The Man in the High Tower


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
Amazon has produced a TV show based on Phillip K. Dick's classic novel. The Premise is that the Germans developed the atom bomb before the Americans, and dropped it on Washington DC. This allows the Nazis to win World War II and set up a vast empire that covers over half of the globe. The Japanese likewise have a large empire including the Western United States. But from the mid-west to New York is all Nazi territory, as well as all of Europe and the holdings of the Soviet Empire.

What is astounding about this show is that it is the first show I have ever seen that shows the Nazis as what they actually were, Socialists. Each citizen of the Reich is given a clothing allowance and provided a place to live by the state. Hierarchy is strict, but it is a classical Socialist structure. The state owns all assets and doles them out as the state sees fit,, based on the status one has with the party.

Oh, they are monsters to be sure. The impure are slaughtered without care. The disabled as termed using the Leninist moniker of "useless eaters" and butchered. But these are collectivist monsters, creatures of a centrally planned and managed economy. The Nazis in the show are openly proud that they are socialists and promote collectivism as the enlightened ideal of man.

It is refreshing to see the Nazis portrayed as the socialist and collectivist monsters that they were.
Amazon has produced a TV show based on Phillip K. Dick's classic novel. The Premise is that the Germans developed the atom bomb before the Americans, and dropped it on Washington DC. This allows the Nazis to win World War II and set up a vast empire that covers over half of the globe. The Japanese likewise have a large empire including the Western United States. But from the mid-west to New York is all Nazi territory, as well as all of Europe and the holdings of the Soviet Empire.

What is astounding about this show is that it is the first show I have ever seen that shows the Nazis as what they actually were, Socialists. Each citizen of the Reich is given a clothing allowance and provided a place to live by the state. Hierarchy is strict, but it is a classical Socialist structure. The state owns all assets and doles them out as the state sees fit,, based on the status one has with the party.

Oh, they are monsters to be sure. The impure are slaughtered without care. The disabled as termed using the Leninist moniker of "useless eaters" and butchered. But these are collectivist monsters, creatures of a centrally planned and managed economy. The Nazis in the show are openly proud that they are socialists and promote collectivism as the enlightened ideal of man.

It is refreshing to see the Nazis portrayed as the socialist and collectivist monsters that they were.
That is a surprise. Historical truth from Hollywood is hard to find. It should blow the minds of lefties everywhere.

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