CDZ The new Evil Empire is Google


Active Member
Apr 8, 2015
“We don’t need you to type at all because we know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less guess what you’re thinking about … Is that over the line?”– Google Chairman Eric Schmidt

Why Google is the new Evil Empire

Of course Google databases are used by Secret Services in some cases. But Google is used also by our society to output the statistics, to help us in our work processes and for international progress to outmarch. Do you believe Google is the biggest threat of today? Or is it just another big IT corporation we love to hate? Opinions, please.
Annoyed by Google's forced 'safe search' mode recently implemneted I looked for uncensored search engines. There's a good Euro-based one here,

No cookies stored, no censorship of results, etc. Lot more 'bare bones' but for some things I prefer it.
“We don’t need you to type at all because we know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less guess what you’re thinking about … Is that over the line?”– Google Chairman Eric Schmidt

Why Google is the new Evil Empire

Of course Google databases are used by Secret Services in some cases. But Google is used also by our society to output the statistics, to help us in our work processes and for international progress to outmarch. Do you believe Google is the biggest threat of today? Or is it just another big IT corporation we love to hate? Opinions, please.
In my opinion, no, Google is NOT the biggest threat that we face today, not even close. The biggest threat that we face today is "The Washington Brotherhood".
Used tobe said of AT&T, very symbol became the "Death Star." Think it's more about Google's success than anything inherent to their products.
“We don’t need you to type at all because we know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less guess what you’re thinking about … Is that over the line?”– Google Chairman Eric Schmidt

Why Google is the new Evil Empire

Of course Google databases are used by Secret Services in some cases. But Google is used also by our society to output the statistics, to help us in our work processes and for international progress to outmarch. Do you believe Google is the biggest threat of today? Or is it just another big IT corporation we love to hate? Opinions, please.

Google is not a threat – what you are talking about is an expression of modern technology. Google is irrelevant in this. They are nothing but the conduit.
People and law are going to have to adjust to an era that looks nothing like the one we are leaving.
Annoyed by Google's forced 'safe search' mode recently implemneted I looked for uncensored search engines. There's a good Euro-based one here,

No cookies stored, no censorship of results, etc. Lot more 'bare bones' but for some things I prefer it.
So you don't trust Google but you trust your Internet provider who has all your data anyway?
So you don't trust Google but you trust your Internet provider who has all your data anyway?
I don't trust Google at all. You think internet providers are spending time and money to track you? Google sucks to do business with, been there, done that. They got stinking filthy rich by putting paying customers on top of search results, then by way of relevance to the Google bots sniffing around the web. As a result the top results are the websites with the most crap going on, videos, ads, social media, etc. dome so by those with deep pockets. That's why so many websites are so full of garbage, people trying to compete for relevance while Google gets richer. And they charge a premium for their services.

So they have changed the web and not for the better. Plus the tracking business. I have nothing to hide but don't like every search stored somewhere for future use. I normally use Duckduckgo, silly name but no tracking and pretty good.
So you don't trust Google but you trust your Internet provider who has all your data anyway?
I don't trust Google at all. You think internet providers are spending time and money to track you? Google sucks to do business with, been there, done that. They got stinking filthy rich by putting paying customers on top of search results, then by way of relevance to the Google bots sniffing around the web. As a result the top results are the websites with the most crap going on, videos, ads, social media, etc. dome so by those with deep pockets. That's why so many websites are so full of garbage, people trying to compete for relevance while Google gets richer. And they charge a premium for their services.

So they have changed the web and not for the better. Plus the tracking business. I have nothing to hide but don't like every search stored somewhere for future use. I normally use Duckduckgo, silly name but no tracking and pretty good.
Ok, I see. But does Google track you? Who is interested in using your information against you?
So you don't trust Google but you trust your Internet provider who has all your data anyway?
I don't trust Google at all. You think internet providers are spending time and money to track you? Google sucks to do business with, been there, done that. They got stinking filthy rich by putting paying customers on top of search results, then by way of relevance to the Google bots sniffing around the web. As a result the top results are the websites with the most crap going on, videos, ads, social media, etc. dome so by those with deep pockets. That's why so many websites are so full of garbage, people trying to compete for relevance while Google gets richer. And they charge a premium for their services.

So they have changed the web and not for the better. Plus the tracking business. I have nothing to hide but don't like every search stored somewhere for future use. I normally use Duckduckgo, silly name but no tracking and pretty good.
Ok, I see. But does Google track you? Who is interested in using your information against you?
Yes, Google tracks everything as far as I've heard, that was the point. Who would use what for what purpose? I'm not God so I can't answer that.
So you don't trust Google but you trust your Internet provider who has all your data anyway?
I don't trust Google at all. You think internet providers are spending time and money to track you? Google sucks to do business with, been there, done that. They got stinking filthy rich by putting paying customers on top of search results, then by way of relevance to the Google bots sniffing around the web. As a result the top results are the websites with the most crap going on, videos, ads, social media, etc. dome so by those with deep pockets. That's why so many websites are so full of garbage, people trying to compete for relevance while Google gets richer. And they charge a premium for their services.

So they have changed the web and not for the better. Plus the tracking business. I have nothing to hide but don't like every search stored somewhere for future use. I normally use Duckduckgo, silly name but no tracking and pretty good.
Ok, I see. But does Google track you? Who is interested in using your information against you?
The issue there is that the info does not simply go away. It is logged and will be available at any point that someone might want to character assassinate you.

That is a real problem in a society that flips out if you say you are a communist 20 years ago or that you used drugs 30 years ago. People seem to easily make asinine character judgments about actions people took years ago.

You never know at what time someone might want to use information against you in the future. Society will adjust though because this reality is not going anywhere.
The problem is not so much using information against you. It's more insidious than that. Google tries to make a profile of you and categorize your demographic. They said it is to aim more personally adjusted advertising at you, and, what's worse, to filter searches to match what they think your demographic is interested in. You may think this might be helpful. Maybe, but there is a cost to society as a whole.

If the websites you frequent are conservative (or liberal), their search engine will prioritize their search so that more conservative (or liberal) sites appear at the top of the search results. What that does is to polarize conservatives and liberals more. If you are liberal and only get liberal-leaning searches, you don't see an objective list of sites returned nor an objective view of your interest. Bing and Chrome do the same.

In that sense Google, Bing, and Chrome all manipulate your mind.

To solve this I never sign on to my google email page when I'm doing a search because, seriously they do correlate your data with your email. Second set your browser to eliminate cookies after your browser closes. Ar least once a day close and open your browser to do that. Also NEVER sign on your youtube account while you look at videos. They remember you for at least a year and use that to control results when you search for videos.

Better yet, I use as a default browser. A silly name, but click “Learn more” and you will see that they don't track you. They also have a good image search and an OK video search

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