The lies,deceipt,and deception of Mark Davis,and Jerry Jones exposed - their criminal actions


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Anybody who knows anything at all about Oakland Raiders owner Mark Davis knows that Mark Davis has the mindset that everybody else is to blame for the Raiders leaving Oakland and that he is blameless in it all when the TRUTH behind it all is if Mark Davis looked in the mirror,you see who the REAL problem behind it all is and who it is to really blame.

For all the people that i have seen come on here before in the past and post such ignorant comments saying Mark Davis is not to blame,that it is the city of Oakland to blame,that Oakland dragged its feet and failed to get anything done,you are clearly ignorant about this issue and have not done your homework.

You are clueless in your ramblings of such BS i have seen posted before crap like-Mark Davis did all he could to stay,Oakland did nothing. pure BS and ignorant trash talk by the people that said that and you all know who you are. It is the complete OPPOSITE, OAKLAND was the one that did everything to try and get a deal done in Oakland. Mark Davis NEVER came to the table to try and get a deal done. How can you get something down when the party you are trying to negotiate with wont meet you at the table?:rolleyes:

Oh and here is how Jerry Jones fits into this as well and his HUGE role he has in getting the raiders to come to vegas.

I knew Jerry Jones was corrupt and this is just further proof how evil he is. Sadly,he has incredible power in the NFL.whatever he wants,he always gets. Jerry Jones is the diving force behind the Vegas project.The reason he so badly wants Vegas to happen is because HE gets a very high percentage of the concession sales generated. You really think he would have gone all the way out like he did to push for Vegas if he didnt? If so,I got some land in Russia i want to sell you.LOL :rolleyes:

Jones was ALSO very instrumental in getting the Rams back to LA and to make sure the Inglewood project got the go ahead over the carson project Davis and Spanos were both involved in. Reason being? none other than typical Jerry Jones fashion,he ALSO gets a huge profits from the consession sales out there as well.

Think I am making all this up? give me a break,I could never think something up like this. Think I am making all this up that Jones gets a huge percentage of the profits generated from the concession sales?

read this link,disprove the facts in this documented court case that Oakland has against the Raiders and the NFL.:rolleyes:

oh and it all THAT is too much complicated reading for all the people that want to just insult me and not debate the facts, watch these two very short videos.

PROVE ME wrong that Jerry Jones,Mark Davis and yes many of you guys sick hero Robert Kraft as well,that they did not commit and break federal anti trust laws in their efforts to get the Raiders to go to vegas.

DISPROVE these FACTS in these two videos that Mark Davis lied,mislead,committed bribery,collusion and did not deceive oakland all while saying one thing,but doing the complete opposite plotting AGAINST oakland behind its back. prove me wrong,you cant.:D

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Here is that link again if all my facts i listed in my OP were all too complicated for all you naysayers who think Oakland is an automatic slam dunk to be in vegas.:rolleyes:

and if all that information in that link from the OP i posted is too complicated for your tiny warped brains to comprehend,here is that link again,disprove the heart of the stuff i am posting that oakland does not have a strong case against the NFL and the raiders.

Disprove these sentences here i copied and pasted from the link,disprove me that mark davis LIED to the whole world about trying to stay in oakland and did not violate federal anti trust laws,disprove that he did not lie that he said one thing but did the other behind oaklands back,disprove that,you know it.:D

Disprove that Jerry Jones is in serious trouble with the courts,you cant.:D He wont go to jail or anything cause he is too powerful and untouchable,that wont happen,but he WILL have to shell out some serious money to remain owner of the cowboys in the NFL sometime down the road and he will HATE that.:D the money will probably go to st louis and oakland.LOL

okay i cant copy and paste the HEART of what it says for some reason so i will TYPE it out.the key points

oakland and st louis have used legal means to hold the NFL accountable.

while st louis filed a breach of contract lawsuit against the NFL,oakland filed a federal anti trust lawsuit against the NFL.

the oakland raiders and at least one other party conspired and colluded to rig the process against oakland.

way way too much facts in this link to talk about how the nfl and raiders violated NFL anti trust laws so i will just leave it at saying mark davis kept saying his desire was to stay in and oakland but he was lying to everybodys face because when telling those lies to the whole world,he was at the same time,secretly meeting with las vegas officials about coming to vegas instead of trying to negotiate with oakland to stay as NFL rules require a team to do. Miami dolphins owner stephen ross ever said so about mark davis.:2up: he was the one owner who did the right thing and voted against it.

Davis took the time to spend incredible amounts of money to buy land in LOS ANGELES and in vegas as well but NEVER once spent money to buy land in oakland,does that sound like someone being truthful trying to stay in oakland?:rolleyes-41:
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Cool to see at least ONE poster Edward here is awake on this and does not ignore my facts i listed and understand i am indeed correct that Mark Davis,Jerry Jones and the NFL are in serious trouble with the courts.LOL

the people who think its not true and ignore the facts must have a hard on with mark davis and the NFL or something.:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::laughing0301:
My main beef with the NFL is they sponsor the war machine
to keep the aircraft carriers operating and to send our kids to Africa and the ME to protect the oil. Billionaires are above the law since Reagan did away with the anti trust laws and changed the tax codes in the early 80's ( back then they were just multi-millionaires.)

When I was 18 in NYC I was a messenger for a law firm near Wall Street called Seward and Kissel. Well that firm is still there in NY and DC, with 160 attorneys who specialize in hedge funds and protecting the banksters basically. And that's just one of hundreds like them.
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