The Meuller investigation was inherently immoral...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...Mueller must have known, early on, that there was no basis to the accusations against Trump and his people, and yet he plowed on, destroying lives, reputations and fortunes of anyone who had any connection with Trump.

This massive injustice needs to be corrected. I say, full pardons for all the victims of the Mueller investigation and money to compensate them for their financial losses.
If you are going to be pointing fingers at everyone, how about you start with Trump and his people playing footsie with Russians, lying their ass off, and obstructing investigations that landed them in all the deep shit?

If Papadopolous didn't lie, and instead took the information he learned about Russians having Clinton emails to FBI there would not be an investigation into conspiracy.

If Trump Junior wasn't seeking dirt on Clinton for Russians, he'd save himself, his lying daddy and this country a lot of angst.

If Flynn didn't lie to FBI, he would not be going to jail.

If Trump didn't fire Comey he would not be under investigation.

See how it works?
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Hey dumbass, how about you stop pointing fingers at everyone and simply hold Trump accountable for the lies and playing footsie with Putin that landed him in all the deep shit?
So the strategy is going to be CONTINUE THE LIES.
Hey dumbass, how about you stop pointing fingers at everyone and simply hold Trump accountable for the lies and playing footsie with Putin that landed him in all the deep shit?
So the strategy is going to be CONTINUE THE LIES.

What lies?
He s a lousy troll. Ask him about his latest publication.

I posted the entire Mueller redacted report. You ain't going to like it. It's a national embarrassment. The Russians embarrass the hell out of us and manipulated even the GOP Primaries.
...Mueller must have known, early on, that there was no basis to the accusations against Trump and his people, and yet he plowed on, destroying lives, reputations and fortunes of anyone who had any connection with Trump.

This massive injustice needs to be corrected. I say, full pardons for all the victims of the Mueller investigation and money to compensate them for their financial losses.

Here is the thing---------------_> Mueller know at the latest, July of 17, there was no collusion. Wiseman knew it in August of 16! Soooooooooooo, from the time they got the redacted, updated SCOPE MEMO, they were looking into OBSTRUCTION, and NOT COLLUSION!

So, in essence, all the breathless reports by the media since the updated scope memo on how the walls were closing in on Trump for CONSPIRACY were planted stories, and as we now see, they were all FALSE! The planted stories were just a vehicle to justify the continuation of the investigation, while Mueller and friends tried as hard as they could to build an OBSTRUCTION case.

All the evidence points to the fact that the Obama team started this, and when Hilly lost, had to create a LEGAL excuse for why it happened. That is really what all of this is, nothing more, nothing less.

As far as General Flynn, they started looking into him in 2014, which was looooooong before he ever joined the Trump campaign.


Because he wielded great power in the Obama Administration, and was 100% opposed to the Iran-nuclear-deal. When he joined the Trump campaign as an advisor, and Trump INSTANTLY promised to leave the deal, Flynn had to be shut up. If anyone deserves a pardon, it is Flynn by the way, Manafort, not so much. I am POSITIVE that win or lose in 2020, Trump will pardon Flynn as he takes the oath of office for his 2nd term, or pardon him on the way out the door if he loses.

Carter Paige is going to become a very rich man with the suit he has going against the government. Flynn will also become wealthy once he is pardoned and can write the book on exactly what happened. That doesn't solve their problems today on how they get their reputations back after being lied about for years, but the 2 people who in the end are going to be ruined as far as reputation, is Hillary, and most importantly, Obama.

I have absolute confidence that before the snow flies again in the fall, the party will be over for the Left and their minions in the MSM. Unlike with Mueller, there will be indictments that directly relate to what was done, and many have already sung like birds, so there is no saving the Left now-)
...Mueller must have known, early on, that there was no basis to the accusations against Trump and his people, and yet he plowed on, destroying lives, reputations and fortunes of anyone who had any connection with Trump.

This massive injustice needs to be corrected. I say, full pardons for all the victims of the Mueller investigation and money to compensate them for their financial losses.

Here is the thing---------------_> Mueller know at the latest, July of 17, there was no collusion. Wiseman knew it in August of 16! Soooooooooooo, from the time they got the redacted, updated SCOPE MEMO, they were looking into OBSTRUCTION, and NOT COLLUSION!

So, in essence, all the breathless reports by the media since the updated scope memo on how the walls were closing in on Trump for CONSPIRACY were planted stories, and as we now see, they were all FALSE! The planted stories were just a vehicle to justify the continuation of the investigation, while Mueller and friends tried as hard as they could to build an OBSTRUCTION case.

All the evidence points to the fact that the Obama team started this, and when Hilly lost, had to create a LEGAL excuse for why it happened. That is really what all of this is, nothing more, nothing less.

As far as General Flynn, they started looking into him in 2014, which was looooooong before he ever joined the Trump campaign.


Because he wielded great power in the Obama Administration, and was 100% opposed to the Iran-nuclear-deal. When he joined the Trump campaign as an advisor, and Trump INSTANTLY promised to leave the deal, Flynn had to be shut up. If anyone deserves a pardon, it is Flynn by the way, Manafort, not so much. I am POSITIVE that win or lose in 2020, Trump will pardon Flynn as he takes the oath of office for his 2nd term, or pardon him on the way out the door if he loses.

Carter Paige is going to become a very rich man with the suit he has going against the government. Flynn will also become wealthy once he is pardoned and can write the book on exactly what happened. That doesn't solve their problems today on how they get their reputations back after being lied about for years, but the 2 people who in the end are going to be ruined as far as reputation, is Hillary, and most importantly, Obama.

I have absolute confidence that before the snow flies again in the fall, the party will be over for the Left and their minions in the MSM. Unlike with Mueller, there will be indictments that directly relate to what was done, and many have already sung like birds, so there is no saving the Left now-)

Email transcript of Trump administration holding a meeting with Russian gov representatives to seek dirt on Hillary was leaked Junior.

I have absolute confidence I will be laughing at your reality detached ass when that snow flies.
...Mueller must have known, early on, that there was no basis to the accusations against Trump and his people, and yet he plowed on, destroying lives, reputations and fortunes of anyone who had any connection with Trump.

This massive injustice needs to be corrected. I say, full pardons for all the victims of the Mueller investigation and money to compensate them for their financial losses.

Here is the thing---------------_> Mueller know at the latest, July of 17, there was no collusion. Wiseman knew it in August of 16! Soooooooooooo, from the time they got the redacted, updated SCOPE MEMO, they were looking into OBSTRUCTION, and NOT COLLUSION!

So, in essence, all the breathless reports by the media since the updated scope memo on how the walls were closing in on Trump for CONSPIRACY were planted stories, and as we now see, they were all FALSE! The planted stories were just a vehicle to justify the continuation of the investigation, while Mueller and friends tried as hard as they could to build an OBSTRUCTION case.

All the evidence points to the fact that the Obama team started this, and when Hilly lost, had to create a LEGAL excuse for why it happened. That is really what all of this is, nothing more, nothing less.

As far as General Flynn, they started looking into him in 2014, which was looooooong before he ever joined the Trump campaign.


Because he wielded great power in the Obama Administration, and was 100% opposed to the Iran-nuclear-deal. When he joined the Trump campaign as an advisor, and Trump INSTANTLY promised to leave the deal, Flynn had to be shut up. If anyone deserves a pardon, it is Flynn by the way, Manafort, not so much. I am POSITIVE that win or lose in 2020, Trump will pardon Flynn as he takes the oath of office for his 2nd term, or pardon him on the way out the door if he loses.

Carter Paige is going to become a very rich man with the suit he has going against the government. Flynn will also become wealthy once he is pardoned and can write the book on exactly what happened. That doesn't solve their problems today on how they get their reputations back after being lied about for years, but the 2 people who in the end are going to be ruined as far as reputation, is Hillary, and most importantly, Obama.

I have absolute confidence that before the snow flies again in the fall, the party will be over for the Left and their minions in the MSM. Unlike with Mueller, there will be indictments that directly relate to what was done, and many have already sung like birds, so there is no saving the Left now-)

Email transcript of Trump administration holding a meeting with Russian gov representatives to seek dirt on Hillary was leaked Junior.

I have absolute confidence I will be laughing at your reality detached ass when that snow flies.

Dude your side is screwed. If you want to come on here and do all your pretend, I have no problem with it.

IC, you aren't even from the U-----S------of A-----------so why don't you worry about local politics; and I am just asking.

If you want to carry on your nonsense, feel free! We rate you incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial, but we DO have to have some one to laugh at...……...and oh yeah, that would be YOU-)

Antonio-E-Balonio, and if only he/she was in this country, I could make his/her posts, EPIC-)

Do you realize you are one of the poster children, for what what has gone wrong, lol!

Keep POSTING, we appreciate it! And trust me; you words are going much farther than here, along with the rest of ya!

Hope you are proud of what you say-)
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...Mueller must have known, early on, that there was no basis to the accusations against Trump and his people, and yet he plowed on, destroying lives, reputations and fortunes of anyone who had any connection with Trump.

This massive injustice needs to be corrected. I say, full pardons for all the victims of the Mueller investigation and money to compensate them for their financial losses.

I thought OP's had to include a link to a relevant article/page...not just personal thoughts?
...Mueller must have known, early on, that there was no basis to the accusations against Trump and his people, and yet he plowed on, destroying lives, reputations and fortunes of anyone who had any connection with Trump.

This massive injustice needs to be corrected. I say, full pardons for all the victims of the Mueller investigation and money to compensate them for their financial losses.

I thought OP's had to include a link to a relevant article/page...not just personal thoughts?

Oh, II see. Make sure you report the OP to the Mods. It appears that is one of the tools you flakes use when you are losing so badly. But in this case, there is nothing wrong in give a personal opinion when you back it up with supporting ideas like the OP did. If you can't defeat the persons ideas you go after the person. And that is a sad way of doing things.
...Mueller must have known, early on, that there was no basis to the accusations against Trump and his people, and yet he plowed on, destroying lives, reputations and fortunes of anyone who had any connection with Trump.

This massive injustice needs to be corrected. I say, full pardons for all the victims of the Mueller investigation and money to compensate them for their financial losses.

I thought OP's had to include a link to a relevant article/page...not just personal thoughts?

Oh, II see. Make sure you report the OP to the Mods. It appears that is one of the tools you flakes use when you are losing so badly. But in this case, there is nothing wrong in give a personal opinion when you back it up with supporting ideas like the OP did. If you can't defeat the persons ideas you go after the person. And that is a sad way of doing things.

Lighten up Gramps....I asked a simple question.

I said nothing to the mods.

LOL...and how the hell can I be 'losing' after reading an OP?

...Mueller must have known, early on, that there was no basis to the accusations against Trump and his people, and yet he plowed on, destroying lives, reputations and fortunes of anyone who had any connection with Trump.

This massive injustice needs to be corrected. I say, full pardons for all the victims of the Mueller investigation and money to compensate them for their financial losses.

I thought OP's had to include a link to a relevant article/page...not just personal thoughts?

Oh, II see. Make sure you report the OP to the Mods. It appears that is one of the tools you flakes use when you are losing so badly. But in this case, there is nothing wrong in give a personal opinion when you back it up with supporting ideas like the OP did. If you can't defeat the persons ideas you go after the person. And that is a sad way of doing things.

Lighten up Gramps....I asked a simple question.

I said nothing to the mods.

LOL...and how the hell can I be 'losing' after reading an OP?


Well, you young whipper snapper, you need to learn too play the game in here that the rightwing fruitcakes play. But it's not working out so well for them today. One seems to have run to the Mods and has temporarily disappeared. While trying to pin me to the wall, he did what he accused me of and go popped for it. He really wasn't the smartest person in the room. Hell, you are many times smarter than he is if you are willing to discuss things. So I guess we can keep it civil, you young pup.
I think we need to find out when Mueller knew that Russian Collusion was a hoax. My bet is that he knew long before he was appointed.
...Mueller must have known, early on, that there was no basis to the accusations against Trump and his people, and yet he plowed on, destroying lives, reputations and fortunes of anyone who had any connection with Trump.

This massive injustice needs to be corrected. I say, full pardons for all the victims of the Mueller investigation and money to compensate them for their financial losses.

I thought OP's had to include a link to a relevant article/page...not just personal thoughts?

Oh, II see. Make sure you report the OP to the Mods. It appears that is one of the tools you flakes use when you are losing so badly. But in this case, there is nothing wrong in give a personal opinion when you back it up with supporting ideas like the OP did. If you can't defeat the persons ideas you go after the person. And that is a sad way of doing things.

Lighten up Gramps....I asked a simple question.

I said nothing to the mods.

LOL...and how the hell can I be 'losing' after reading an OP?


Well, you young whipper snapper, you need to learn too play the game in here that the rightwing fruitcakes play. But it's not working out so well for them today. One seems to have run to the Mods and has temporarily disappeared. While trying to pin me to the wall, he did what he accused me of and go popped for it. He really wasn't the smartest person in the room. Hell, you are many times smarter than he is if you are willing to discuss things. So I guess we can keep it civil, you young pup.

Sounds good.

BTW - I REALLY was just asking a question above - for future reference if nothing else.
...Mueller must have known, early on, that there was no basis to the accusations against Trump and his people, and yet he plowed on, destroying lives, reputations and fortunes of anyone who had any connection with Trump.

This massive injustice needs to be corrected. I say, full pardons for all the victims of the Mueller investigation and money to compensate them for their financial losses.

Here is the thing---------------_> Mueller know at the latest, July of 17, there was no collusion. Wiseman knew it in August of 16! Soooooooooooo, from the time they got the redacted, updated SCOPE MEMO, they were looking into OBSTRUCTION, and NOT COLLUSION!

So, in essence, all the breathless reports by the media since the updated scope memo on how the walls were closing in on Trump for CONSPIRACY were planted stories, and as we now see, they were all FALSE! The planted stories were just a vehicle to justify the continuation of the investigation, while Mueller and friends tried as hard as they could to build an OBSTRUCTION case.

All the evidence points to the fact that the Obama team started this, and when Hilly lost, had to create a LEGAL excuse for why it happened. That is really what all of this is, nothing more, nothing less.

As far as General Flynn, they started looking into him in 2014, which was looooooong before he ever joined the Trump campaign.


Because he wielded great power in the Obama Administration, and was 100% opposed to the Iran-nuclear-deal. When he joined the Trump campaign as an advisor, and Trump INSTANTLY promised to leave the deal, Flynn had to be shut up. If anyone deserves a pardon, it is Flynn by the way, Manafort, not so much. I am POSITIVE that win or lose in 2020, Trump will pardon Flynn as he takes the oath of office for his 2nd term, or pardon him on the way out the door if he loses.

Carter Paige is going to become a very rich man with the suit he has going against the government. Flynn will also become wealthy once he is pardoned and can write the book on exactly what happened. That doesn't solve their problems today on how they get their reputations back after being lied about for years, but the 2 people who in the end are going to be ruined as far as reputation, is Hillary, and most importantly, Obama.

I have absolute confidence that before the snow flies again in the fall, the party will be over for the Left and their minions in the MSM. Unlike with Mueller, there will be indictments that directly relate to what was done, and many have already sung like birds, so there is no saving the Left now-)

Email transcript of Trump administration holding a meeting with Russian gov representatives to seek dirt on Hillary was leaked Junior.

I have absolute confidence I will be laughing at your reality detached ass when that snow flies.

Dude your side is screwed. If you want to come on here and do all your pretend, I have no problem with it.

IC, you aren't even from the U-----S------of A-----------so why don't you worry about local politics; and I am just asking.

If you want to carry on your nonsense, feel free! We rate you incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial, but we DO have to have some one to laugh at...……...and oh yeah, that would be YOU-)

Antonio-E-Balonio, and if only he/she was in this country, I could make his/her posts, EPIC-)

Do you realize you are one of the poster children, for what what has gone wrong, lol!

Keep POSTING, we appreciate it! And trust me; you words are going much farther than here, along with the rest of ya!

Hope you are proud of what you say-)

You should stop talking out of your ass "dude". I'm an American citizen, living in the states for over two decades now.
In the end the investigation did no harm. It's done now. Time to move on. I have more important things to do than to follow politics. My yard getting raked is so much more important.
If you are going to be pointing fingers at everyone, how about you start with Trump and his people playing footsie with Russians, lying their ass off, and obstructing investigations that landed them in all the deep shit?

If Papadopolous didn't lie, and instead took the information he learned about Russians having Clinton emails to FBI there would not be an investigation into conspiracy.

If Trump Junior wasn't seeking dirt on Clinton for Russians, he'd save himself, his lying daddy and this country a lot of angst.

If Flynn didn't lie to FBI, he would not be going to jail.

If Trump didn't fire Comey he would not be under investigation.

See how it works?

The whole investigation was based on Russian gossip obtained by the Clintons. Put the blame for this mess where it belongs. Didn't Bill Clinton dine at Putin's house prior to the election?
Here it comes...the Clinton's are at fault. Obama is at fault. No the Clinton's. No Obama....flip a coin already. Or check how the wind blows. Laughable.

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