The new 2nd Amendment Fight by Gun Grabbers


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2013
here you go boys and girls the new directive by the gun grabbing demolosers. Tax guns and ammo out of homes. this is it. This is their new scheme.

Now, I heard yesterday a good comeback for this. Ask every politician running for office are they for a gun and ammo tax and get them on camera with their answer. It's the only way to combat these batshit crazy fkers.

Davis, Kennedy introduce legislation to increase taxes on guns, ammunition

Representative Danny Davis and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris Kennedy introduced legislation Sunday to increase taxes on guns and ammunition.

The politicians presented the tax at Mount Sinai Hospital on the West Side.

If enacted, the legislation would double the federal excise tax on guns and impose a 50 percent excise tax on ammunition. Currently, the excise tax on ammunition is 11 percent."
here you go boys and girls the new directive by the gun grabbing demolosers. Tax guns and ammo out of homes. this is it. This is their new scheme.

Now, I heard yesterday a good comeback for this. Ask every politician running for office are they for a gun and ammo tax and get them on camera with their answer. It's the only way to combat these batshit crazy fkers.

Davis, Kennedy introduce legislation to increase taxes on guns, ammunition

Representative Danny Davis and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris Kennedy introduced legislation Sunday to increase taxes on guns and ammunition.

The politicians presented the tax at Mount Sinai Hospital on the West Side.

If enacted, the legislation would double the federal excise tax on guns and impose a 50 percent excise tax on ammunition. Currently, the excise tax on ammunition is 11 percent."

Anything to help pay off the national debt! :21::21:
here you go boys and girls the new directive by the gun grabbing demolosers. Tax guns and ammo out of homes. this is it. This is their new scheme.

Now, I heard yesterday a good comeback for this. Ask every politician running for office are they for a gun and ammo tax and get them on camera with their answer. It's the only way to combat these batshit crazy fkers.

Davis, Kennedy introduce legislation to increase taxes on guns, ammunition

Representative Danny Davis and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris Kennedy introduced legislation Sunday to increase taxes on guns and ammunition.

The politicians presented the tax at Mount Sinai Hospital on the West Side.

If enacted, the legislation would double the federal excise tax on guns and impose a 50 percent excise tax on ammunition. Currently, the excise tax on ammunition is 11 percent."
/——/ what about an excise tax on homemade bombs? ISIS-inspired Utah teen tried to blow up high school, police say
A Utah teenager tried to blow up his high school with a homemade bomb, police said.
The same student, police said, hoisted a flag supporting the terror group ISIS last month.
"Based on our investigation we can confirm this was a failed attempt to detonate a homemade explosive," St. George police said in a statement. "It was also determined that the male had been researching information and expressing interest in ISIS and promoting the organization."
Police arrested and charged the teenager with manufacturing and possessing a weapon of mass destruction. More charges are expected for the vandalism at Hurricane High School, where he destroyed an Americans flag and spray painted "ISIS is coming" on the school's exterior.
Because he is a minor, police did not release his identity.
The latest incident occurred Monday at Pine View High School in southwestern Utah, when an alert student noticed a backpack emitting smoke in a common area. The student alerted teachers, who evacuated the building. After a bomb-sniffing canine confirmed the explosive was real, bomb techs disarmed the device, which police said could have caused "significant injury or death."
"I saw them looking through the bag, and then they picked it up and ran it outside," said student Tavien Hancock told St. George News. "It's pretty scary knowing I was around a bomb and walked by a bomb three times. Just, kind of, make me more aware of my surroundings."
After obtaining a search warrant, police found materials in the teen's home matching those found in the bomb. They also found materials sympathetic to the terror group ISIS.
"I was just really scared," said one student. "Like, all this is serious."
On Tuesday, police confirmed the teen is connected to the earlier incident at Hurricane High. He is currently in a detention center.
get the guns, deal with the paperwork later ...

Love, Donald Trump
Maybe, when they write the bill for that tax, they can add a higher tax on tea to it.

(Be just like the good old days)
here you go boys and girls the new directive by the gun grabbing demolosers. Tax guns and ammo out of homes. this is it. This is their new scheme.

Now, I heard yesterday a good comeback for this. Ask every politician running for office are they for a gun and ammo tax and get them on camera with their answer. It's the only way to combat these batshit crazy fkers.

Davis, Kennedy introduce legislation to increase taxes on guns, ammunition

Representative Danny Davis and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris Kennedy introduced legislation Sunday to increase taxes on guns and ammunition.

The politicians presented the tax at Mount Sinai Hospital on the West Side.

If enacted, the legislation would double the federal excise tax on guns and impose a 50 percent excise tax on ammunition. Currently, the excise tax on ammunition is 11 percent."

There are no 'gun grabbers,' no one seeks to ban all firearms or take anyone's guns.

The notion is a childish rightwing lie.

And you are either stupid or a blatant liar. There is no third choice.

Illinois Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky says that an assault weapons ban is just the beginning. She also says that a complete ban on handguns could be possible through state and local action.

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a radio interview that Confiscation could be an option, mandatory sale to the state could also be an option.

Dianne Feinstein said in a 1995 interview, after getting her assault weapons ban passed, “IF could have banned them all, I would have!”

Need more? Because there are a lot more.

It isn’t just the outright ban that the left strives for, they are happy to make them illegal to sell, illegal to buy ammo for, and illegal to shoot. Essentially banning them in place.

Stop telling that lie, no one believes it.
There are no 'gun grabbers,' no one seeks to ban all firearms or take anyone's guns.

The notion is a childish rightwing lie.
are you saying that there hasn't been anyone talking about taking away semi-automatic guns? that's all guns.
here you go boys and girls the new directive by the gun grabbing demolosers. Tax guns and ammo out of homes. this is it. This is their new scheme.

Now, I heard yesterday a good comeback for this. Ask every politician running for office are they for a gun and ammo tax and get them on camera with their answer. It's the only way to combat these batshit crazy fkers.

Davis, Kennedy introduce legislation to increase taxes on guns, ammunition

Representative Danny Davis and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris Kennedy introduced legislation Sunday to increase taxes on guns and ammunition.

The politicians presented the tax at Mount Sinai Hospital on the West Side.

If enacted, the legislation would double the federal excise tax on guns and impose a 50 percent excise tax on ammunition. Currently, the excise tax on ammunition is 11 percent."

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more people who have seen pictures of hitlery.
here you go boys and girls the new directive by the gun grabbing demolosers. Tax guns and ammo out of homes. this is it. This is their new scheme.

Now, I heard yesterday a good comeback for this. Ask every politician running for office are they for a gun and ammo tax and get them on camera with their answer. It's the only way to combat these batshit crazy fkers.

Davis, Kennedy introduce legislation to increase taxes on guns, ammunition

Representative Danny Davis and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris Kennedy introduced legislation Sunday to increase taxes on guns and ammunition.

The politicians presented the tax at Mount Sinai Hospital on the West Side.

If enacted, the legislation would double the federal excise tax on guns and impose a 50 percent excise tax on ammunition. Currently, the excise tax on ammunition is 11 percent."

The democrats did this when they didn't want blacks to it is no surprise that they would try the same tactic when they don't want blacks and hispanics to own guns....

After the Republicans freed the slaves that the democrats owned, the democrats enacted Poll Taxes to keep the newly freed black Americans from voting.....the same argument then is being used is just a small fee, it isn't a big deal.....but the Poll Tax, and Literacy tests were ruled unConstitutional...and if we had actual judges in some of these circuits, we would have this ruled unConstitutional very quickly........

You also have the Supreme Court ruling in Murdoch v. Pennsylvania that stated you can't be charged a fee for exercising a Right....Constitutional law is against all of the tactics the democrats are using to keep guns out of the hands of blacks, hispanics and the poor....
here you go boys and girls the new directive by the gun grabbing demolosers. Tax guns and ammo out of homes. this is it. This is their new scheme.

Now, I heard yesterday a good comeback for this. Ask every politician running for office are they for a gun and ammo tax and get them on camera with their answer. It's the only way to combat these batshit crazy fkers.

Davis, Kennedy introduce legislation to increase taxes on guns, ammunition

Representative Danny Davis and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris Kennedy introduced legislation Sunday to increase taxes on guns and ammunition.

The politicians presented the tax at Mount Sinai Hospital on the West Side.

If enacted, the legislation would double the federal excise tax on guns and impose a 50 percent excise tax on ammunition. Currently, the excise tax on ammunition is 11 percent."

The democrats did this when they didn't want blacks to it is no surprise that they would try the same tactic when they don't want blacks and hispanics to own guns....

After the Republicans freed the slaves that the democrats owned, the democrats enacted Poll Taxes to keep the newly freed black Americans from voting.....the same argument then is being used is just a small fee, it isn't a big deal.....but the Poll Tax, and Literacy tests were ruled unConstitutional...and if we had actual judges in some of these circuits, we would have this ruled unConstitutional very quickly........

You also have the Supreme Court ruling in Murdoch v. Pennsylvania that stated you can't be charged a fee for exercising a Right....Constitutional law is against all of the tactics the democrats are using to keep guns out of the hands of blacks, hispanics and the poor....
that came up yesterday as well.
There are no 'gun grabbers,' no one seeks to ban all firearms or take anyone's guns.

The notion is a childish rightwing lie.

That lie no longer holds, dumb ass......the CNN town hall revealed for everyone to see the ultimate goal...banning all semi automatic weapons......they yelled it on camera for the entire country to see you dumb ass.....
A vote for any democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.

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