The masses show up for Romney at Red Rocks!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
[youtube]3DwxkCrbOW4[/youtube] ------

[youtube]sIiQ8Hejon4[/youtube] -------

[youtube]Ld-DGZbg1yc[/youtube] -------

edited- no more than 3 videos per post, thank you.
Yep, the people are sick to death of obama and all his lip service and Socialist visions for us

vote him out:eusa_clap:
That Kid Rock (from Michigan a supposed "swing state") showed up in Colorado for Romney is telling how Romney feels about his chances in Michigan.... Too damn funny.
That Kid Rock (from Michigan a supposed "swing state") showed up in Colorado for Romney is telling how Romney feels about his chances in Michigan.... Too damn funny.

I don't know what you're babbling about. I'm guessing you're drunk. Anyways, it's ironic that the mass of Coloradoans who supported Obama in 08 are now supporting Romney in 12. They clearly don't want another 4 years of crap.
this is even better, since Obama had so much trouble attracting a crowd for his nomination speech that he had to scrap the original location because he couldn't fill it :rofl:
From the speech:

Romney - "(Obama) He calls his campaign slogan forward. I think forewarned is a better term. The president said that he can't change Washington from the inside, that he could only change it from the outside. Well, we're gonna give him that chance."
If Obama or Rmoney win, it will not be a time for America to celebrate.

It certainly isn't the moment now.
If Obama or Rmoney win, it will not be a time for America to celebrate.

It certainly isn't the moment now.

Nonsense. This election is about two different leaders, two different visions, two different outcomes.

And I for one shall revel in the renewing of the American spirit. The reawakening to our greatness.
I remember when U2 used to play this song every show...

[ame=]Gloria - YouTube[/ame]
Mitt Romney: "I'll tell you a story that you may have heard. I was a boy scout leader some years ago. And I was at a boy scout court of honor for Michael Table... The person speaking was the scout master from Monument, Colorado. He said that the troop there in Monument wanted to have a very special flag. So, they bought one, it was one with the gold tassels around on the outside. And they had it flown above the capitol building. And when it came home, they said, well we can make it more special. So they contacted NASA and said will you take the flag with us on the space shuttle. And NASA said, well space is at a premium in space, but they sure sure we'll take this boy scout souvenir on the flight. And he said that the boys were so proud. They were looking for it from their home rooms on TV as they watched the shuttle launch, and saw the rocket taking that shuttle in the air. And then they saw it explode on the TV screen. And he said, he called NASA a couple weeks later and he asked, is there any remnant of our flag? And they said no, we haven't. And he said, he called every week for months and still no word of any remnant of the flag. And then I think it was about September that he mentioned, he was looking through an article about some of the debris that had been found from the Challenger disaster and they mentioned a flag. So he contacted NASA and they said, that in fact we do have a presentation to make to you. And so the boys and their troop got together with a representative of NASA. And the boys were handed this plastic container. And they opened the container and there was there flag in perfect condition! And he said, that's the flag that's at the end of the table next to Mr. Romney. It was on that flagpole. And, so I reached out and I grabbed it and held it out and it was as if electricity was running through my arm. I thought of those astronauts and what they sacrificed, and why they sacrificed, for learning, for discovery. We're pioneers. It's in our nature to live for something bigger than our self. To give ourselves for great things. It's what Americans do!
Look at all those poor, deluded but well meaning people. They actually think that Romney is ANY different than Obama.

Why do Americans keep falling for the same sick joke over and over?
Canadians at Red Rocks.... a real night to remember....

[ame=]Rush at Red Rocks August 16, 2010 "La Villa Strangiato" - YouTube[/ame]
That Kid Rock (from Michigan a supposed "swing state") showed up in Colorado for Romney is telling how Romney feels about his chances in Michigan.... Too damn funny.

I don't know what you're babbling about. I'm guessing you're drunk. Anyways, it's ironic that the mass of Coloradoans who supported Obama in 08 are now supporting Romney in 12. They clearly don't want another 4 years of crap.

Your inability to grasp that they were probably there for Kid Rock instead of Congressman Ryan or Governor Romney is pretty funny in and of it's own right Klanny.
that kid rock (from michigan a supposed "swing state") showed up in colorado for romney is telling how romney feels about his chances in michigan.... Too damn funny.

i don't know what you're babbling about. I'm guessing you're drunk. Anyways, it's ironic that the mass of coloradoans who supported obama in 08 are now supporting romney in 12. They clearly don't want another 4 years of crap.

your inability to grasp that they were probably there for kid rock instead of congressman ryan or governor romney is pretty funny in and of it's own right klanny.


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