The Muslim Brotherhood


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Egypt presidential election: Muslim Brotherhood win sets up army fight

6/18/12 By Richard Spencer

The Muslim Brotherhood, long repressed by Egypt's military dictatorship, claimed victory in the race to choose its first freely elected president and set up a dramatic confrontation with the army over his future powers.

The Brotherhood said Mohammed Morsi, leader of its political front the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), won a narrow but clear victory by a margin of 51.5 to 48.5 per cent of the votes, and would take up the reigns of office by June 30.

Its proclamation was challenged by Mr Morsi's main rival, the former general Ahmed Shafiq, whose campaign manager accused the Brotherhood of "an act of piracy" and of using "totally false figures" to support its "hijacking" of the results.

State-run newspapers however, also gave the victory to Mr Morsi.


Egypt presidential election: Muslim Brotherhood win sets up army fight - Telegraph
Egypt presidential election: Muslim Brotherhood win sets up army fight

6/18/12 By Richard Spencer

The Muslim Brotherhood, long repressed by Egypt's military dictatorship, claimed victory in the race to choose its first freely elected president and set up a dramatic confrontation with the army over his future powers.

The Brotherhood said Mohammed Morsi, leader of its political front the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), won a narrow but clear victory by a margin of 51.5 to 48.5 per cent of the votes, and would take up the reigns of office by June 30.

Its proclamation was challenged by Mr Morsi's main rival, the former general Ahmed Shafiq, whose campaign manager accused the Brotherhood of "an act of piracy" and of using "totally false figures" to support its "hijacking" of the results.

State-run newspapers however, also gave the victory to Mr Morsi.


Egypt presidential election: Muslim Brotherhood win sets up army fight - Telegraph
Results of Obama's much advertised "Arab Spring". This must be why Obama virtually PUSHED Mubarek out, so the Islamists can take over. Typical Democrat playbook. Same shit as Carter. He also pushed the Shah of Iran out, only to be replaced by Islamist animals that went around slaughtering their own people. Strangely enough, not a peep from Carter and the Democraps about the Islamist barbarians that took over.
Military Power Grab Eclipses Egyptian Islamists’ Declared Presidential Victory

by Ryan Mauro Jun 19th, 2012

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi and former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq, a secularist, have both claimed victory in Egypt’s presidential race and each are accusing each other of cheating. It now matters little who is declared the victor, as the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces seized power over the past week and relegated the presidency to little more than a figurehead.

The latest tally shows Morsi with a thin victory of 51% to Shafiq’s 49%. Thousands of Hamas supporters filled Palestinian streets after Morsi declared victory with the Hamas Prime Minister expressing his hope that Egypt will now “bolster the resistance of the Palestinian people.” Shafiq’s campaign is accusing the Muslim Brotherhood of “hijacking the election” and said its data shows “beyond all doubt” that he won. Shafiq is contesting the preliminary result.

The Shafiq campaign said that election observers have “spotted massive violations from Morsi’s campaign” and that the Brotherhood prematurely declared victory “in order to be able to claim vote-rigging when Shafiq wins.” The Egyptian Coalition for Election Observation has submitted reports of election violations in each side’s favor, specifically ballot-stuffing, vote-buying, ground transportation of supporters, clashes and illegal campaigning.


Military Power Grab Eclipses Egyptian Islamists’ Declared Presidential Victory | FrontPage Magazine
Egypt presidential election: Muslim Brotherhood win sets up army fight

6/18/12 By Richard Spencer

The Muslim Brotherhood, long repressed by Egypt's military dictatorship, claimed victory in the race to choose its first freely elected president and set up a dramatic confrontation with the army over his future powers.

The Brotherhood said Mohammed Morsi, leader of its political front the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), won a narrow but clear victory by a margin of 51.5 to 48.5 per cent of the votes, and would take up the reigns of office by June 30.

Its proclamation was challenged by Mr Morsi's main rival, the former general Ahmed Shafiq, whose campaign manager accused the Brotherhood of "an act of piracy" and of using "totally false figures" to support its "hijacking" of the results.

State-run newspapers however, also gave the victory to Mr Morsi.


Egypt presidential election: Muslim Brotherhood win sets up army fight - Telegraph
Anybody but Obama in 2012.
Mooslamic zealots kill young man for walking with his g/f...
Morality killing triggers fears and debate in Egypt
Thu Jul 5, 2012 - The fatal stabbing by men identified as Islamists of a young man as he walked with his fiancee has stirred fears among some Egyptians that zealots emboldened by the Muslim Brotherhood's rise to power will seek to impose their customs on society.
The couple were out in the port city of Suez, known as a bastion of hardline Islamism, when Ahmed Eid 20, was set upon and stabbed on June 25, dying later of his wounds. Although the exact circumstances of his killing are unclear, the stabbing has fed concern about the increased scope for vigilantism since Islamists moved to the heart of political life in the 17 months since Hosni Mubarak was deposed. Religious piety is common in Egypt but couples will often been seen holding hands in public even before marriage, bars are tolerated and tourists can peacefully visit beaches. The Muslim Brotherhood and more hardline Salafi parties have also voiced strong opposition to religious coercion or violence.

The three men identified as Islamists were arrested in the early hours of Thursday on suspicion of carrying out the attack, security sources in Suez said, adding they had shaved off their beards in an attempt to lie low. "Investigations are still going on with the three accused. They are Islamists but so far no organizational links have been uncovered," one of the sources said. The killing appeared not to have been premeditated, they said, adding that Eid was stabbed after an argument escalated into violence. Since Mubarak was toppled, reports have often circulated of Islamist-inspired morality campaigns.

Hardliners acting independently of any organization have targeted Sufi shrines - deemed by hardliners as heretical because of their mysticism. They blew one up in the Sinai Peninsula, where groups at the extreme fringe of the Islamist spectrum have imposed their own vision of Islam in some towns. But Islamist groups say cases have been either exaggerated or fabricated to scare Egyptians. Conflicting reports over who stabbed Eid have circulated since his death. Hussein Eid, his father, initially accused parties affiliated to the Mubarak era of mounting the attack to tarnish the Islamists' reputation - suspicions also voiced by the Islamist groups and even some of their liberal critics.

So...The people of Egypt go from overthrowing a military dictatorship to electing an Islamic dictatorship.

*sigh* Some people are just gluttons for punishment.
Can we just let the Egyptians get on with it and live under Sharia in peace?
Shariah and peace that would be an oxymoron. Like airline food, or pretty ugly. I feel a major civil war brewing in Egypt. Or as the child in the famous movie "the sixth sense" once said, "I see dead people..."
Can we just let the Egyptians get on with it and live under Sharia in peace?
Shariah and peace that would be an oxymoron. Like airline food, or pretty ugly. I feel a major civil war brewing in Egypt. Or as the child in the famous movie "the sixth sense" once said, "I see dead people..."

"Shariah and peace that would be an oxymoron."

That's funny like when LGBT support islamics, they'll be the first to get beheaded...
Can we just let the Egyptians get on with it and live under Sharia in peace?
Shariah and peace that would be an oxymoron. Like airline food, or pretty ugly. I feel a major civil war brewing in Egypt. Or as the child in the famous movie "the sixth sense" once said, "I see dead people..."

"Shariah and peace that would be an oxymoron."

That's funny like when LGBT support islamics, they'll be the first to get beheaded...
Sure is
Muslim Brotherhood: Destroy the Pyramids!

Posted by Raymond Ibrahim
Jul 10th, 2012

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Morsi, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not.”

This is a reference to the Muslim Prophet Muhammad’s companion, Amr bin al-As and his Arabian tribesmen, who invaded and conquered Egypt circa 641. Under al-As and subsequent Muslim rule, many Egyptian antiquities were destroyed as relics of infidelity. While most Western academics argue otherwise, according to early Muslim writers, the great Library of Alexandria itself—deemed a repository of pagan knowledge contradicting the Koran—was destroyed under bin al-As’s reign and in compliance with Caliph Omar’s command.

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin | FrontPage Magazine
Quick history lesson.
The US armed Iran when the puppet king was in place. That turned into a mess a few years later.
The US armed Iraq when that country started to fight against Iran - We know how that turned out.
Egypt made a peace deal with Israel and, guess what, the US armed that country to the teeth.

Now the Muslim brotherhood, a party with the sworn aim of destroying Israel, looks very much like it's about to gain power.

Drrrrrr. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to work out what could very well happen next.

Iran, a country run by a government that is completely bonkers, has massive land forces and China is assisting it with air power, SAM and IT.
Several other regional powers have a fair fighting force as well.
Turkey, if dragged in, has very capable US supplied, air power.
None can defeat Israel alone but a combined force could make a serious mess even if it lost.
Quick history lesson.
The US armed Iran when the puppet king was in place. That turned into a mess a few years later.
The US armed Iraq when that country started to fight against Iran - We know how that turned out.
Egypt made a peace deal with Israel and, guess what, the US armed that country to the teeth.

Now the Muslim brotherhood, a party with the sworn aim of destroying Israel, looks very much like it's about to gain power.

Drrrrrr. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to work out what could very well happen next.

Iran, a country run by a government that is completely bonkers, has massive land forces and China is assisting it with air power, SAM and IT.
Several other regional powers have a fair fighting force as well.
Turkey, if dragged in, has very capable US supplied, air power.
None can defeat Israel alone but a combined force could make a serious mess even if it lost.

They've tried that a couple of times before. Didn't really work out well for them.
Quick history lesson.
The US armed Iran when the puppet king was in place. That turned into a mess a few years later.
The US armed Iraq when that country started to fight against Iran - We know how that turned out.
Egypt made a peace deal with Israel and, guess what, the US armed that country to the teeth.

Now the Muslim brotherhood, a party with the sworn aim of destroying Israel, looks very much like it's about to gain power.

Drrrrrr. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to work out what could very well happen next.

Iran, a country run by a government that is completely bonkers, has massive land forces and China is assisting it with air power, SAM and IT.
Several other regional powers have a fair fighting force as well.
Turkey, if dragged in, has very capable US supplied, air power.
None can defeat Israel alone but a combined force could make a serious mess even if it lost.

They've tried that a couple of times before. Didn't really work out well for them.

Arming various countries and starting a load of wars hasn't exactly been great for the US.
How many US dead in the US started wars since 1945?

I'm not anti US but your governments over the last few decades have been bloody idiots.
Quick history lesson.
The US armed Iran when the puppet king was in place. That turned into a mess a few years later.
The US armed Iraq when that country started to fight against Iran - We know how that turned out.
Egypt made a peace deal with Israel and, guess what, the US armed that country to the teeth.

Now the Muslim brotherhood, a party with the sworn aim of destroying Israel, looks very much like it's about to gain power.

Drrrrrr. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to work out what could very well happen next.

Iran, a country run by a government that is completely bonkers, has massive land forces and China is assisting it with air power, SAM and IT.
Several other regional powers have a fair fighting force as well.
Turkey, if dragged in, has very capable US supplied, air power.
None can defeat Israel alone but a combined force could make a serious mess even if it lost.

They've tried that a couple of times before. Didn't really work out well for them.

Arming various countries and starting a load of wars hasn't exactly been great for the US.
How many US dead in the US started wars since 1945?

I'm not anti US but your governments over the last few decades have been bloody idiots.

You are apparently even to stupid to realize that I'm not a US citizen. Not really a surprise. Your stupidity is pretty self-evident.
Can we just let the Egyptians get on with it and live under Sharia in peace?
Shariah and peace that would be an oxymoron. Like airline food, or pretty ugly. I feel a major civil war brewing in Egypt. Or as the child in the famous movie "the sixth sense" once said, "I see dead people..."

I think some people will resist but most will bow down and accept Sharia, there are not enough people in Egypt to fight against this to cause a civil war.
Muslim Brotherhood: Destroy the Pyramids!

Posted by Raymond Ibrahim
Jul 10th, 2012

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Morsi, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not.”

This is a reference to the Muslim Prophet Muhammad’s companion, Amr bin al-As and his Arabian tribesmen, who invaded and conquered Egypt circa 641. Under al-As and subsequent Muslim rule, many Egyptian antiquities were destroyed as relics of infidelity. While most Western academics argue otherwise, according to early Muslim writers, the great Library of Alexandria itself—deemed a repository of pagan knowledge contradicting the Koran—was destroyed under bin al-As’s reign and in compliance with Caliph Omar’s command.

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin | FrontPage Magazine

I don't think will do it they want that tourist cash.
Muslim Brotherhood: Destroy the Pyramids!

Posted by Raymond Ibrahim
Jul 10th, 2012

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Morsi, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not.”

This is a reference to the Muslim Prophet Muhammad’s companion, Amr bin al-As and his Arabian tribesmen, who invaded and conquered Egypt circa 641. Under al-As and subsequent Muslim rule, many Egyptian antiquities were destroyed as relics of infidelity. While most Western academics argue otherwise, according to early Muslim writers, the great Library of Alexandria itself—deemed a repository of pagan knowledge contradicting the Koran—was destroyed under bin al-As’s reign and in compliance with Caliph Omar’s command.

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin | FrontPage Magazine

I don't think will do it they want that tourist cash.
Never underestimate Islamic barbarity. They won't do it now because the army is still in control. Once the army falls under the Brotherhood's hands, then all bets will be off. They might even do it to just to "make a statement" to the world.
Muslim Brotherhood: Destroy the Pyramids!

Posted by Raymond Ibrahim
Jul 10th, 2012

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Morsi, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not.”

This is a reference to the Muslim Prophet Muhammad’s companion, Amr bin al-As and his Arabian tribesmen, who invaded and conquered Egypt circa 641. Under al-As and subsequent Muslim rule, many Egyptian antiquities were destroyed as relics of infidelity. While most Western academics argue otherwise, according to early Muslim writers, the great Library of Alexandria itself—deemed a repository of pagan knowledge contradicting the Koran—was destroyed under bin al-As’s reign and in compliance with Caliph Omar’s command.

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin | FrontPage Magazine

I don't think will do it they want that tourist cash.
Never underestimate Islamic barbarity. They won't do it now because the army is still in control. Once the army falls under the Brotherhood's hands, then all bets will be off. They might even do it to just to "make a statement" to the world.

It just depends how this all plays out, if they want to keep that tourist cash and American aid they can't touch those Pyramids.
Muslim Brotherhood: Destroy the Pyramids!

Posted by Raymond Ibrahim
Jul 10th, 2012

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax.

This is terrible.
Perhaps you could link to the Arabic press report directly.
I've tried a series of Google searches and can only find the same report spewed out in some Israeli press and a load of forums and blogs.

Sadly, I can't find a single quote or the slightest mention in any Arabic or Islamic publications at all.

Thanks in advance for your help sorting out the link. :)
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