of their primary beliefs.


Paganism - Contrary to popular belief, it must be stressed that Pagans do not worship the Devil*. Indeed, Pagans will normally throw their arms up in horror if a Christian accuses them of Devil worship. Pagans tend to be folk who have a leaning towards nature and seek to harness the power of nature through various magical rites. Some, who may have had nominal Christian upbringings, rather than a life changing experience with Christ, may have become disillusioned with 'established religion' and as a result, have seen Paganism, or Witchcraft, as an attractive alternative. Some of the Pagan groups in existence today include: Druids and Wiccans. Most groups tend to worship a female deity (the goddess) whereas some other male dominated paths will worship a male deity of some description. Wiccan's will normally class themselves as practicing 'white' witchcraft, and say that they do good. However, it must be stressed that white witchcraft can certainly lead a person down the slippery slope towards its black counterpart. The Bible does not draw a line between white or black witchcraft, but simply warns against practicing "witchcraft" (e.g. Deut. 18:9-14; Micha 5:12; Gal. 5:20).


Spiritualism (Spiritism) - The main practice, and attraction, for many people to the practice of Spiritualism, is the proffessed ability to contact the dead. Many Spiritualists are normally acting out of genuine motives, and feel that they are doing good by helping those who are grieving by putting them in touch with their departed loved ones. Again, as with Pagans, Spiritualists do not worship the Devil*. In fact, many Christians are surprised when they encounter spiritualists who proffess to be Christians themselves. This branch of Spiritualism labels itself "Christian" by meeting in a "Spiritualist Church", singing hymns at their meetings, and having such things as crosses and Bible's on display in the building. However, although some Spiritualist churches are covered in a veneer of Christian trappings, this does not make Spiritualism compatible with the Christian faith. On the contrary, the Bible explicitly forbids attempted contact with the dead (Deuteronomy 18:11). The Bible states that the dead do not have contact with the living (Luke 16:19-31), and that the messages which are meant to come from the dead are actually from deceiving spirit's who are familiar with the departed. Indeed, Isaiah 29:4 calls such a spirit a "familiar spirit" (KJV).


Satanism - It could well be said that Satanist's fall into three categories:




Typical of the dabbler Satanist is the the young white male who has become bitter against established religion and authority. Many will be into various rock band's and Gothic groups like Marilyn Manson and Cradle of Filth. This catergory of Satanist will openly confess his or her interest in Satanism with the intent to shock others. Some in this catergory will establish a group of others around themselves. This was the case with the teenage gang "The Trenchcoat Mafia", who held to a brand of Satanism, and sadly took the lives of many other teenagers in their school. However, more often than not, most of those who dabble in Satanism tend to be loners.

There's more at the link.. just sayin...:wink_2:

Definitions and Categories
Sheesh .. where's the pitch forks, brooms, torches and caldrons...
Better watch out. Some body will be coming over to your place shaking dead chickens at you and sticking pins into dolls.
I'm not convinced that tarot cards are truly occult...

But who knows.
I'm not convinced that tarot cards are truly occult...

But who knows.

Our discussion inspired this post.

I'm thinking if your actually asking evil into your life in someway you may get more than you bargained for.. I don't know much about tarot cards, is that part of the process?
Belief in the paranormal is for the magical thinkers, not for critical thinkers.

All the magic is done in your head.

Seers, mediums, psychics are all taking advantage of the foolish, the vulnerable, and the grieving. They are blood-sucking leeches.

And that is what I think of that!
LIAR: I'm getting an older woman...and the letter...M.

SUCKER: My aunt Mary!

LIAR: She has passed?


LIAR: I am getting something about the head or chest.

SUCKER: (shakes head, confused)

LIAR: Maybe the back...

SUCKER: Yes! She had a bad back!

LIAR: Yes, she is pointing to her back and making a face.


Later that day:

FRIEND: You went to see a medium?

SUCKER: YEAH! She knew that my aunt Mary had died and had a bad back!!! She knew her name and everything!!!
I do think there's a place for wonder and magic in a child's life or even an adults.. just sayin
I'm not convinced that tarot cards are truly occult...

But who knows.

Our discussion inspired this post.

I'm thinking if your actually asking evil into your life in someway you may get more than you bargained for.. I don't know much about tarot cards, is that part of the process?

I don't know...

I agree with you. I don't mess with ouija boards, with ghosts or spirits..none of that. No voodoo, no wicca, no paganism...I'm a Christian, and if you call a devil they'll come for you.

Tarot is a little different than aren't really reaching into the spirit world. It's more about tuning into universal truths about people and knowing how to apply the cards to the person in front of you.

I'm good at it...but because I'm Christian and it's generally frowned upon, I don't mess with it anymore. I don't think it's demonic, I don't think it's even spiritual...unless you make it so.

You can make a popsicle stick into a demonic symbol if you're inclined that way. I never have been.
I'm not convinced that tarot cards are truly occult...

But who knows.

Our discussion inspired this post.

I'm thinking if your actually asking evil into your life in someway you may get more than you bargained for.. I don't know much about tarot cards, is that part of the process?

I don't know...

I agree with you. I don't mess with ouija boards, with ghosts or spirits..none of that. No voodoo, no wicca, no paganism...I'm a Christian, and if you call a devil they'll come for you.

Tarot is a little different than aren't really reaching into the spirit world. It's more about tuning into universal truths about people and knowing how to apply the cards to the person in front of you.

I'm good at it...but because I'm Christian and it's generally frowned upon, I don't mess with it anymore. I don't think it's demonic, I don't think it's even spiritual...unless you make it so.

You can make a popsicle stick into a demonic symbol if you're inclined that way. I never have been.

Sounds like you enjoy it, it's a no threat thing, so.. what the heck.. do it.:wink_2:
I do think there's a place for wonder and magic in a child's life or even an adults.. just sayin

There are an infinite number of wondrous REAL things going on in the world and the universe. Of course, they require a little education and effort to appreciate, but they beat the hell out of shelling out your money to snake oil peddlars or jumping at shadows.
Naw, I'll place my faith in Jesus and leave it alone. Just because it's fun doesn't make it right.

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