The Obama Enmity Toward Business


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. ‘Feb. 11 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama said he and his administration have pursued a “fundamentally business- friendly” agenda and are “fierce advocates” for the free market, rejecting corporate criticism of his policies.’ Obama Says He

2. In actuality, Obama has consistently revealed his contempt for free enterprise and the private sector. He has compiled the most anti-business record of any modern president, vilifying the ‘wealthy’ and the profit motive, while promoting major tax increases on small businesses, dividends, and capital gains. He has opposed, until this election year, corporate income tax reductions, and has burdened businesses with stifling regulations. He has also betrayed an alarming ignorance of basic economics, cajoling businesses to step up and hire more people, as if their hiring decisions are purely a matter of personal whim and their failure to create jobs stems from just plain selfishness. David Limbaugh, “The Great Destroyer,” p. 263.

3. Obama views the market as a place of brutal class struggle, whre the government is the only institution that can intervene to support the weak against the predations of the strong. Untrue, and un-American.

a. “There are no class distinctions in America. That’s why Steve Jobs could start an adopted child in a broken home, start Apple in a garage and become a billionaire eight times over. The real distinction here is caused by the rise of a new governing class of experts, bureaucrats and political elites who insist on ruling us to enforce “fairness” rather than letting us govern ourselves under the rule of law.”
The Last Incarnation of Barack Obama barack-obama/

b. The truth is that the tax is a penalty for success...but one that will only bring Obama a one week picnic.

4. "President Obama on Monday came face to face with supporters disillusioned they have not seen the change they voted for and fearful the American Dream has slipped out of reach. …Larry Kudlow, host of another daily CNBC show, said Obama’s 2009 State of the Union address was a declaration of war on investors, entrepreneurs, small businesses, large corporations and private-equity and venture-capital funds.

Given polls that show most Americans skeptical about or disapproving of Obama’s economic policies, the administration wants to fight back against assertions that its policies are stifling economic growth. …One of the Obama policies attracting criticism from business groups is his support for ending tax cuts signed into law by President George W. Bush for individuals making more than $200,000 and families making more than $250,000, Obama defends business record -

a. It should be noted that the tax increase so firmly endorsed by Obama would bring in $85 billion annually, (Will President Obama's Class Warfare Strategy win him Re-election?) while “The US Government spends $10460188800 (~$10 billion, 460 million) per day”
US Government Budget Visualized: Tax Revenue & Deficit stacked in $100 bills

5. The Washington Examiner’s Timothy P. Carney makes the astute point that rather than anti-business, Obama is anti-free market. “The president is no champion of open markets and free competition. His idea of being friendly to business means more government subsidies and corporate-government cooperation, both of which are mother's milk to Immelt and Daley…. the unhealthy collusion of Big Business and Big Government that has always been the essence of Obamanomics…. Obama's kind of businessman: a banker who leverages his political connections for profit…. The problem with Obamanomics is that it kills the very entrepreneurship that Obama is always touting.
Immelt, Daley, and Obama's antipathy to free markets |

a. It should not be missed that with Obama, we have the intellectual descendants of those who worshipped Bismarck’s Prussia or Mussolini’s Ministry of Corporations…the lodestar of enlightened economic policy….in a quest for the holy grail of government-business ‘collaboration.’ Other members of the Corporatism Hall of Fame include Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and Hitler.

What's this??

Our Leftist pals...the folks who decry corporatism....are planning to vote for corporatism???

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy.....

Could that be why they say "Democrats: the candidates of the uninformed."
WASHINGTON -- A majority of Americans want the Bush tax cuts extended for everyone, despite a strong push by President Barack Obama to eliminate them on higher incomes, according to a new McClatchy-Marist poll.

The poll found 52 percent of registered voters saying they want all the tax cuts extended, including the tax cuts for incomes above $250,000, while 43 percent want the cuts extended just for incomes below that threshhold

Read more here: Poll: Majority want tax cuts for all, even the wealthy - Wire Lifestyle - The Sacramento Bee

Seems Americans are a lot smarter than the Obamunists give 'em credit for....
Obama "didn't get there on your own" was Dems finally stepping out of their Marxist closets and embracing their Inner Mao.

They went from "McCarthy was evil!" to ""What's so bad about having Communists setting US Policy at State and the White House?" and now they finally admit they hate everything America stands for and want to replace it with the 100% Guaranteed Fail of Progressive Redistribution Hellhole
phew, dumb is getting deeper and deeper

and the racism, wow

Hey...check this out:

"Meanwhile, on his daily radio show, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said that Obama’s Roanoke remarks were proof positive that the president 'hates' America. 'I'll tell you what,' he said. 'I think it can now be said, without equivocation - without equivocation - that this man hates this country. He is trying -- Barack Obama is trying - to dismantle, brick by brick, the American dream.'"

Read more: Obama says the wealthy AREN'T responsible for their own success | Mail Online

So...when do you think you'll change your name to "PrezHatesAmerica"?

Kinda catchy, huh?
Obama - 'If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen'
PICKET:(VIDEO) Obama - 'If you

Case closed?

Truly, I personally questioned before Obie made that statement whether or not he was a dyed in the wool socialist.
I have NO DOUBT now that he is.
In order to avoid taking out a student loan, I worked full-time while going through college to get my degree while taking a near full course load, getting approx. 3 to 4 hours of sleep daily to achieve it over a number of years.
When I had my own small business, I paid bi-annually for a business license and paid all of my taxes religously (and on a quarterly basis so I insured they were paid).
Bottom line, I paid my way, along the way, for the asphalt under my car tires that got me to school, work, etc..
Obama is a TOTAL collectivist son-of-a bitch who really has not honestly worked and sweated a day in his life like most of the rest of us.
And now I owe a teacher who got paid for teaching me in 4th grade a particular life lesson? :cuckoo:
Obama totally insulted the dignity of every self-respecting American whom bettered themself, and, by doing so, bettered the greater good!
Hope he burns in hell!!!
Obama totally insulted the dignity of every self-respecting American whom bettered themself, and, by doing so, bettered the greater good!
Hope he burns in hell!!!

He was plagiarizing Princess Summer-Fall-Winter-Warren:

[ame=]Elizabeth Warren class warfare short version w/ stills - YouTube[/ame]
Even Reagan ended up raising taxes to pay on the debt. Are you still bitching about that?
remember papa Bush, "read my lips, no new taxes", he just raised the old taxes. Are you still bitching about that?
Clinton raised taxes, are you still bitching about that?
W raised fees and had inflation as a secret tax increase, Are you still bitching about that also?
But Obama you raise holy hell if he even thinks about raising taxes!
Last edited:
Obama totally insulted the dignity of every self-respecting American whom bettered themself, and, by doing so, bettered the greater good!
Hope he burns in hell!!!

your shoulders seem to be cluttered with your feelings and the chip you carry there.
Obama - 'If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen'
PICKET:(VIDEO) Obama - 'If you

Case closed?

Truly, I personally questioned before Obie made that statement whether or not he was a dyed in the wool socialist.
I have NO DOUBT now that he is.
In order to avoid taking out a student loan, I worked full-time while going through college to get my degree while taking a near full course load, getting approx. 3 to 4 hours of sleep daily to achieve it over a number of years.
When I had my own small business, I paid bi-annually for a business license and paid all of my taxes religously (and on a quarterly basis so I insured they were paid).
Bottom line, I paid my way, along the way, for the asphalt under my car tires that got me to school, work, etc..
Obama is a TOTAL collectivist son-of-a bitch who really has not honestly worked and sweated a day in his life like most of the rest of us.
And now I owe a teacher who got paid for teaching me in 4th grade a particular life lesson? :cuckoo:

And you paid for that college to be built?
that road was already there when you went to school.
You are paying it forward to help future generations to do the same.
phew, dumb is getting deeper and deeper

and the racism, wow

Hey...check this out:

"Meanwhile, on his daily radio show, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said that Obama’s Roanoke remarks were proof positive that the president 'hates' America. 'I'll tell you what,' he said. 'I think it can now be said, without equivocation - without equivocation - that this man hates this country. He is trying -- Barack Obama is trying - to dismantle, brick by brick, the American dream.'"

Read more: Obama says the wealthy AREN'T responsible for their own success | Mail Online

So...when do you think you'll change your name to "PrezHatesAmerica"?

Kinda catchy, huh?

Oh yeah, I should listen to a convicted drug addict
Even Reagan ended up raising taxes to pay on the debt. Are you still bitching about that?
remember papa Bush, "read my lips, no new taxes", he just raised the old taxes. Are you still bitching about that?
Clinton raised taxes, are you still bitching about that?
W raised fees and had inflation as a secret tax increase, Are you still bitching about that also?
But Obama you raise holy hell if he even thinks about raising taxes!

In a recession... YES.
phew, dumb is getting deeper and deeper

and the racism, wow

Hey...check this out:

"Meanwhile, on his daily radio show, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said that Obama’s Roanoke remarks were proof positive that the president 'hates' America. 'I'll tell you what,' he said. 'I think it can now be said, without equivocation - without equivocation - that this man hates this country. He is trying -- Barack Obama is trying - to dismantle, brick by brick, the American dream.'"

Read more: Obama says the wealthy AREN'T responsible for their own success | Mail Online

So...when do you think you'll change your name to "PrezHatesAmerica"?

Kinda catchy, huh?

Oh yeah, I should listen to a convicted drug addict

Let's be're one of those folks from the classic sci-fi "Body Snatcher's"'ve probably got the pod mark on the back of your neck.'ve been co-opted by progressivism....

Nothing will change you.

I'll quote a wise pundit who said:

" Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals.
Explaining to a Liberal is like trying to tell a devout Muslim that Al-Buraq didn't carry the prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and back during the Isra and Mi'raj or "Night Journey."

The logic of the Right can only appeal to those who cogitate....that would hardly describe you.
You're done.
Obama totally insulted the dignity of every self-respecting American whom bettered themself, and, by doing so, bettered the greater good!
Hope he burns in hell!!!

He was plagiarizing Princess Summer-Fall-Winter-Warren:

[ame=]Elizabeth Warren class warfare short version w/ stills - YouTube[/ame]

Did you notice her high cheekbones?

Check out her Harvard Yearbook picture

Prominent Democrats (Pres. Obama, Senator candidate Warren) are reminding Americans, of profitable Public programs, in the past. E.g roads, internet. What does "there, then" have to do with "here, now" ? Tomorrow will not benefit, from people today "paying forward". Tomorrow would benefit, from people today "paying forward" ... on new profitable Public programs. Profitable Public programs come from how taxes are spent ... not from the mere fact of raising them.

Tax dollars are not "automatically well spent", by some "Magic Guiding Hand". If Democrats have good ideas, for new profitable Public programs; then let them do so. Arguably, all of their "Fiscal Stimulus" spending to date, has been highly ineffective. Wasteful spending, on unprofitable Public programs, is ... a waste. And not any justification, for (blindly) "paying forward" for more of the same.

Taxation = raising taxes & spending taxes
= taxing & spending

the former is only as justified, as the latter

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