The Media Will Pay the Price for its Fake News


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
When you look at the news you had to take it with a grain of salt...
The Media Will Pay the Price for its Fake News
The news media isn’t in the news business.
January 16, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

The Fake News crusade began with BuzzFeed, more than any other member of the media, and it deservedly ends there. It began with BuzzFeed faking news to kick off a crusade against Fake News.

The fake news that BuzzFeed faked was about the threat of Fake News. The numbers were wrong. But that didn’t stop BuzzFeed from warning that what it called Fake News was beating real news. And that’s probably true. BuzzFeed’s discredited Trump dossier story outperformed the NBC story discrediting it.

The Fake News meme was already fading even before BuzzFeed dragged CNN down with it. The Washington Post’s media columnist, Margaret Sullivan, had claimed that the term was “tainted” and needed to be retired; much like her paper. Sullivan warned that non-liberals were using it to attack the media. There was a complaint from the New York Times that conservatives had “appropriated” the term. Meanwhile Sullivan had cited claims about Fake News from BuzzFeed arguing that “something has to happen”. On the panel with Sullivan was the CEO of The Onion: a real fake news organization.

After BuzzFeed’s big fail, the exodus from the USS Fake News is happening faster than rats diving into the icy waters around the Titanic. Seth Meyers, one of those fake news talk show hosts, like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert or John Oliver, whom lefties prefer to get their real news from, dubbed it “busted”.

“Today, Trump called these new reports ‘fake news,’ so despite an incredibly short run, I think it is time to retire that term,” Meyers whined. Trump and conservatives had rudely moved into a gated media community and, as with the arrival of the first black family on the block, it was time to move on.

There are complaints that conservatives are using “Fake News” incorrectly as if it’s some sort of technical term that requires years of study to properly deploy at a graduate seminar. Sullivan claimed that, “Fake news is a very narrow thing.”

How narrow? So narrow that it can’t possibly be applied to the media. Only people the media hates.

The Post’s Callum Borchers claimed that Brian Williams’ lies and Dan Rather’s Microsoft Word letter from the seventies weren’t really Fake News. In an attack on Fake News, Post columnist Petula Dvorak injected her own fake news by blaming Sarah Palin for the Giffords shooting. But that’s not Fake News because the media says so. Now stop calling it that or the media will take its smear and go home.

The retirement of Fake News will be a mostly painless process because the media got what it wanted. Social media sites have put the media in charge of censoring its users. Twitter, which already had the same politically correct lunatics screaming hysterically about oppression on college campuses in charge of deciding who gets to tweet, was an easy win. Facebook kicked and struggled, but then gave in.

The experts in charge of deciding what links you can and can’t share on Facebook include the good people at Snopes, who are accusing each other of embezzlement, and the Poynter Institute, whose fact checker, Craig Silverman, was hired by BuzzFeed as its media editor where he aggressively pushed claims about Fake News on BuzzFeed while cheerleading fact checkers censoring Facebook.

The media leveraged the “Fake News” witch hunt to get its internet censorship. Now that it has it, the term is a pesky inconvenience that anyone, even Trump, can culturally appropriate.

And so the media will strive to kill it with as much enthusiasm as it once propagated it.

BuzzFeed, which also served its purpose, is being written off. The vapid listicle site was thrown under the bus by CNN and scolded by the Poynter Institute. NBC’s Chuck Todd accused BuzzFeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith of publishing “fake news” by running the fake Trump dossier. The fake outrage is old.

After President-elect Trump called BuzzFeed a "failing pile of garbage", it began selling bumper stickers that said, “I proudly get my news from a failing pile of garbage.” CNN, among other media organizations, can proudly buy them and stick them on the backs of their news vans and Tesla convertibles.

CNN boss Jeff Zucker had dismissed the idea that BuzzFeed was a legitimate news organization right before he hired away Andrew Kaczynski. Kaczynski had been responsible for delivering many of BuzzFeed’s anti-Trump hit pieces. His last story for BuzzFeed was headlined, “Donald Trump Appeared In A 2000 Playboy Softcore Porn”. The headline read like it was written by one of those foreign sites that BuzzFeed blamed for Trump’s victory. But this was what CNN wanted.

The media isn’t in the news business any more than your Aunt Sally is.


The news media is just another arm of a politicized entertainment industry.

That’s why Candice Bergen, who played a fictional news anchor on the CBS sitcom Murphy Brown, was offered a spot at CBS’s news division on 60 Minutes. It’s why so many progressives got their news from the Daily Show or why Brian Williams appeared so often on 30 Rock.

And it’s why BuzzFeed is a member of the media.

The media opened a big can of ugly worms with its Fake News crusade. Now it will pay the price.

The Media Will Pay the Price for its Fake News
I find myself paying less and less attention to any media. There are certain show I like watching now and then. About it.
April 19, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The pattern has become routine. The media seizes on a story that is intended to make President Trump look bad without verifying any of the facts. Then it turns it into a national news story. Then it turns out that the story is as fake as... the media.

Here we go...


Now, in all fairness, the story was handfed to the media by a lefty group. And the latter didn't do their homework. But the media never seems to bother doing its homeworking when there's a negative story about Trump to run. The media has ceased to be biased. It's just a bunch of left-wing blogs with slightly better production values running any attack that gets passed to them.

And the media wonders why no one except those who agree with them trust them.

FAKE NEWS: That "DREAMER" was Deported After Climbing Over a Border Fence
Last edited:
April 19, 2017
MSNBC contributor deletes horrifying tweet
By Thomas Lifson

Malcolm Nance is an MSNBC counterterrorism analyst, a position to which he brings credentials including U.S. Navy service as a cryptologist and involvement with training for SEALs to resist interrogation by al-Qaeda.

But he made an ass of himself on Twitter. Alex Griswold of the Free Beacon offers the background to the deleted tweet.


View image on Twitter


I am trying to figure out how a rational grown-up could tweet such a thing and not expect it to be seen for what it obviously is: targeting a Trump building for bombing. Is he so self-righteously convinced of his own virtue that he thought it was clear that he was being ironic?


Read more: Blog: MSNBC contributor deletes horrifying tweet
That “First DREAMer Deported” story turned out to be fake news

Sure seemed real to me. But then that’s the whole idea of fake news, isn’t it?

Here’s just how far the USA Today version veered off from reality.

USA Today: Apprehended while he was waiting for a car ride to pick him up.

Reality: Apprehended by Calexico Station Border Patrol minutes after illegally entering the U.S. by climbing over the border fence.

USA Today: Left his wallet in car so didn’t have proof of his DACA status on him.

Reality: DACA status expired in Aug. 2015 and he was notified at that time. (See Update Below)

USA Today: Said, “I thought that if I kept my nose clean nothing would happen.”

Reality: Has a conviction for theft for which he received probation.

USA Today: Montes was confused when he was approached by the federal officer in February.

Reality: “Admitted under oath during the arrest interview that he had entered illegally.”

As of mid-morning when I last checked, the USA Today story still didn’t have any edits or corrections included.

This story @ That “First DREAMer Deported” story turned out to be fake news - Hot Air
What really powers the media’s fake news scandal machine.
May 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The Washington Post has racked up viral hit fake news stories backed by anonymous sources. And it’s paying off. The Post claimed a traffic increase of 50% at the end of last year with a 75% increase in new subscribers. The official line is that Jeff Bezos has transformed the Post’s digital strategy. The reality was conveyed by its new anti-Trump slogan. “Democracy dies in darkness.” The silly slogan was an exercise in branding. It announced that this was the paper of choice for “researched” attacks on Trump.

Now the Post has hit $100 million in digital revenues and added hundreds of thousands of digital subscribers. All of this is quite a change from a few years ago when the Post was losing $50 million a year and Baron was talking about shrinking the newsroom.


Amazon boss Jeff Bezos bought the Post for $250 million and invested another $50 million in it. Bezos is famously intolerant of failure. The paper must deliver growth and its growth strategy is Trump fake news. If it stops delivering that “quick turnaround investigative reporting” that brings all the lefty digital subscribers, its editors will be sorting boxes in an Amazon warehouse in hundred degree temperatures.


The fake news media perpetrating the scam is cashing in big. But it’s headed for moral bankruptcy.

The Big Money Behind Fake News
CBS's Charlie Rose Cites 'Lock Her Up' as Leading to Political Violence
That’s the only example he could come up with?


Trey Sanchez

Charlie Rose opined on CBS Wednesday about the “coarse political rhetoric” that has ramped up to Wednesday’s attack on Republican congressmen, but when coming up with an example, he could only remember one made famous at Trump’s rallies.

Rose was speaking with Congressional Correspondent Nancy Cordes about the “raucous town meetings” held by the GOP which were constantly interrupted by loud-mouthed leftists not interested in debate. Cordes reminded how many reps were hussled out and taken out a back door to get away from the sinister mobs, noting it was hard to determine who was practicing their First Amendment rights and who was prepared to get violent.

“Clearly, the level in combativeness was more apparent than ever,” Rose added.

But then, when he thought of an example, he could recall only the one shouted quite often against Hillary Clinton:


CBS's Charlie Rose Cites 'Lock Her Up' as Leading to Political Violence

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