The Media Fall for Phony 'Jobs' Claims

Non sequitur, Dude?

YOU GUYS!!!.....and GEORGE BOOOOOOOOOOSH!!!.....and the CORPORATIONS!!!....especially HALLIBURTON!!!....and Cheney, running the shadow gubmint in the basement of WAL-MART!!!

The same non sequiturs and deflections that fly out of lefty moonbats on a daily basis, coupled with demonstrating the absurd by being absurd.

If you have no sense of humor, I could rent you some of mine for a few days.
BO is all about perception and bullshit.

A 'stimulous' that stimulates nothing outside of Nancy pelosi's desire to waste public funds.
Clinton wasn't disparaging the JOBS, he was criticizing the reclassification of burger flipping as "manufacturing" to make the job numbers appear more attractive. But that never happened anyway. Too embarrassing for whoever in the BA came up with that gem.

You'd be just a shade more credible if you were more of an equal opportunity cynic and less of a party line hack-in-the-box.

Obama has already said he is not happy with the progress, so quit making up shit he "might" say and LISTEN for a change. Nobody really will know what the "calculations" are until the unemployment situation at least levels out, and then the job becomes a trackback. Even the WSJ knows that, as well as the Obama administration.

Obama is not happy because it shows him and his policies as being totally ineffective. This time the numbers don't lie so he can't hide from the facts. He can, as he does so often, blame someone else. Again, you sheep will follow him to the total collapse of our economic system. He is woefully in over his head but has such a big ego and is full of arrogance, he would never admit it. Instead he will take this country down.

I thought the stimulus bill had to be passed immediately to avoid a crisis (a word he used frequently in his speeches). Why then is it taking so long to spend the money if time was critical?

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