The Obama Enemies List


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
April 26, 2012, 7:50 p.m. ET
Strassel: The President Has a List
Barack Obama attempts to intimidate contributors to Mitt Romney's campaign.

Try this thought experiment: You decide to donate money to Mitt Romney. You want change in the Oval Office, so you engage in your democratic right to send a check.

Several days later, President Barack Obama, the most powerful man on the planet, singles you out by name. His campaign brands you a Romney donor, shames you for "betting against America," and accuses you of having a "less-than-reputable" record. The message from the man who controls the Justice Department (which can indict you), the SEC (which can fine you), and the IRS (which can audit you), is clear: You made a mistake donating that money.

Are you worried?

Strassel: The President Has a List -
A universal tactic in politics is to attack the important supporters. Remember your outrage when Romney attacks Obama's big donors.
A universal tactic in politics is to attack the important supporters. Remember your outrage when Romney attacks Obama's big donors.

The POTUS is attacking private citizens and you're fine with that? That's just sad.
"Richard Nixon's "enemies list" appalled the country for the simple reason that presidents hold a unique trust. Unlike senators or congressmen, presidents alone represent all Americans. Their powers—to jail, to fine, to bankrupt—are also so vast as to require restraint. Any president who targets a private citizen for his politics is de facto engaged in government intimidation and threats. This is why presidents since Nixon have carefully avoided the practice."

Strassel: The President Has a List -
A universal tactic in politics is to attack the important supporters. Remember your outrage when Romney attacks Obama's big donors.

It's one thing to speak out against big donors. Last time, unions spent their own money, in the tens of millions, to put out their own campaign ads for Obama. It's reasonable to ask what some expect in return when they spend that kind of money. It was clear when the auto takeover resulted in part ownership of the auto companies.

We hate seeing big money turn into legislation that favors the donors. It's wrong no matter which side does it. I am especially suspicious of George Soros and think he is the most horrible influence there is.

For years, they've talked about campaign finance reform and nothing changes. None of them want it to change because they want money when they run.

It would be especially evil for any sitting president to use his power to get even with those who support the opposition.
A universal tactic in politics is to attack the important supporters. Remember your outrage when Romney attacks Obama's big donors.

The POTUS is attacking private citizens and you're fine with that? That's just sad.

that's just wow,, just wow,, just omg! wow.

Of course he is. Occupied has always supported government officials using fascist tactics against their political opponents. On the other hand, he cries like a baby when it comes to exposing communist spies in our government.
The POTUS is attacking private citizens and you're fine with that? That's just sad.

that's just wow,, just wow,, just omg! wow.

Of course he is. Occupied has always supported government officials using fascist tactics against their political opponents. On the other hand, he cries like a baby when it comes to exposing communist spies in our government.

So when Obama uses a campaign tactic that is sure to be at the top of Romney's campaign playbook it's wrong? This is a good example of holding democrats to level of decorum that republicans have no intention of following. Your false outrage sickens me, it's almost like you are just now discovering that there are negative repercussions to playing partisan politics at a national level. Put on the big boy pants and cease with the whining.
that's just wow,, just wow,, just omg! wow.

Of course he is. Occupied has always supported government officials using fascist tactics against their political opponents. On the other hand, he cries like a baby when it comes to exposing communist spies in our government.

So when Obama uses a campaign tactic that is sure to be at the top of Romney's campaign playbook it's wrong? This is a good example of holding democrats to level of decorum that republicans have no intention of following. Your false outrage sickens me, it's almost like you are just now discovering that there are negative repercussions to playing partisan politics at a national level. Put on the big boy pants and cease with the whining.

You are making a presumption on Romney's future actions. Even is he were to live down to your expectations, does he have the power to sic the IRS, SEC, FBI, etc.? No. he. does. not.

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