The News Cycle


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2011
Why is the news cycle so over powering? Advertising dollars rule the universe?

I have often felt, when watching sports, or news, or sitcoms, or you-tube, or whatever...that the advertising industry runs the country and it's government.

Why is this important? Because everything is going weird. One crisis after another. It never stops. The only people who can profit from a situation like this are the professional advertisers.

Case in point; politics;

"Like a cannibal in a coma ward, I have no idea where to begin. It is always remarkable to me — which is why I am remarking upon it — how the only way this president can be rescued from a bad news cycle is if an even worse one comes along. This is a source of frustration for many on the right who get outraged by the fact that “we” don’t talk enough about Fast & Furious or Benghazi or the IRS scandal or the VA scandal or Ukraine/Syria/Islamic State/China/Libya/Gitmo . . . . etc. The reason some of these topics get pushed to the backburner, even on the right, is that another controversy or scandal suddenly eclipses the previous one. If I ask you to hold a bowling ball and then, five minutes later, I surprise you by throwing a second bowling ball at you and shouting “Catch!” it’s sort of unfair for me to expect you not to drop the ball."

Obama to Congress It s My Way or My Way National Review Online

Divorcing ones self from the politics, it is easy to see that Madison Avenue is running the country. In my honest opinion anyway.

Advertising doesn't rule shit in my world. Ads are simply pain-in-the-ass interruptions to whatever the heck I'm interested in watching on the tube, which is why I seldom watch anything live thanks to the convenience of a DVR. Record and then just zip through the commercial breaks in a manner of seconds vs. an agonizing the 2-3 minutes of sales messaging.

Later today I want to watch my favorite NFL team. It's preset to record the game starting at 1 p.m. Around 1:45 to 2:00 I'll start watching what's been recorded thus far while it continues to record the rest of the game, so each time the commercials begin I just zip through the damn things.

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