The newt out from under his rock


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Bashing obama on Libya and apologizing for the anti-Muhammad video. Obama apologized to Muslims in Cairo for the disrespectful video released by a dirt bag who finally turned himself in asking for protection. The nerve of the piece of rat refuse. If we want respect, we must give respect and Obama did nothing that Bush had not done many times before setting a precedent. Unprecedented.
When Bush “apologized” to Muslims -
Flashback: Bush condemned Danish anti-Islam cartoons, apologized for Iraq shooting - Lean Forward
Chris Weigant: Apology Derangement Syndrome
Friggin’ bloody hypocrites.

The Newt and other Right Wingers are putting forth information before the Libyan investigation is concluded. Using a tragedy to advance political points. Shame.

Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.
(exactly what Obama does)
Malcolm X

If we lose love and self respect for each other, this is how we finally die.
Maya Angelou

Misunderstanding fueled controversy over 'apology' by U.S. Embassy

It is clear now that much of the misunderstanding surrounding the statement by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo stems from the fact that some commentators thought it has been issued after protesters stormed the embassy compound. Instead, the embassy had released it hours before the protests began, in an apparent effort to cool down emotions over a film that defamed the prophet Muhammad.
Misunderstanding fueled controversy over 'apology' by U.S. Embassy |
Numbers show this is hurting Obama.

See what he allows for tomorrow night.

I am certain more words will work.

Misunderstanding fueled controversy over 'apology' by U.S. Embassy

It is clear now that much of the misunderstanding surrounding the statement by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo stems from the fact that some commentators thought it has been issued after protesters stormed the embassy compound. Instead, the embassy had released it hours before the protests began, in an apparent effort to cool down emotions over a film that defamed the prophet Muhammad.
Misunderstanding fueled controversy over 'apology' by U.S. Embassy |

I don't see the big difference...
To me they apologized beforehand.
It seemed they were accepting responsibility
on behalf of the USA...
And from what I remember they did not get that statement
from the State Department and did not have it OK'd by them.

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