The Never Answered Question.

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
How can Hamas "violently seize control of Gaza" (as the propagandists constantly repeat) when they were already the elected government in Palestine?

Hammas was elected legally. Hamas was not America's party of choice hence they are not legitimate.
Another question is that since there was obviously no "coup" why does the media keep reporting that there was?
Hamas Seizes Control of Gaza : NPR

Funny how even the Left says the same thing.

The liberal media is a right wing myth.

Look at the facts. After the supposed coup:

Mahmoud Abbas was still the president.

Ismail Haniyeh was still the prime minister.

None of the cabinet members were changed.

There was no change in the PLC. (parliament)

There were no changes in the judiciary.

The constitution was still in force.

It was the only coup in history that changed nothing. How can they report that Hamas seized control of Gaza when the elected government was still in power?
Changed nothing?

When was the last election in Gaza? What does the Constitution say about elections?
Changed nothing?

When was the last election in Gaza? What does the Constitution say about elections?

Gaza does not have elections. Palestine has elections. There cannot be elections now because Gaza is controlled by the elected government but the West Bank is under dictatorship. The government will not hold elections until the government can take control of the whole country.
Changed nothing?

When was the last election in Gaza? What does the Constitution say about elections?

Article (26)

Palestinians shall have the right to participate in the political life individually and in groups. They shall have the following rights in particular:

1. To form, establish, and join political parties in accordance with the law.

2. To form and establish unions, guilds, associations, societies, clubs, and popular institutions in accordance with the law.

3. To Vote and nominate for election, representatives among them by ballot in accordance with the law.

4. To hold public office and positions in accordance with the principle of equal opportunities.

5. To conduct special meetings without the presence of police members, and to conduct public meetings, processions, and assemblies, within the limits of law.
The Middle East's version of 1984...They were elected so they "violently seized control of Gaza", what it boils down to; or looks like from the perch I'm sitting on; is Israel don't want it so they are evil,bomb throwing,baby killing terrorists that must be kept in check with embargos, no outside contact etc. without permission of the mastas in Jerusalem.

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