The Morning After...

Bullypulpit said:
And so we agree to disagree.

This is not a matter of opinion. Bio 101 says it's a live. But sure, choose ignorance and groupthink.
rtwngAvngr said:
This is not a matter of opinion. Bio 101 says it's a live. But sure, choose ignorance and groupthink.

You're splitting hairs and setting up straw men. The individual cells in the fertilized egg may be living, but they in no way constitute a liveing breathing being. You're trying to equate the two...Apples and oranges old son. They're both round but beyond that, they're different entities entirely.
Bullypulpit said:
You're splitting hairs and setting up straw men. The individual cells in the fertilized egg may be living, but they in no way constitute a liveing breathing being. You're trying to equate the two...Apples and oranges old son. They're both round but beyond that, they're different entities entirely.

No. Im not. You're full of crap and make no sense.
Bully Wrote:
A fertilized egg is an undifferentiated mass of cells, not a living entity.

Then Bully Wrote:
The individual cells in the fertilized egg may be living

Sorry, "old son," but the pro-abortion movement has you hook, line, and sinker...your brainwashing is so complete you can't even see it anymore.
Gem said:
Bully Wrote:

Then Bully Wrote:

Sorry, "old son," but the pro-abortion movement has you hook, line, and sinker...your brainwashing is so complete you can't even see it anymore.

Excuse me, Gem - that would be "Pro-choice". How are our all-wise and all-knowing social engineers going to accomplish the hijacking of the English language if we go around calling things what they ARE?
Bullypulpit said:
You're splitting hairs and setting up straw men. The individual cells in the fertilized egg may be living, but they in no way constitute a liveing breathing being. You're trying to equate the two...Apples and oranges old son. They're both round but beyond that, they're different entities entirely.

Now that is just inane, scientifically it is alive with separate Genetics and a different developing being as well as the progeny of humans. The living zygote is clearly a living developing human, scientifically as well as logically, the attempt to define it as "not alive" would leave you attempting to define cells such as single-celled organisms as "not alive" and would clearly be taking a leap of logic well beyond the established scientific definition of life.

As I said in a previous post you would do better to attempt to argue that the zygote has less value as there is no brainwave pattern yet and therefore no person, but even that point has still lost in reality. A microcephalic child will also have almost no complex brainwave pattern but they are clearly people.

Attempting to differentiate and assign value based on the level of development of a living being is an attempt to make one feel better about their action that they take for their convenience. To end the life, purposely, of their own developing progeny.
pegwinn said:
Traditional birth control pills "prevent" contraception just like condoms. As I understand it this pill is taken after the fact. If the chain of events leading to pregnancy is broken, isn't that a medicinal aborting of the process?

The morning after pill, the way I understand it, causes a woman to start her period. She may or may not be pregnant. The pill is given to rape victims "the morning after" which is to early to know if she's pregnant or not. They may not be preventing anything.

Here is some info on the morning after pill.

Description: A combination of oral birth control pills that must be taken within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.

Effectiveness: 80%

How to Use It: Pills are available by prescription. Take the first dose of pills (usually 2-4 pills) and after twelve hours take the second dose of the same amount. The pill prevents the egg from being fertilized.

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