The Medieval Warm(ish) Period In Pictures


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
The Medieval Warm(ish) Period In Pictures
Posted on 10 July 2011 by Rob Painting
The Medieval Warm(ish) Period In Pictures
The Medieval Warm Period (MWP) is a subject of "skeptic" focus, primarily because it was a time of natural warming. It took place from about 950-1250 AD, and, as opposed to today's warming which is global in extent and due to human activities, the MWP was mainly a northern hemisphere phenomenon and smaller in scale. Indeed, the advance of North American glaciers during the MWP is in stark contrast to what is happening in North America today.
The MWP in global maps

Mann (2009) was an analysis of a large set of climate/temperature proxies (ice cores, tree rings, cave mineral deposits, sediments, etc.) covering the MWP. See below:

Figure 1: Reconstructed surface temperature anomaly for Medieval Warm Period (950 to 1250 A.D.), relative to the 1961–1990 reference period. Gray areas indicate regions where adequate temperature data are unavailable.

It's clear from the map that only limited areas of the world were warmer during the MWP than the 1961–1990 reference period, Greenland in particular. Much of the rest of the planet, especially the oceans, were cooler. And take note of the cooler North American west coast, which is consistent with the glacier advance there during the MWP. Obviously, the Earth has continued to warm even further since the 1961–1990 period, so the difference in temperature between the MWP shown in the reconstruction and today is even greater.
Climate Models and the MWP

The climate proxies suggest a rather different distrubition of heat and rainfall than today. So the question arises: based on the current well-understood climate system, can ocean-atmosphere processes produce temperature patterns like the MWP? For answers we turn to climate models.

The cool central and eastern Pacific suggested by Mann 2009 explain some of planet-wide climate features observed in the MWP, but they fail to explain other aspects, such as as a more positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and increased rainfall in parts of Asia.

Graham (2010) used the NCAR climate model and, based on findings from other modelling studies and proxy evidence for a warmer Western Pacific Ocean, found that by forcing the simulation to have a slightly warmer Indian and Western Pacific Ocean relative to other ocean basins, the model results match the climate suggested by the proxies.

Below are the comparisons between the climate model control runs (a pre-industrial baseline) and the simulations including a warmer Indian-Western Pacific Ocean, for the northern hemisphere (boreal) winter (figure 2 and 3)

Figure 2: Differences in December–March temperature between the Indian Ocean Warm Pool (25) and control simulations (°C, color; values are Sea surface temperature over ocean and 2-m temperature over land).Lined contour interval is 0.5°C between 30°N and 30°S and 1°C elsewhere. From Graham 2010.

Figure 3: Differences in December–March precipitation (expressed as fraction of Control simulation, color) and Sea level Pressure (difference, hPa) for the Indian Ocean Warm Pool simulation. SLP contour interval is 1.0 hPa except 0.25 hPa in the region 30°S–40°N and 25°E–100°E where the finer interval highlights temperature-driven low pressure around continental periphery of northern Indian Ocean. From Graham 2010.

The warm Indian-Western Pacific Ocean, combined with the cool Central and Eastern tropical Pacific reveals a good match with the paleoclimate proxies shown in the Mann 2009 reconstruction, namely:

The NAO becomes more positive (A in figure 2 and 3), matching proxies of Atlantic sea surface temperature and sea ice distribution. This due to an atmospheric teleconnection (two connected atmospheric processes separated by large distances) between the NAO and warming over the Indian Ocean.

Seasonal dryness in northeast Africa (B in Figure 3 )

And wetter conditions in India, Southeast Asia and China(C in figure 3)

A mechanism for such warming of the Indian and western Pacific Oceans has not been found, nor do the climate model simulations resolve all the patterns suggested by the proxies (such as warming of the British Isles); however, these findings represent another small step forward in piecing together the puzzle of the MWP, and also support the interpretation of the proxy data in Mann 2009.
Science marches on while skeptics don't

The MWP was very unlike warming today; the growing North American glaciers during the MWP being somewhat of a giveaway. The MWP only affected warming in a handful of regions, with Greenland being especially warm (Figure 1), whereas much of the Earth was actually cooler than the late 20th century. By comparison; today virtually every glacier and ice sheet on the planet is in rapid retreat.

Both the climate proxies and the climate models imply that the MWP was a re-organization of the Earth's climate, and that much of this re-organization can be explained by oceanic patterns of warming and cooling, although what started all this rolling in the first place is still unknown.

So while some climate "skeptics" are stuck in a time loop, wilfully reliving their own version of Groundhog Day, science continues to move forward.

Holy crap this shows that most of the world outside of europe/arcitc and some of the US was below the baseline for the period of 1961-1990 during the med evil warm period. They say that the glacial in north America were growing.

I disagree because I believe the med evil was caused by the same thing that caused the little ice age. hehehe:lol:

I believe most of the bigger short term 20-200 year movements within the climate are mostly caused by changes within the solar output. Of course not all as you know---another is the orbit around the sun that goes from more oval to circular in nature, which causes more solar energy to reach the earth when it is avged over the year with slightly more energy and another is the angle of the planet. Mostly longer term cycles.

Of course if the different area's---were warmer at different times that would build support for a change within internal patterns like the nao, pdo, enso. We will see as more and more science is coming into support of such, but I will stick with a mixture of the solar output and maybe lean towards some internal patterns. Maybe the sun causes the internal changes?:eek:
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Here is a map in which each temperature noted is supported by peer reviewed studies and the locations of the studies are marked on the map. The bulk of peer review (as opposed to mann's discredited hockey stick and associated studies) indicates that the MWP was both warmer than the present and global in nature. If you would like a link to a listing of the peer reviewed studies that support this map, look at the bottom of the graphic.

It was interesting that the claim from mann is that during the MWP north american glaciers were still growing. Quite a few peer reviewed studies suggest that he couldn't be more wrong.

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I believe most of the bigger short term 20-200 year movements within the climate are mostly caused by changes within the solar output. Of course not all as you know---another is the orbit around the sun that goes from more oval to circular in nature, which causes more solar energy to reach the earth when it is avged over the year with slightly more energy and another is the angle of the planet. Mostly longer term cycles.

wondering what change would make a dif in the earth/sun relationship....

.01 degree? .000001 degree?

one would think there might be some hard science that could be pursued here...
I believe most of the bigger short term 20-200 year movements within the climate are mostly caused by changes within the solar output. Of course not all as you know---another is the orbit around the sun that goes from more oval to circular in nature, which causes more solar energy to reach the earth when it is avged over the year with slightly more energy and another is the angle of the planet. Mostly longer term cycles.

wondering what change would make a dif in the earth/sun relationship....

.01 degree? .000001 degree?

one would think there might be some hard science that could be pursued here...

global warming has nothing to do with temputure. It's all about the control of lifestyles. When the warmers get's that through their head, then we can talk. Until they stop lying their will be no discussion.
I believe most of the bigger short term 20-200 year movements within the climate are mostly caused by changes within the solar output. Of course not all as you know---another is the orbit around the sun that goes from more oval to circular in nature, which causes more solar energy to reach the earth when it is avged over the year with slightly more energy and another is the angle of the planet. Mostly longer term cycles.

wondering what change would make a dif in the earth/sun relationship....

.01 degree? .000001 degree?

one would think there might be some hard science that could be pursued here...

global warming has nothing to do with temputure. It's all about the control of lifestyles. When the warmers get's that through their head, then we can talk. Until they stop lying their will be no discussion.

well that may be so bigreb, but i find the earth's inconsistent distance from the sun a hard science

GW, at least so far, is a soft science

one can be lied about easier than the other...


wondering what change would make a dif in the earth/sun relationship....

.01 degree? .000001 degree?

one would think there might be some hard science that could be pursued here...

global warming has nothing to do with temputure. It's all about the control of lifestyles. When the warmers get's that through their head, then we can talk. Until they stop lying their will be no discussion.

well that may be so bigreb, but i find the earth's inconsistent distance from the sun a hard science

GW, at least so far, is a soft science

one can be lied about easier than the other...


Global warming agenda is the lie Mother earth warms herself and cool herself when she wants to. Nothing we can do about that.
From the first post........."based upon the well understood climate system"............


semantics, propaganda and bullshit........the k00ks have it down to a 'Science"
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Clearly we know that the earth has undergone period of warming and cooling.

That still does not in any way refute the argument that we are currently causing a warming trend.

It merely posits that the trend toward a warming planet is underway and that it is a non-manmade event.

That might be true.

Then again it might not be true.

The question is you feel lucky?

Well do ya?
Clearly we know that the earth has undergone period of warming and cooling.

That still does not in any way refute the argument that we are currently causing a warming trend.

It merely posits that the trend toward a warming planet is underway and that it is a non-manmade event.

That might be true.

Then again it might not be true.

The question is you feel lucky?

Well do ya?

Your reply has a lot of flaws.

Clearly we know that the earth has undergone period of warming and cooling.

If we already know the earth under goes changing temperatures and we know most of the warmers are liberal and we know liberals are control freaks, then we should also know whats behind their agenda.
That still does not in any way refute the argument that we are currently causing a warming trend.

To date, there is not a shred, of hard observed, repeatable evidence that we are causing any sort of change to the climate.

The question is you feel lucky?

Considering the fact that there is no evidence that proves that we are causing a warming in the climate, and the fact that the warming trend is now 14,000 years old, and the fact that there is absolutely nothing unprecedented or outside of natural variation going on now or in the forseeable future, and the fact that the "science" upon which the whole AGW scare is based is shakier than a bowl of jello in a 9.5 earthquake, I don't think feeling "lucky" has anything to do with it. The perponderance of the evidence says pretty clearly that there is nothing unusual going on.
Clearly we know that the earth has undergone period of warming and cooling.

That still does not in any way refute the argument that we are currently causing a warming trend.

It merely posits that the trend toward a warming planet is underway and that it is a non-manmade event.

That might be true.

Then again it might not be true.

The question is you feel lucky?

Well do ya?

Your reply has a lot of flaws.

Clearly we know that the earth has undergone period of warming and cooling.

If we already know the earth under goes changing temperatures and we know most of the warmers are liberal and we know liberals are control freaks, then we should also know whats behind their agenda.

Do we?

You know ONLY what you want to know, I think.

FWIW I think cap and trade response is a terrible idea, though.

On that issue I suspect we agree.

Still, despite my loathing of the current cap and trade idea, I am not convinced that we are not dealing with anthropogenic warming.

Frankly I cannot imagine that the net output of 7 billion people using as much energy as we currently use can NOT be effecting the atmosphere significantly.

What troubles me about his debate is that SCIENCE cannnot come to a firm conclusion, even to the point where they cannot agree about things as OBVIOUS as if the planet's atmosphere and oceans are indeed warming.

That is the most troubling part of this debate.

That science cannot give us an DEFINITIVE ANSWER about something that a layman like myself thinks ought to be quite obvious.
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Clearly we know that the earth has undergone period of warming and cooling.

That still does not in any way refute the argument that we are currently causing a warming trend.

It merely posits that the trend toward a warming planet is underway and that it is a non-manmade event.

That might be true.

Then again it might not be true.

The question is you feel lucky?

Well do ya?

Your reply has a lot of flaws.

Clearly we know that the earth has undergone period of warming and cooling.

If we already know the earth under goes changing temperatures and we know most of the warmers are liberal and we know liberals are control freaks, then we should also know whats behind their agenda.

Do we?

You know ONLY what you want to know, I think.

FWIW I think cap and trade response is a terrible idea, though.

On that issue I suspect we agree.

Still, despite my loathing of the current cap and trade idea, I am not convinced that we are not dealing with anthropogenic warming.

Frankly I cannot imagine that the net output of 7 billion people using as much energy as we currently use can NOT be effecting the atmosphere significantly.

What troubles me about his debate is that SCIENCE cannnot come to a firm conclusion, even to the point where they cannot agree about things as OBVIOUS as if the planet's atmosphere and oceans are indeed warming.

That is the most troubling part of this debate.

That science cannot give us an DEFINITIVE ANSWER about something that a layman like myself thinks ought to be quite obvious.

So, what we are supposed to do is change our life style on speculation?
The Medieval Warm(ish) Period In Pictures
Posted on 10 July 2011 by Rob Painting
The Medieval Warm(ish) Period In Pictures
The Medieval Warm Period (MWP) is a subject of "skeptic" focus, primarily because it was a time of natural warming. It took place from about 950-1250 AD, and, as opposed to today's warming which is global in extent and due to human activities, the MWP was mainly a northern hemisphere phenomenon and smaller in scale. Indeed, the advance of North American glaciers during the MWP is in stark contrast to what is happening in North America today.
The MWP in global maps

Mann (2009) was an analysis of a large set of climate/temperature proxies (ice cores, tree rings, cave mineral deposits, sediments, etc.) covering the MWP. See below:

Figure 1: Reconstructed surface temperature anomaly for Medieval Warm Period (950 to 1250 A.D.), relative to the 1961–1990 reference period. Gray areas indicate regions where adequate temperature data are unavailable.

It's clear from the map that only limited areas of the world were warmer during the MWP than the 1961–1990 reference period, Greenland in particular. Much of the rest of the planet, especially the oceans, were cooler. And take note of the cooler North American west coast, which is consistent with the glacier advance there during the MWP. Obviously, the Earth has continued to warm even further since the 1961–1990 period, so the difference in temperature between the MWP shown in the reconstruction and today is even greater.
Climate Models and the MWP

The climate proxies suggest a rather different distrubition of heat and rainfall than today. So the question arises: based on the current well-understood climate system, can ocean-atmosphere processes produce temperature patterns like the MWP? For answers we turn to climate models.

The cool central and eastern Pacific suggested by Mann 2009 explain some of planet-wide climate features observed in the MWP, but they fail to explain other aspects, such as as a more positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and increased rainfall in parts of Asia.

Graham (2010) used the NCAR climate model and, based on findings from other modelling studies and proxy evidence for a warmer Western Pacific Ocean, found that by forcing the simulation to have a slightly warmer Indian and Western Pacific Ocean relative to other ocean basins, the model results match the climate suggested by the proxies.

Below are the comparisons between the climate model control runs (a pre-industrial baseline) and the simulations including a warmer Indian-Western Pacific Ocean, for the northern hemisphere (boreal) winter (figure 2 and 3)

Figure 2: Differences in December–March temperature between the Indian Ocean Warm Pool (25) and control simulations (°C, color; values are Sea surface temperature over ocean and 2-m temperature over land).Lined contour interval is 0.5°C between 30°N and 30°S and 1°C elsewhere. From Graham 2010.

Figure 3: Differences in December–March precipitation (expressed as fraction of Control simulation, color) and Sea level Pressure (difference, hPa) for the Indian Ocean Warm Pool simulation. SLP contour interval is 1.0 hPa except 0.25 hPa in the region 30°S–40°N and 25°E–100°E where the finer interval highlights temperature-driven low pressure around continental periphery of northern Indian Ocean. From Graham 2010.

The warm Indian-Western Pacific Ocean, combined with the cool Central and Eastern tropical Pacific reveals a good match with the paleoclimate proxies shown in the Mann 2009 reconstruction, namely:

The NAO becomes more positive (A in figure 2 and 3), matching proxies of Atlantic sea surface temperature and sea ice distribution. This due to an atmospheric teleconnection (two connected atmospheric processes separated by large distances) between the NAO and warming over the Indian Ocean.

Seasonal dryness in northeast Africa (B in Figure 3 )

And wetter conditions in India, Southeast Asia and China(C in figure 3)

A mechanism for such warming of the Indian and western Pacific Oceans has not been found, nor do the climate model simulations resolve all the patterns suggested by the proxies (such as warming of the British Isles); however, these findings represent another small step forward in piecing together the puzzle of the MWP, and also support the interpretation of the proxy data in Mann 2009.
Science marches on while skeptics don't

The MWP was very unlike warming today; the growing North American glaciers during the MWP being somewhat of a giveaway. The MWP only affected warming in a handful of regions, with Greenland being especially warm (Figure 1), whereas much of the Earth was actually cooler than the late 20th century. By comparison; today virtually every glacier and ice sheet on the planet is in rapid retreat.

Both the climate proxies and the climate models imply that the MWP was a re-organization of the Earth's climate, and that much of this re-organization can be explained by oceanic patterns of warming and cooling, although what started all this rolling in the first place is still unknown.

So while some climate "skeptics" are stuck in a time loop, wilfully reliving their own version of Groundhog Day, science continues to move forward.

Holy crap this shows that most of the world outside of europe/arcitc and some of the US was below the baseline for the period of 1961-1990 during the med evil warm period. They say that the glacial in north America were growing.

I disagree because I believe the med evil was caused by the same thing that caused the little ice age. hehehe:lol:

I believe most of the bigger short term 20-200 year movements within the climate are mostly caused by changes within the solar output. Of course not all as you know---another is the orbit around the sun that goes from more oval to circular in nature, which causes more solar energy to reach the earth when it is avged over the year with slightly more energy and another is the angle of the planet. Mostly longer term cycles.

Of course if the different area's---were warmer at different times that would build support for a change within internal patterns like the nao, pdo, enso. We will see as more and more science is coming into support of such, but I will stick with a mixture of the solar output and maybe lean towards some internal patterns. Maybe the sun causes the internal changes?:eek:

The MWP was not regional as the hand wringers claim. Everywhere that it has been looked for, in both hemispheres, evidence of it has been found. The MWP and the RWP before it were global in nature and warmer then the current temps today.
Clearly we know that the earth has undergone period of warming and cooling.

That still does not in any way refute the argument that we are currently causing a warming trend.

It merely posits that the trend toward a warming planet is underway and that it is a non-manmade event.

That might be true.

Then again it might not be true.

The question is you feel lucky?

Well do ya?

editec, the fact that significant warming occured before man was capable of injecting large quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere renders the current "belief" that man is responsible for the current warming suspect.

If the warming in the past occured naturally, why then is the current warming not natural as well? The scientific method says you must first remove all possible natural causes before you can declare man as the cause. So far the hand wringers have not done so.

Every phenomena they point to as "evidence" for AGW has a natural analog from the past, and in many cases from the very near past. Additionally the Vostock ice cores are unequivocal, first came warming then many hundreds of years later came CO2 increases.
Furthermore in at least one peer reviewed paper that olfraud posted (and now refuses to)
the scientists were able to show a warming period, followed 400 years later by a rise in Co2 which maintained the high concentration for the next 1,000 years, while there were two periods of warming and cooling within that 1,000 year period, showing quite plainly that CO2 has no influence on the temperatures of the globe.
Why is it that these people think the CO2s made by mans activities can have NO effect because man created them?

how is it anyone can be that mindless?
Why is it that these people think the CO2s made by mans activities can have NO effect because man created them?

how is it anyone can be that mindless?

What is mindless is the belief that a trace atmospheric gas that has no capacity to trap or retain heat is responsible for any sort of temperature change. By what mechanism do you suppose that CO2 is responsible for warming and precisely which law or laws of physics do you believe predict it?
Why is it that these people think the CO2s made by mans activities can have NO effect because man created them?

how is it anyone can be that mindless?

What is mindless is the belief that a trace atmospheric gas that has no capacity to trap or retain heat is responsible for any sort of temperature change. By what mechanism do you suppose that CO2 is responsible for warming and precisely which law or laws of physics do you believe predict it?

WTF is it gonna take to get you to stop embarassing your fellow kooks and deniers with this crap about CO2 not able to "trap or retain heat"? You got the all that you need to make the case without this flight of fantasy.

I've given you the basic chemical references for the heat retention capabilities of this element. Which like any element has the ability to conduct or convect heat. In addition, it can absorb radiation at specific points in the spectrum and RETAIN energy in the form of heat. Not an element in the periodic chart that doesn't do this TO SOME EXTENT..

If I hold a piece of dry ice in my hand or place it in the microwave -- what the hell happens? Two different methods --- same result. CO2 converts from solid to gas. One method thru thermodynamic conduction the other thru EM radiation. MIght even transit thru a liquid phase at certain volumes and pressures.

Hate to do this bud -- but you're making these AGW threads hard to read.

Can you provide a BASIC chemical or physical link to the inherent properties of CO2 (specific heat or heat capacity for instance) that supports your multiple assertion of this?

Not some esoteric atmospheric experiment or fishtank revelation -- just basic CHEMISTRY or science.... If I'm wrong -- for your efforts --- I will forever and always refer to you as SIR WireBender..
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OOppppsss.. I realized right as my head hit the pillow that I posted the previous under the influence of a beer and WAAAAY tooo late at night..

I realized that a microwave oven ain't the right example for EM absorption for CO2.. More like a broadband IR oven.. Take your basic EZ bake oven and evacuate the chamber to isolate the CO2 thermally from the air...

Better do this soon before the govt takes your incandescent lightbulbs...
Global warming agenda is the lie. Mother earth warms herself and cool herself when she wants to. Nothing we can do about that.

They say AGW is a "faith"!!! What can be more dogmatic than saying we can't possibly doing anything to the climate of something as big as Earth?
Clearly we know that the earth has undergone period of warming and cooling.

That still does not in any way refute the argument that we are currently causing a warming trend.

It merely posits that the trend toward a warming planet is underway and that it is a non-manmade event.

That might be true.

Then again it might not be true.

The question is you feel lucky?

Well do ya?

Your reply has a lot of flaws.

And...??? Care to tell us what they are? It's certainly not as flawed as those who say we can't possibly be doing anything to the climate of something as large as earth. That's FAITH, not science!!!

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