"The Most Important WikiLeak" - How Wall Street Built The Obama Cabinet


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Perhaps the most startling discovery of the WikiLeaks dumps so far didn't come from the most recent emails surrounding the various Hillary scandals, though there are many great ones, but from 2008 when John Podesta served as co-chair of President-elect Barack Obama’s transition team. The email came from Michael Froman, a former Citibank executive, who single-handedly built the entire cabinet of what was supposed to be the "main street" President.

The email in question was even sent from Froman's Citibank email address (rookie!) and includes "A list of African American, Latino and Asian American candidates, broken down by Cabinet/Deputy and Under/Assistant/Deputy Assistant level, plus a list of Native American, Arab/Muslim American and Disabled American candidates."

Apparently Obama wasn't as worried about placing women in senior-level positions but Froman decided to offer up some suggestions anyway.

(Excerpt) Read more at zerohedge.com ...


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