The media’s top 10 post-debate story lines


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The media’s top 10 post-debate story lines

Mendy Finkel

In a few days, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will meet in Denver for the first of three presidential debates. To the national media, however, these debates are a mere formality — nothing more than a means to promote their pre-existing narratives. Other than the specific details, the media has had their post-debates story lines set up for months.

So without further ado, here’s a sneak preview of the top 10 media story lines you will read about after the debates:

1.) Romney is a huge liar. With prominent media pundits such as Paul Krugman and Andrew Sullivan having already declared Romney the biggest liar in the history of American politics, it is hardly surprising that Romney set the all-time record for lies in a presidential debate.

2.) Romney is “out of touch” with most of the country. Romney appearing alongside Obama, a man of the people, only served to remind everyone that Romney is a multi-millionaire who enjoys firing people.

3.) Romney’s big gaffe. Much like the rest of his “gaffes,” Romney’s debate gaffe has “devastated” his campaign and “destroyed” his presidential hopes.

4.) Romney finally forced to address the important issues. Romney wasn’t able to duck the real issues affecting our country, such as his old tax returns.

5.) Romney is beneath the dignity of the presidency. Much like Romney has proven time and again with his ugly and shameful presidential campaign, his disrespectful debate performance demonstrated that he is beneath the dignity of the Oval Office.

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See the other five here:

The media’s top 10 post-debate story lines

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