The "N" Word


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
What do you think future generations will think of this taboo term? Is it a word or a sound? Is it banned only in the U.S. or all English speaking countries? How about non-English countries? Are there equivalent terms which are banned? What does it mean, anyway? Is its acceptable use limited to one's genetic background? If so, what percentage of preferred genetic traits is required for licensure? Or is it vice versa?

I think future generations will think we have lost our minds...
I think future generations will think we have lost our minds...
If the human race ever manages to grow the fuck up then yes, I think that this sums up exactly how they will feel about such bigotry and the fact that we attach it to special terms. Not just ‘******’ though. All the standard ‘dirty’ words would fall under that. I like George Carlin’s skit on bad words. Look it up on YouTube (I can’t access it atm to link it here) if you have not heard it because it sums up the insanity very well.

Words only have the power that they do because we let them. I cannot fathom why we react so strongly to words like ‘fuck’ rather than simply dismissing the people that cannot use such in a correct manner.
What do you think future generations will think of this taboo term? Is it a word or a sound? Is it banned only in the U.S. or all English speaking countries? How about non-English countries? Are there equivalent terms which are banned? What does it mean, anyway? Is its acceptable use limited to one's genetic background? If so, what percentage of preferred genetic traits is required for licensure? Or is it vice versa?

I think future generations will think we have lost our minds...

I think not actually saying the word shows how utterly retarded people are. It's just a word.
Using that word is a way of conveying almost limitless hatred. There are other words that are used to do the same thing that word is, by far and away, the worst.

Language changes. Future generations will understand how culturally loaded it was.

We know that now. That's why people use it against other people.
Using that word is a way of conveying almost limitless hatred. There are other words that are used to do the same thing that word is, by far and away, the worst.

Language changes. Future generations will understand how culturally loaded it was.

We know that now. That's why people use it against other people.

Then blacks must really hate blacks.
I find it ridiculous that people are so brainwashed by the PC police that they say "the n-word" rather than say "******", when using it in an explanatory way. I mean ... really? Same with "the r-word". :eusa_hand: That's just retarded.

Politically correct insult: Hey you f-word a/h-word, you're mother is a f-ing-word c-word and you're father is r-word! True story n-word!"


btw, to the OP... use of the word ****** is not banned, nor should it ever be. Will it fade out over time? Don't know. Black people use it very frequently, though.

Local news is going apeshit over Riley Cooper (WR for Eagles) saying ******. He didn't call any specific person out, he was mouthing off. No one would have known about it, but for the news putting it out there.

The more power you give a word, the more power you give it.
Local news is going apeshit over Riley Cooper (WR for Eagles) saying ******. He didn't call any specific person out, he was mouthing off. No one would have known about it, but for the news putting it out there.

On the news, he apologized to the person he said it to.

And, he said it on camera, open mic. Should the news have pretended it didn't happen?

"... just mouthing off ..." That's like Deen answering, "of course" when she was asked if she used the word.

IOW, there are people who just use the word and then get all kinds of surprised when they're caught. They apologize but only because they got caught. The worst kind of apology there is.

And, to say its okay to use it because someone else uses it is reeeelly lame. No excuse. None at all. Most blacks don't use it and to most blacks its the worst of the worst.
i don't think future generations will think us crazy, words have meaning at certain times. for example, i don't like people wanting to ban or edit mark twain because he wrote the word ******. i think it should stay as it was because it is an example of the way this country was at one time.

tim allen made an interesting statement the other day that ****** should be used in comedy...that way you dilute its power. not a bad idea, because comedy tends to break down our social barriers and phobias. ask a black person why they call each other ****** or nigga...and the responses i mostly hear or read are: it dilutes its power, it gives us power over the word. well...when the word no longer has the hate power it does, it will cease to have any real meaning.
i don't think future generations will think us crazy, words have meaning at certain times. for example, i don't like people wanting to ban or edit mark twain because he wrote the word ******. i think it should stay as it was because it is an example of the way this country was at one time.

tim allen made an interesting statement the other day that ****** should be used in comedy...that way you dilute its power. not a bad idea, because comedy tends to break down our social barriers and phobias. ask a black person why they call each other ****** or nigga...and the responses i mostly hear or read are: it dilutes its power, it gives us power over the word. well...when the word no longer has the hate power it does, it will cease to have any real meaning.

The only ones that give power to the word are blacks and white liberals. It means nothing to me.
I believe in certain situations it is deserved. If you're a stereotypical black street punk who lowers himself to his lowest common racial stereotype then hell yeah, ****** is the word, but by no means should people be throwing the term around loosely. I've personally never met a black person who deserved that label, but I don't live in the inner city where this kind of trash resides.

On the other side of fence the same could be said about white trash and low IQ red necks. I have no problem with that whatsoever if the shoe fits.
Local news is going apeshit over Riley Cooper (WR for Eagles) saying ******. He didn't call any specific person out, he was mouthing off. No one would have known about it, but for the news putting it out there.

On the news, he apologized to the person he said it to.

And, he said it on camera, open mic. Should the news have pretended it didn't happen?

"... just mouthing off ..." That's like Deen answering, "of course" when she was asked if she used the word.

IOW, there are people who just use the word and then get all kinds of surprised when they're caught. They apologize but only because they got caught. The worst kind of apology there is.

And, to say its okay to use it because someone else uses it is reeeelly lame. No excuse. None at all. Most blacks don't use it and to most blacks its the worst of the worst.

I was under the impression that he was being recorded on someone's phone, rather than a reporter holding a mic, and that is what the news grabbed and showed. And yeah, the media could have just ignored it. Like I said, the more power you give a word the more power it has.

Of course he only apologized because he got caught. Typical.

I never said it was okay to use it just because someone else uses it ... I said blacks use it frequently (not all blacks but blacks do call each other ****** or nigga). Will it fade out over time? If people stop using it, it will.
i don't think future generations will think us crazy, words have meaning at certain times. for example, i don't like people wanting to ban or edit mark twain because he wrote the word ******. i think it should stay as it was because it is an example of the way this country was at one time.

tim allen made an interesting statement the other day that ****** should be used in comedy...that way you dilute its power. not a bad idea, because comedy tends to break down our social barriers and phobias. ask a black person why they call each other ****** or nigga...and the responses i mostly hear or read are: it dilutes its power, it gives us power over the word. well...when the word no longer has the hate power it does, it will cease to have any real meaning.

True dat.

Dave Chappelle surely does his part:

[ame=]Chappelle Show: The Niggar Family - YouTube[/ame]
Crap, I just learned that "ELDERLY" was a politicly incorrect reference. Appartently a person has to be really old and infirm to be elderly. I'm not sure on the definition. A 75 year old walking with a cane may still just be a "senior" but once he or she switchs to a walker and moves around all hunched over, they become elderly? When a person becomes senile, even at 65, does that make them elderly? The N word is an easy one to figure out. Try to wrestle with elderly.
I find it ridiculous that people are so brainwashed by the PC police that they say "the n-word" rather than say "******", when using it in an explanatory way. I mean ... really? Same with "the r-word". :eusa_hand: That's just retarded.

Politically correct insult: Hey you f-word a/h-word, you're mother is a f-ing-word c-word and you're father is r-word! True story n-word!"


btw, to the OP... use of the word ****** is not banned, nor should it ever be. Will it fade out over time? Don't know. Black people use it very frequently, though.

Local news is going apeshit over Riley Cooper (WR for Eagles) saying ******. He didn't call any specific person out, he was mouthing off. No one would have known about it, but for the news putting it out there.

The more power you give a word, the more power you give it.

I tend to agree. Since everyone knows that the n-word is "******", then why not just say "******"? Well, if you work in a public position, it is better safe than sorry. If I an complaining about someone else saying "******", I am going to say n-word so that I don't get in trouble myself.
Using that word is a way of conveying almost limitless hatred. There are other words that are used to do the same thing that word is, by far and away, the worst.

Language changes. Future generations will understand how culturally loaded it was.

We know that now. That's why people use it against other people.

Horseshit----I use the word to piss off liberals.

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