The Marines are obsolete - have no mission

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
The last opposed landing they took place in was in Korea - Inchon in 1950.

Amphibious invasions are history.

Marines should be consolidated into the other branches of the military.

Semper Fi
You really don't know what they do do ya?
Visit an American Legion Post or a VFW Post and you will find out what they have been doing since 1950up until this very day.
What are Marines doing in land-locked countries like Iraq/Afg??
Although I have not had very many good encounters with most Marines, I have met a few good ones.

Their mission is the same as all other branches, to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. That does not mean their only going to do it when their are beaches to storm.
Harry Truman tried to make that point ...just before he found out that he couldn't even get his own party to support his 2nd term. The Marines are older than the Country. I hope you didn't try to tell relatives of 6,000 Marines who were killed in a month taking Iwo Jima in WW2 that they were obsolete.
Iwo Jima is a thing of the past- never to be repeated.

Semper Fi
Marines of the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit disembark Landing Craft Unit 1635, which ferried them from the amphibious assault ship USS Tarawa (LHA 1).

It's an interesting discussion. Marines are part of the Navy Dept. Harry Truman thought that they were obsolete back in the 50's and tried to trim the budget by eliminating the Marines. If you think the Marines are strictly an amphibious force you might have a point but the Army was involved in amphibious operations during WW2 as well as the Inchon landing in Korea. Today the Army and Marines are trained essentially for the same mission so why not eliminate the Army? Why not eliminate the relatively young Air Force since gigantic bombing missions are a thing of the past replaced by missiles and Navy and Marine fighters. You might consider the old addage "first hired last fired". In that case the Marines would be the last Military force to be eliminated. You have to consider more than 200 years of Military tradition and honorable service and incredible sacrifice before you think about eliminating one of the major Military forces in the United States.
The last opposed landing they took place in was in Korea - Inchon in 1950.

Amphibious invasions are history.

Marines should be consolidated into the other branches of the military.

Semper Fi

Your ignorance of history and the military is profound.

FYI; the "leaked" plan to use a beach landing forced Saddam to dedicate troops to a specific location.

Perhaps you should slowly expose your ignorance. this much all at once will carry on to your next thread.
The last opposed landing they took place in was in Korea - Inchon in 1950.

Amphibious invasions are history.

Marines should be consolidated into the other branches of the military.

Semper Fi

The mission of the Marine Corps is to deploy American power from the sea, therefore it is a naval force. The old "Mike" boat landings from APAs are obsolete but marines have been re-organized into much smaller than Division sized units (like battalion landing teams BLTs) for deployment onto "beach heads." Beach heads may be anywhere in a land-locked location for instance, and the equipment for those types of beach-heads are helicopters or fixed wing osprey aircraft or harrier jets, or mechanized landing craft.

The landing ship of today carries any or all those methods of embarking a military force onto a shore or into a city somewhere inland.

The USN and the Navy have a symbiotic relationship. The Navy provides all the maritime equipment for a complete naval mission under it's budget, and the Marines provide the personnel within the same command structure, including security (brigs) for the Navy.

Amphibeous Ships and Landing Craft Data Book

If the Marines didn't do this job an equivalent force would have to be shaped out of the Army or the Air Force and work within the US Navy to accomplish the same specialized missions.
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