The Obama White House lied to the American people.


Platinum Member
Jul 19, 2011
It's become perfectly clear from what's come to light this week that the Obama White House lied to the American people for political reasons about the death of our Ambassador in Libya. Testimony in front of the Congressional Oversight Committee has our intelligence operatives KNOWING within 24 hours that the attack was not an unplanned response to an anti-Islam video as the Obama White House said but rather a well planned attack by Al Queda forces armed with assault rifles, mortars and RPG's. Rather than admit that such an attack took place, this Administration sent out the UN Ambassador five days later to lie repeatedly on national news programs, attempting to make it something that it never was.

Getting Barack Obama reelected was more important to these people than telling us the truth. They stonewalled the investigation because it didn't match the "narrative" that they were selling...that Barack Obama's policies had weakened Al Queda to the point of near defeat. You're honestly telling me that the FBI couldn't investigate this for THREE WEEKS because it was supposedly too dangerous on the ground...yet reporters were on site? The truth is that this Administration didn't WANT an investigation showing how inept they were at protecting our diplomats or how they subsequently covered up what happened.
I'm a tougher bird than most. Not much moves me to sympathy but when I heard that one guy testifying that he had spoken to Ambassador Stevens who was very sad. Not angry, sad. He knew that this country had betrayed him. He knew he was being left to die. That was enough to shudder my feathers. I can't really imagine what those people thought when they knew that obama had abandoned them for a preferrable narrative. Well, I can imagine it, but it makes me sick to do so.

If Chris Stevens were alive, he'd vote for Romney.
I don't know which is worse...that the Obama State Department handled security so badly...or that the Obama White House thought they could flat out lie about what happened and not have it catch up with them until after this election.
And he had the nerve to say Romney was putting the cart before the horse. What a vile and disgusting man occupying the White House. I hope Romney gets an apology about this.

[ame=]Romney Attack Backfire? Republican Nominee Slams Obama Over Killings at U.S. Embassy in Libya - YouTube[/ame]
The Obama White House knew very well that there was no demonstration that night that turned into a "spontaneous" attack on the embassy. They knew it was a terrorist attack almost immediately. Yet they attacked Mitt Romney's accurate depiction of events and labeled it a "knee jerk" response that proved how Romney wasn't suited to be President.

What kind of people do that? Knowingly tell a lie and then rip your opponent's correct appraisal of what happened? Send your UN ambassador out to look the American people in the eye on Sunday talk show after talk show and tell what you KNOW is a complete falsehood?
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This is the stuff that pisses me off, I don't care what party affiliation. There needs to be some ownership of this.
What this illustrates is that this is an Administration that has no qualms about lying to us in order to get another four years in power.
It's become perfectly clear from what's come to light this week that the Obama White House lied to the American people for political reasons about the death of our Ambassador in Libya. Testimony in front of the Congressional Oversight Committee has our intelligence operatives KNOWING within 24 hours that the attack was not an unplanned response to an anti-Islam video as the Obama White House said but rather a well planned attack by Al Queda forces armed with assault rifles, mortars and RPG's. Rather than admit that such an attack took place, this Administration sent out the UN Ambassador five days later to lie repeatedly on national news programs, attempting to make it something that it never was.

Getting Barack Obama reelected was more important to these people than telling us the truth. They stonewalled the investigation because it didn't match the "narrative" that they were selling...that Barack Obama's policies had weakened Al Queda to the point of near defeat. You're honestly telling me that the FBI couldn't investigate this for THREE WEEKS because it was supposedly too dangerous on the ground...yet reporters were on site? The truth is that this Administration didn't WANT an investigation showing how inept they were at protecting our diplomats or how they subsequently covered up what happened.

Amazing. I recall hearing from conservatives that there was (is) a war against radical Islamists who want to kill all Americans regardless of political affiliation. Anyone else remember that?

And NOW that Obama is president, conservatives agonize over every single casualty in that global conflict and rail against their own gov't almost like an al Qaeda sleeper cell which is determined to undermine the very gov't which is tasked with fighting this war. Curious.

And as much as I sincerely loathe the trend that some partisans engage in (which both sides use but conservatives use incessantly) to postulate what would happen if a talk radio personality X said Y and he was a conservative Republican as opposed to a liberal Democrat. And doesn't that just prove blah, blah, blah that there's a double standard blah, blah, blah, and conservatives never get treated fairly blah, blah, blah. You know what? I simply can't help but ask myself what conservatives as a whole would have said if America was attacked on 9-11 if Democrat Obama was president instead of Republican Bush. Think they could have been counted on to rally 'round the POTUS like Democrats did back in 2001?
It really shouldn't come as a surprise. Is there any difference in how they handled the "Fast & Furious" debacle?

This is a group of people who believe since they have the Main Stream Media in their back pockets that they can pretty much put out any story they matter how unbelievable...and their buddies at NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and most of the nation's newspapers will cover for them.

Where is the "outrage" from all of these news outlets over the line of bullshit that they were given?
It's become perfectly clear from what's come to light this week that the Obama White House lied to the American people for political reasons about the death of our Ambassador in Libya. Testimony in front of the Congressional Oversight Committee has our intelligence operatives KNOWING within 24 hours that the attack was not an unplanned response to an anti-Islam video as the Obama White House said but rather a well planned attack by Al Queda forces armed with assault rifles, mortars and RPG's. Rather than admit that such an attack took place, this Administration sent out the UN Ambassador five days later to lie repeatedly on national news programs, attempting to make it something that it never was.

Getting Barack Obama reelected was more important to these people than telling us the truth. They stonewalled the investigation because it didn't match the "narrative" that they were selling...that Barack Obama's policies had weakened Al Queda to the point of near defeat. You're honestly telling me that the FBI couldn't investigate this for THREE WEEKS because it was supposedly too dangerous on the ground...yet reporters were on site? The truth is that this Administration didn't WANT an investigation showing how inept they were at protecting our diplomats or how they subsequently covered up what happened.

Amazing. I recall hearing from conservatives that there was (is) a war against radical Islamists who want to kill all Americans regardless of political affiliation. Anyone else remember that?

And NOW that Obama is president, conservatives agonize over every single casualty in that global conflict and rail against their own gov't almost like an al Qaeda sleeper cell which is determined to undermine the very gov't which is tasked with fighting this war. Curious.

And as much as I sincerely loathe the trend that some partisans engage in (which both sides use but conservatives use incessantly) to postulate what would happen if a talk radio personality X said Y and he was a conservative Republican as opposed to a liberal Democrat. And doesn't that just prove blah, blah, blah that there's a double standard blah, blah, blah, and conservatives never get treated fairly blah, blah, blah. You know what? I simply can't help but ask myself what conservatives as a whole would have said if America was attacked on 9-11 if Democrat Obama was president instead of Republican Bush. Think they could have been counted on to rally 'round the POTUS like Democrats did back in 2001?

Correct my if I'm wrong here, Mustang...but did George W. Bush deliberately lie to the American people about what happened on 9/11 like Barack Obama just did about what happened on "his" 9/11?

Your guy just lied about the death of four Americans for political reasons. That's so sleazy that it boggles the mind. They actually had the balls to accuse Romney of exploiting the situation for political gain when in fact Romney's assessment was spot on and the Obama Administration was lying to us.
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It's become perfectly clear from what's come to light this week that the Obama White House lied to the American people for political reasons about the death of our Ambassador in Libya. Testimony in front of the Congressional Oversight Committee has our intelligence operatives KNOWING within 24 hours that the attack was not an unplanned response to an anti-Islam video as the Obama White House said but rather a well planned attack by Al Queda forces armed with assault rifles, mortars and RPG's. Rather than admit that such an attack took place, this Administration sent out the UN Ambassador five days later to lie repeatedly on national news programs, attempting to make it something that it never was.

Getting Barack Obama reelected was more important to these people than telling us the truth. They stonewalled the investigation because it didn't match the "narrative" that they were selling...that Barack Obama's policies had weakened Al Queda to the point of near defeat. You're honestly telling me that the FBI couldn't investigate this for THREE WEEKS because it was supposedly too dangerous on the ground...yet reporters were on site? The truth is that this Administration didn't WANT an investigation showing how inept they were at protecting our diplomats or how they subsequently covered up what happened.

Amazing. I recall hearing from conservatives that there was (is) a war against radical Islamists who want to kill all Americans regardless of political affiliation. Anyone else remember that?

And NOW that Obama is president, conservatives agonize over every single casualty in that global conflict and rail against their own gov't almost like an al Qaeda sleeper cell which is determined to undermine the very gov't which is tasked with fighting this war. Curious.

And as much as I sincerely loathe the trend that some partisans engage in (which both sides use but conservatives use incessantly) to postulate what would happen if a talk radio personality X said Y and he was a conservative Republican as opposed to a liberal Democrat. And doesn't that just prove blah, blah, blah that there's a double standard blah, blah, blah, and conservatives never get treated fairly blah, blah, blah. You know what? I simply can't help but ask myself what conservatives as a whole would have said if America was attacked on 9-11 if Democrat Obama was president instead of Republican Bush. Think they could have been counted on to rally 'round the POTUS like Democrats did back in 2001?

Point blank question for you. Does it not bother you that the Obama administration lied to the American people about what happened?
Lying for politcal gain should not surprise neither side of the aisle. It's sadly part of politics these days.
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I don't know which is worse...that the Obama State Department handled security so badly...or that the Obama White House thought they could flat out lie about what happened and not have it catch up with them until after this election.

I feel bad that most Americans are just now seeing what level Obama will sink to get elected Yet the far left on this board will still vote for him and cry that Romeny flip flops on abortion or lied about money but what Obama did is cover up that took 4 Americans lives and this is the second time Fast and Furious and now this .

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