The Madness Of Anderson Cooper

How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians
Haitians such as Andre, however, noticed that very little of this aid money actually got to poor people in Haiti. Some projects championed by the Clintons, such as the building of industrial parks and posh hotels, cost a great deal of money and offered scarce benefits to the truly needy. Port-au-Prince was supposed to be rebuilt; it was never rebuilt. Projects aimed at creating jobs proved to be bitter disappointments. Haitian unemployment remained high, largely undented by the funds that were supposed to pour into the country. Famine and illness continued to devastate the island nation.
Faggot Anderson Pooper probably went to where the Clinton Crime Foundation built up. Even in Saudi Arabia with all that money, there are plenty of shit hole places, like in South East Washington DC.. We just aren't supposed to know about those shit holes...Hey, doesn't Andy Poop, not like Shit holes? That is where he puts his needle dick, isn't it?

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