The Many Lies Of The Left


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Let's look at that outright lies of these people:

First Obama compared himself to Lincoln when he announced he was running.
Then everyone started comparing him to JFK, Michelle to Jackie.
He claims he will close GITMO.
He claims he will get us out of Iraq.
He claims we must pull out of Iraq so we can go to Afghanistan were he will find Bin Laden. Don't hold your breath.


Then he claimed that the Stimulus would create jobs, which it never has.
They change the way the unemployed are counted so they can fudge the stats. We are currently over 10% but nobody really knows how much.
Then they claimed that their Health Care bill would cut costs and provide insurance for everyone but it's discovered it does nether.

Obama claims he's not a Muslim but supports them at every turn.
Obama claims he's a Christian, and he starts going to church after two years of not going and declaring this is not a Christian nation.

Obama claims jobs are his number one priority but he seems to spend all of his time on everything else.

Now the Gulf Oil spill. Obama says he was on the job from day one, forgetting that he first said it wasn't his problem but BP's, and he will not rest till the oil spill is capped and the mess cleaned up....then he goes on vacation and the leak continues for months. You see Obama was so busy calling an entire state racist that he forgot to do his job. So for 10 days he ignored the largest ecological disaster in our history so he could bad-mouth Arizona.

He claimed he lifted the drilling moratorium, and he did, for a day, then promptly re-instated it. He is currently in contempt of court to a federal judge's court order to remove said moratorium.

The left claims that Sarah Palin had something to do with the Arizona Shooter. This time Obama is all over it so he can act like he cares, unlike the way he acted after several service members were shot and killed at Ft Hood earlier last year.


Harry Reid recently said that Social Security is funded for at least 40 years.


Nancy Pelosi said, after she lost 66 seats, that their primary goal was to cut the deficit.

The Tea Party is called violent and full of racists. Code Pink is ignored when they say they want to cut off Clarence Thomas's toes and feed them to him.

Chris Matthews compares the Tea Party to the Muslim Brotherhood. Problem is the Muslim Brotherhood founded Hamas. Many Al Qaeda members are also members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Now Obama's media cohorts claims he's the second coming of Ronald Reagan, forget that this came to them around the 100th anniversary of his birth.

My how convenient.

The lies are too many to list here.

So I ask you, how can anyone believe anything these people say????
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Good question.

Of course, the response will be "Well the right is lying about...." as if that is some justification.

Let's look at that outright lies of these people:

First Obama compared himself to Lincoln when he announced he was running.
Then everyone started comparing him to JFK, Michelle to Jackie.
He claims he will close GITMO.
He claims he will get us out of Iraq.
He claims we must pull out of Iraq so we can go to Afghanistan were he will find Bin Laden. Don't hold your breath.


Then he claimed that the Stimulus would create jobs, which it never has.
They change the way the unemployed are counted so they can fudge the stats. We are currently over 10% but nobody really knows how much.
Then they claimed that their Health Care bill would cut costs and provide insurance for everyone but it's discovered it does nether.

Obama claims he's not a Muslim but supports them at every turn.
Obama claims he's a Christian, and he starts going to church after two years of not going and declaring this is not a Christian nation and refusing to attend the annual prayer breakfast.

Obama claims jobs are his number one priority but he seems to spend all of his time on everything else.

Now the Gulf Oil spill. Obama says he was on the job from day one, forgetting that he first said it wasn't his problem but BP's, and he will not rest till the oil spill is capped and the mess cleaned up....then he goes on vacation and the leak continues for months. You see Obama was so busy calling an entire state racist that he forgot to do his job. So for 10 days he ignored the largest ecological disaster in our history so he could bad-mouth Arizona.

He claimed he lifted the drilling moratorium, and he did, for a day, then promptly re-instated it. He is currently in contempt of court to a federal judge's court order to remove said moratorium.

The left claims that Sarah Palin had something to do with the Arizona Shooter. This time Obama is all over it so he can act like he cares, unlike the way he acted after several service members were shot and killed at Ft Hood earlier last year.


Harry Reid recently said that Social Security is funded for at least 40 years.


Nancy Pelosi said, after she lost 66 seats, that their primary goal was to cut the deficit.

The Tea Party is called violent and full of racists. Code Pink is ignored when they say they want to cut off Clarence Thomas's toes and feed them to him.

Chris Matthews compares the Tea Party to the Muslim Brotherhood. Problem is the Muslim Brotherhood founded Hamas. Many Al Qaeda members are also members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Now Obama's media cohorts claims he's the second coming of Ronald Reagan, forget that this came to them around the 100th anniversary of his birth.

My how convenient.

The lies are too many to list here.

So I ask you, how can anyone believe anything these people say????

Let's start at the beginning of your rant....those two things didn't happen?
oh good, you learn how to post longwinded nothings....

BTW dipshit pulling out of Iraq, obama is using Bush's exit plan.
You stupid fuckhole.

So, how do you explain the fact that his long-term plan was to keep 50,000 troops in Iraq?

Doesn't sound like a pull-out to me...

All he did, knot-head, was rename it. It's nolonger a combat mission. Course our troops are still on the ground in Iraq, but that's just a technicality.

So he reverts the mission to Afghanistan, where every army in history has had their asses handed to them.

Good question.

Of course, the response will be "Well the right is lying about...." as if that is some justification.

You're right, one side lying does not justify the other side doing so. But, I would question whether this stuff constitutes lying, or if it's just failure to follow through on promises whether through distraction or incompetence or some combination thereof (the bit about his religion is unfounded speculation with no evidence). Not the same thing.

I also would wonder what is the alternative that the right has to offer. If it is no better in this regard, then shouldn't the "people in glass houses" rule apply?

Also, since the right seems to so detest Obama's promised actions, why should the right complain if he fails to follow through?
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Obama claims he's not a Muslim but supports them at every turn.
Obama claims he's a Christian, and he starts going to church after two years of not going and declaring this is not a Christian nation and refusing to attend the annual prayer breakfast.

Do you consider yourself a Conservative? If so, please do us Conservatives a favor and stop trying to say President Obama is a Muslim. It's an ignorant baseless accusation that takes away from real criticism that President Obama deserves.

Also, refusing to attend the annual prayer breakfast? Another falsehood.

Obama Discusses His Faith at National Prayer Breakfast

National Prayer Breakfast - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The question is, Should American officials be lending legitimacy to it, giving their imprimatur by showing up.”[4] Every U.S. president since Dwight D. Eisenhower has participated in the annual event, including President Obama in 2009,[5] 2010,[6] and 2011.[7]
First thing the man did in office was to order Gitmo closed... 2 years later?

The entire administration has been a lie. Most transparent? Yep, we can't see a thing they do behind closed doors.

Hope and change? Too many Americans are hoping that they can find some change; maybe in the couch.
Obama claims he's not a Muslim but supports them at every turn.
Obama claims he's a Christian, and he starts going to church after two years of not going and declaring this is not a Christian nation and refusing to attend the annual prayer breakfast.

Do you consider yourself a Conservative? If so, please do us Conservatives a favor and stop trying to say President Obama is a Muslim. It's an ignorant baseless accusation that takes away from real criticism that President Obama deserves.

Also, refusing to attend the annual prayer breakfast? Another falsehood.

Obama Discusses His Faith at National Prayer Breakfast

National Prayer Breakfast - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The question is, Should American officials be lending legitimacy to it, giving their imprimatur by showing up.”[4] Every U.S. president since Dwight D. Eisenhower has participated in the annual event, including President Obama in 2009,[5] 2010,[6] and 2011.[7]

You found one error. It was not widely announced that he attended.

He did have a cross covered at Georgetown University:

"Decisions made about the backdrop for the speech were made to have a consistent background of American flags, which is standard for many presidential events. Any suggestions to the contrary are simply false,” spokesman Shin Inouye told ABC News, the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times.

However they did go out of their way to have a cross covered. Seems Obama and his people don't hold the crucifix in the same high regard as he does the call to prayer.

His family is mostly Muslim in Kenya. He lived in a Muslim country (Indonesia) for most of his early childhood. He first attended a Muslim school but had to be removed and sent to a Christian school because he couldn't get along with his classmates. His father in law was Muslim. His father was born Muslim but didn't practice the religion. Nor did his father live with him or his mother, so we can't blame Obama for that. But he did take on his father's name.

Many Muslims in the Middle East seem to have the impression that a Muslim is currently occupying the Oval Office. Imagine the danger in that.

He's not a practicing Muslim. In Islam he would be known as an Apostate. However, he seems to lean towards Islam. He says he loves the call to prayer he heard as a child. His first major speech was broadcast on Al Jazzera. He gave a speech in the first few months of his Presidency in Cairo. He told the world that this is no-longer a Christian nation.

You tell me what all of this means.

No, he is not a Muslim. His history is full of Muslim influence however.
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Good question.

Of course, the response will be "Well the right is lying about...." as if that is some justification.

No justification, but I'd happy to go over the many lies of the right as well. How I wish people would just focus on the lies of them all instead of taking sides.
Good question.

Of course, the response will be "Well the right is lying about...." as if that is some justification.

No justification, but I'd happy to go over the many lies of the right as well. How I wish people would just focus on the lies of them all instead of taking sides.

Yep blind partisan hacks ignoring the lies of their party while yelling about those of the other party.
Why I have no party, I do not like being lied to by anyone.

Let's look at that outright lies of these people:

First Obama compared himself to Lincoln when he announced he was running.
Then everyone started comparing him to JFK, Michelle to Jackie.
He claims he will close GITMO.
He claims he will get us out of Iraq.
He claims we must pull out of Iraq so we can go to Afghanistan were he will find Bin Laden. Don't hold your breath.


Then he claimed that the Stimulus would create jobs, which it never has.
They change the way the unemployed are counted so they can fudge the stats. We are currently over 10% but nobody really knows how much.
Then they claimed that their Health Care bill would cut costs and provide insurance for everyone but it's discovered it does nether.

Obama claims he's not a Muslim but supports them at every turn.
Obama claims he's a Christian, and he starts going to church after two years of not going and declaring this is not a Christian nation and refusing to attend the annual prayer breakfast.

Obama claims jobs are his number one priority but he seems to spend all of his time on everything else.

Now the Gulf Oil spill. Obama says he was on the job from day one, forgetting that he first said it wasn't his problem but BP's, and he will not rest till the oil spill is capped and the mess cleaned up....then he goes on vacation and the leak continues for months. You see Obama was so busy calling an entire state racist that he forgot to do his job. So for 10 days he ignored the largest ecological disaster in our history so he could bad-mouth Arizona.

He claimed he lifted the drilling moratorium, and he did, for a day, then promptly re-instated it. He is currently in contempt of court to a federal judge's court order to remove said moratorium.

The left claims that Sarah Palin had something to do with the Arizona Shooter. This time Obama is all over it so he can act like he cares, unlike the way he acted after several service members were shot and killed at Ft Hood earlier last year.


Harry Reid recently said that Social Security is funded for at least 40 years.


Nancy Pelosi said, after she lost 66 seats, that their primary goal was to cut the deficit.

The Tea Party is called violent and full of racists. Code Pink is ignored when they say they want to cut off Clarence Thomas's toes and feed them to him.

Chris Matthews compares the Tea Party to the Muslim Brotherhood. Problem is the Muslim Brotherhood founded Hamas. Many Al Qaeda members are also members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Now Obama's media cohorts claims he's the second coming of Ronald Reagan, forget that this came to them around the 100th anniversary of his birth.

My how convenient.

The lies are too many to list here.

So I ask you, how can anyone believe anything these people say????

Let's start at the beginning of your rant....those two things didn't happen?

Well? Did those first two things happen or not?

Let's look at that outright lies of these people:

First Obama compared himself to Lincoln when he announced he was running.
Then everyone started comparing him to JFK, Michelle to Jackie.
He claims he will close GITMO.
He claims he will get us out of Iraq.
He claims we must pull out of Iraq so we can go to Afghanistan were he will find Bin Laden. Don't hold your breath.


Then he claimed that the Stimulus would create jobs, which it never has.
They change the way the unemployed are counted so they can fudge the stats. We are currently over 10% but nobody really knows how much.
Then they claimed that their Health Care bill would cut costs and provide insurance for everyone but it's discovered it does nether.

Obama claims he's not a Muslim but supports them at every turn.
Obama claims he's a Christian, and he starts going to church after two years of not going and declaring this is not a Christian nation and refusing to attend the annual prayer breakfast.

Obama claims jobs are his number one priority but he seems to spend all of his time on everything else.

Now the Gulf Oil spill. Obama says he was on the job from day one, forgetting that he first said it wasn't his problem but BP's, and he will not rest till the oil spill is capped and the mess cleaned up....then he goes on vacation and the leak continues for months. You see Obama was so busy calling an entire state racist that he forgot to do his job. So for 10 days he ignored the largest ecological disaster in our history so he could bad-mouth Arizona.

He claimed he lifted the drilling moratorium, and he did, for a day, then promptly re-instated it. He is currently in contempt of court to a federal judge's court order to remove said moratorium.

The left claims that Sarah Palin had something to do with the Arizona Shooter. This time Obama is all over it so he can act like he cares, unlike the way he acted after several service members were shot and killed at Ft Hood earlier last year.


Harry Reid recently said that Social Security is funded for at least 40 years.


Nancy Pelosi said, after she lost 66 seats, that their primary goal was to cut the deficit.

The Tea Party is called violent and full of racists. Code Pink is ignored when they say they want to cut off Clarence Thomas's toes and feed them to him.

Chris Matthews compares the Tea Party to the Muslim Brotherhood. Problem is the Muslim Brotherhood founded Hamas. Many Al Qaeda members are also members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Now Obama's media cohorts claims he's the second coming of Ronald Reagan, forget that this came to them around the 100th anniversary of his birth.

My how convenient.

The lies are too many to list here.

So I ask you, how can anyone believe anything these people say????

The many lies of mud whistle
His family is mostly Muslim in Kenya. He lived in a Muslim country (Indonesia) for most of his early childhood. He first attended a Muslim school but had to be removed and sent to a Christian school because he couldn't get along with his classmates. His father in law was Muslim. His father was born Muslim but didn't practice the religion. Nor did his father live with him or his mother, so we can't blame Obama for that. But he did take on his father's name.

Every Muslim in the Middle East seems to have the impression that a Muslim is currently occupying the Oval Office. Imagine the danger in that.

He's not a practicing Muslim. In Islam he would be known as an Apostate. However, he seems to lean towards Islam. He says he loves the call to prayer he heard as a child. His first major speech was broadcast on Al Jazzera. He gave a speech in the first few months of his Presidency in Cairo. He told the world that this is no-longer a Christian nation.

You tell me what all of this means.

No, he is not a Muslim. His history is full of Muslim influence however.

First Read - Obama asked about connection to Islam

"My father was from Kenya," he said, "and a lot of people in his
village were Muslim. He didn't practice Islam. Truth is he wasn't very
religious. He met my mother. My mother was a Christian from Kansas, and
they married and then divorced. I was raised by my mother. So, I've
always been a Christian. The only connection I've had to Islam is that
my grandfather on my father's side came from that country. But I've
never practiced Islam."

This thread is entitled "The Many Lies Of The Left" with the implication here that President Barack Obama is lying about his religious beliefs.

You then go on to make a very large leap of faith by saying:

Every Muslim in the Middle East seems to have the impression that a Muslim is currently occupying the Oval Office. Imagine the danger in that.

Every Muslim? Really? Did I seem to miss that poll that was taken about what Muslims thought in the Middle East about the religion of President Obama?

You also make the assumption that because he kept his father's name that he is a Muslim. Again, no real evidence.

You have no real evidence that he is a Muslim, you have what we would call assumptions. The majority of what you listed in your last paragraph can easily be chalked up to President Obama trying to reach out to Muslims across the globe who in many cases are angry at the United States.

The very last sentence of your post doesn't even make sense.

I think what's going on here is you want President Obama to be a Muslim in order to better demonize him.
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No justification, but I'd happy to go over the many lies of the right as well. How I wish people would just focus on the lies of them all instead of taking sides.

Exactly! It doesn't matter whether it's a lie from the left or the right, it's still a lie.
Good question.

Of course, the response will be "Well the right is lying about...." as if that is some justification.

You're right, one side lying does not justify the other side doing so. But, I would question whether this stuff constitutes lying, or if it's just failure to follow through on promises whether through distraction or incompetence or some combination thereof (the bit about his religion is unfounded speculation with no evidence). Not the same thing.

I also would wonder what is the alternative that the right has to offer. If it is no better in this regard, then shouldn't the "people in glass houses" rule apply?

Also, since the right seems to so detest Obama's promised actions, why should the right complain if he fails to follow through?

A lie is a lie. The difference is does the liar know he's lying when he does so.

Many won't cut Bush the same slack.

Everyone in Congress, the CIA, and every intelligence agency in the world said Saddam was building WMDs. They said that he had them. But when we finally got there most of them were gone. What was left was documents that proved he was building them and intended to start up a nuke program, and that it was much worse then we thought. We found a few old remnants of Saddam's stockpiles. A few shells containing binary agents were found.

So, Bush believed they were there and we didn't get there in time to find them. So Bush is a liar, but Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, many others told us some huge whoppers, yet they get the slack nobody wants to give Bush.

Just doesn't seem fair to me.
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No justification, but I'd happy to go over the many lies of the right as well. How I wish people would just focus on the lies of them all instead of taking sides.

Exactly! It doesn't matter whether it's a lie from the left or the right, it's still a lie.

Well, try pointing them out, and let me know how many of them are our leaders, not just entertainers.

An entertainer has less impact on policy then a Senator, Representative, or a President btw.

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