The Nation Builders - US military.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Found this interesting piece in the New York Times, yesterday..

In this dispute, the reformers can take inspiration from a surprising quarter: the founders. From the start of the Republic, they aimed to create what the historian Michael Tate called a “multipurpose army,” designed for a wide variety of functions beyond combat. Despite the small size of the regular Army, which was capped at 6,000 men in 1821, and despite the miserly pay that led a foreign observer to wonder who would volunteer to be “shot at for one shilling a day,” the early military performed an essential role in forging the young America.

Troops cut down trees and farmed. They built schools, hospitals and, by 1830, 1,900 miles of roads. They dug canals, erected bridges and dredged harbors. Soldiers constructed everything from the Minot’s Ledge lighthouse on the Massachusetts shore to the Washington Aqueduct, which provides the capital’s water. In 1820, Col. Zachary Taylor, the future president, commented, “The ax, pick, saw and trowel has become more the implement of the American soldier than the cannon, musket or sword.” archives opinion November 11 army&st=cse
Pour vous:

Wez: [after someone is killed] *No!* *No more talk!* We go in! We kill! Kill! We kill 'em! They kill us, we kill them! Kill 'em! Kill 'em! Kill! Kill!
The Humungus: Be still my dog of war. I understand your pain. We've all lost someone we love. But we do it my way!
Wez: Losers... losers wait!
The Humungus: We do it my way. Fear is our ally. The gasoline will be ours. Then you shall have your revenge.
[Wez passes out]
The Humungus: Take him away.
[soldiers drag Wez away; Humungus grabs intercom]
The Humungus: There has been too much violence. Too much pain. But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Give me your pump, the oil, the gasoline, and the whole compound, and I'll spare your lives. Just walk away and we'll give you a safe passageway in the wastelands. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror.
[Soldiers start up their vehicles]
The Humungus: I await your answer. You have a full day to decide.
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) - Memorable quotes
Ever consider the US Army Corps of Engineers?
It is the construction and building branch of the Army, which the right seems to hate.
they are among other things stewards of many of our lakes and such and prevent rampant capatilistic exploitation in many areas. thus preserving the areas and the continuing use of said areas by all, not just the rich and powerful.
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Ever consider the US Army Corps of Engineers?
It is the construction and building branch of the Army, which the right seems to hate.
they are among other things stewards of many of our lakes and such and prevent rampant capatilistic exploitation in many areas. thus preserving the areas and the continuing use of said areas by all, not just the rich and powerful.

Ever consider the US Army Corps of Engineers?
It is the construction and building branch of the Army, which the right seems to hate.


sorry I edited in more after you grabbed it.

Well they do tend to build public works projects with tax money. ie socialism.

What can you do..

The current configuration of the socialist.

And heck..that got to do all that socialist good.

It's like socialist luvin'

In the oven..
Never lived near a corps maintained lake?
You cannot build next to the water and develop private vacation resorts and such there since in most cases the corps owns/controls to the ridge line surrounding the lake.

and then all those earmark socialistic projects that the corps does.

sorry I edited in more after you grabbed it.

Well they do tend to build public works projects with tax money. ie socialism.

What can you do..

The current configuration of the socialist.

And heck..that got to do all that socialist good.

It's like socialist luvin'

In the oven..
Stale old red herring.

People voluntarily sign up to join the military and abide by its restrictive rules, crappy pay and itinerant lifestyle.
sorry I edited in more after you grabbed it.

Well they do tend to build public works projects with tax money. ie socialism.

What can you do..

The current configuration of the socialist.

And heck..that got to do all that socialist good.

It's like socialist luvin'

In the oven..
Stale old red herring.

People voluntarily sign up to join the military and abide by its restrictive rules, crappy pay and itinerant lifestyle.
And in return, we get idiots spouting horseshit about us on the internet! :salute: :lol:
Ever consider the US Army Corps of Engineers?
It is the construction and building branch of the Army, which the right seems to hate.


sorry I edited in more after you grabbed it.

Well they do tend to build public works projects with tax money. ie socialism.

That's your interpretation of the right's opinion of the Corp of Engineers. In the US they do mostly engineered water projects, and I know no one on the right that opposes engineered water projects. I am aware of "greens" who oppose new water projects, and aren't "greens" mainly creatures of the left?
Never lived near a corps maintained lake?
You cannot build next to the water and develop private vacation resorts and such there since in most cases the corps owns/controls to the ridge line surrounding the lake.

and then all those earmark socialistic projects that the corps does.

I think you need to get out more.
Never lived near a corps maintained lake?
You cannot build next to the water and develop private vacation resorts and such there since in most cases the corps owns/controls to the ridge line surrounding the lake.

and then all those earmark socialistic projects that the corps does.

I think you need to get out more.

Sorry no can do, would like to.
Many view the corps in a similar manner to BLM.
I grew up close to a corps controlled lake.

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