The most successful state in America is run by republicans


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
""There’s no shortage of bad economics news these days. In August there were no new jobs created, retail sales were flat, consumer confidence plunged to recession-era lows, and it was reported this week that the nation’s poverty rate last year rose to the highest level since 1993. Yet, amid all of the national “gloom and doom” there is an amazing story of a booming economy in North Dakota, America’s most successful state by every economic measure. Here are some recent facts about North Dakota’s economy, which is flourishing as a direct result of the booming oil and gas production in the state’s oil-rich Bakken formation:"’s-most-successful-state/

"North Dakota has a Republican governor, the GOP controls its Legislature, and in 2010 a Senate seat and a House seat, the one Berg now holds, both flipped to Republicans. The state hasn't voted for a Democratic president since Barry Goldwater was the Republican nominee in 1964."

Competitive Senate race shaping up in North Dakota -

So fuck off liberals!!!
""There’s no shortage of bad economics news these days. In August there were no new jobs created, retail sales were flat, consumer confidence plunged to recession-era lows, and it was reported this week that the nation’s poverty rate last year rose to the highest level since 1993. Yet, amid all of the national “gloom and doom” there is an amazing story of a booming economy in North Dakota, America’s most successful state by every economic measure. Here are some recent facts about North Dakota’s economy, which is flourishing as a direct result of the booming oil and gas production in the state’s oil-rich Bakken formation:"’s-most-successful-state/

"North Dakota has a Republican governor, the GOP controls its Legislature, and in 2010 a Senate seat and a House seat, the one Berg now holds, both flipped to Republicans. The state hasn't voted for a Democratic president since Barry Goldwater was the Republican nominee in 1964."

Competitive Senate race shaping up in North Dakota -

So fuck off liberals!!!

Classic CON. :lol:
Walker turned around Wisconsin, as everyone knows.

Kasich fixed Ohio's $8 billion budget hole and Ohio is #8 in the Nation in job creation, and #1 in the midwest.

Rick Snyder is turning around Michigan.

Most of the Leftist dependency shitholes remain... Leftist dependency shitholes.
Walker turned around Wisconsin, as everyone knows.

Kasich fixed Ohio's $8 billion budget hole and Ohio is #8 in the Nation in job creation, and #1 in the midwest.

Rick Snyder is turning around Michigan.

Most of the Leftist dependency shitholes remain... Leftist dependency shitholes.

Florida is pure Pubbie, with 8% unemployment, there are 50 states now Snip. The welfare states are red also. :lol:
GOP Governors Deliver on Jobs

The Republican Governors Association released the following release on the strength of economic growth in states with Republican Governors.

According to data released this morning from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Republican governors are leading economic turnarounds in their states and performing significantly better than their Democratic counterparts in terms of job creation.

Over the most recent 12 months available, Republican governors have added 1 job per every 179 state residents in their states while Democrats have added 1 job per every 227 state residents.

“Republican governors are creating pro-jobs economic environments in their states that contrast sharply with the Obama administration and the leadership in many Democrat-led state capitals,” said RGA Chairman Bob McDonnell. “Republican governors understand the keys to private-sector job growth are a stable and predictable regulatory environment and limited taxation. Instead of road-blocking job-creating projects like the Keystone XL pipeline, empowering an overzealous EPA and proposing higher taxes, I encourage President Obama to borrow from the successful job creation strategies being implemented in states with Republican governors.”
Fast Facts:
29 of 50 states (58%) have Republican governors
7 of 10 (70) states with lowest unemployment rates have Republican governors
7 of 10 (70%) states with the largest statistically significant percentage drop in unemployment over the past year have Republican governors
10 of 14 (71%) states with statistically significant unemployment rate decreases over the most recent month have Republican governors
7 of 10 (70%) states with largest statistically significant increases in employment over the past 12 months have Republican governors'

GOP Governors Deliver on Jobs - Gary Herbert for Governor

And Leftist dependency shitholes are more shiitty and dependent than ever.\

How's that hopey changey thingy workin out for ya?
Walker turned around Wisconsin, as everyone knows.

Kasich fixed Ohio's $8 billion budget hole and Ohio is #8 in the Nation in job creation, and #1 in the midwest.

Rick Snyder is turning around Michigan.

Most of the Leftist dependency shitholes remain... Leftist dependency shitholes.

Florida is pure Pubbie, with 8% unemployment, there are 50 states now Snip. The welfare states are red also. :lol:

You can't stop lying, can you?

Have you sought out counseling?

A successful N Dakota is still N Dakota. Does anyone live there yet?

A few stranded souls yes. The state government had nothing to do with the current prosperity, an oil boom created that. The successful speculators then ran for office.
Republicans always do well in states there is a lot of oil and gas. If they can't dig it out of the ground, what else are they going to successful at? Technology? Science? Education? Come on.
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Which party runs the worst state ? :eusa_think:

I'm curious about this as well.. but not sure why anyone would try to assume some kind of causation between a state's success and the ruling party and then try to extrapolate that to some greater meaning about Dems and Repubs nationwide.

The laboratory of States show that
1) NO state where the majority of employees are state/government employees will exist.
Why? Unless the state seizes private businesses, where does the revenue needed to
pay the majority of employees, i.e. being state/govt. employees come from? What taxes?
A state with a majority of employees being state/government employees will never have
enough revenue to pay the employees.

2) Objective of a state with majority of state/government employees is to manage the state.
What will they be managing if there are NO private businesses that will be following state
rules and regulations?
Which party runs the worst state ? :eusa_think:

I'm curious about this as well.. but not sure why anyone would try to assume some kind of causation between a state's success and the ruling party and then try to extrapolate that to some greater meaning about Dems and Repubs nationwide.

The laboratory of States show that
1) NO state where the majority of employees are state/government employees will exist.
Why? Unless the state seizes private businesses, where does the revenue needed to
pay the majority of employees, i.e. being state/govt. employees come from? What taxes?
A state with a majority of employees being state/government employees will never have
enough revenue to pay the employees.

2) Objective of a state with majority of state/government employees is to manage the state.
What will they be managing if there are NO private businesses that will be following state
rules and regulations?

I'm trying to figure out exactly what it is you're imagining.
Walker turned around Wisconsin, as everyone knows.

Kasich fixed Ohio's $8 billion budget hole and Ohio is #8 in the Nation in job creation, and #1 in the midwest.

Rick Snyder is turning around Michigan.

Most of the Leftist dependency shitholes remain... Leftist dependency shitholes.

Walker has the worst job record of any Governor.

Wisconsin's unemployment rate is well below the National average - and falling as jobs are added.

Let your butthurt flow. You are going to need it!

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