The Lie Men and Ladies tell

Palin Rider

Jul 20, 2010
"It's complicated."

This one is typically used in response to the question "Who was that?" after your significant other has been talking to someone you don't recognize. In that context, it's ALWAYS a lie. Personally, I think women use it more often than men, but I've heard of both scenarios among people I know.

The truth, of course, is that the person's relationship to your s.o. isn't complicated at all. The liar is just saying this to spare your feelings.
"It's complicated" is another version of Yada, Yada, Yada . . .

I've always thought yada, yada, yada was more akin to blah, blah, blah.

It's pretty much the same thing. The phrase, "yada, yada," has been around a long, long time in various versions. I can remember when I was a very small child, my dad used to say "Yaddida, yaddida, yaddida," to describe, well, what to him was senseless drivel.

If you Google the phrase, you will find an interesting history.
And depending on the context, it's definitely possible to use "it's complicated" in place of "blah blah blah" or "yada yada yada." But I've seen it used much more often as an evasion.
How hard is it to say:

"That's my ex boyfriend. We dated 8 months, and now we're just friends."

Or whatever.

It's not like you're giving away the secrets to the Universe! :cuckoo:
Come on, EZ, you know we guys have real trouble with the idea that you girls could ever have had any contact with the male race before you met your current SO. But . . . if he finds out you were SO with the other guy, and you have just said it's complicated, you are going to find out he is going to talk as quickly and as loudly as any girl. It's a control thing with us. Yeah, we are weak vessels.
How hard is it to say:

"That's my ex boyfriend. We dated 8 months, and now we're just friends."

Or whatever.

It's not like you're giving away the secrets to the Universe! :cuckoo:

More likely, it's code for "I want to get my hooks into this guy, and as soon as I do, you're done."

Either that, or "I'm stringing him along in case I need someone to unclog my toilet again."
How hard is it to say:

"That's my ex boyfriend. We dated 8 months, and now we're just friends."

Or whatever.

It's not like you're giving away the secrets to the Universe! :cuckoo:

More likely, it's code for "I want to get my hooks into this guy, and as soon as I do, you're done."

Either that, or "I'm stringing him along in case I need someone to unclog my toilet again."

You need to start hanging with a higher caliber of women Palin Rider!
More likely, it's code for "I want to get my hooks into this guy, and as soon as I do, you're done."

Either that, or "I'm stringing him along in case I need someone to unclog my toilet again."

You need to start hanging with a higher caliber of women Palin Rider!

I have a buddy who runs a "relationship coaching" business. I'm stealing stuff that his clients tell him repeatedly.
More likely, it's code for "I want to get my hooks into this guy, and as soon as I do, you're done."

Either that, or "I'm stringing him along in case I need someone to unclog my toilet again."

You need to start hanging with a higher caliber of women Palin Rider!

I have a buddy who runs a "relationship coaching" business. I'm stealing stuff that his clients tell him repeatedly.

Well, it figures anyone that would NEED to go to a "relationship coach" has issues! :cuckoo:
You need to start hanging with a higher caliber of women Palin Rider!

I have a buddy who runs a "relationship coaching" business. I'm stealing stuff that his clients tell him repeatedly.

Well, it figures anyone that would NEED to go to a "relationship coach" has issues! :cuckoo:

My current theory is that when it comes to relationships, everyone has issues: some just hide them better than others and let them ferment.

I'm no exception, of course: I seem to be a magnet for some of the most mentally unbalanced examples of womankind. Glenn Close and her bunny have got nothing on some of my exes. But it certainly hasn't been all bad, either. Crazy women can be a lot of fun, at least temporarily or in small doses. :lol:
I have a buddy who runs a "relationship coaching" business. I'm stealing stuff that his clients tell him repeatedly.

Well, it figures anyone that would NEED to go to a "relationship coach" has issues! :cuckoo:

My current theory is that when it comes to relationships, everyone has issues: some just hide them better than others and let them ferment.

I'm no exception, of course: I seem to be a magnet for some of the most mentally unbalanced examples of womankind. Glenn Close and her bunny have got nothing on some of my exes. But it certainly hasn't been all bad, either. Crazy women can be a lot of fun, at least temporarily or in small doses. :lol:

Yeah, for some reason men DIG bi-polar women.

I think it's because there is never a dull moment with them, eh?
I think men are more complicated than women. Their minds are more difficult to unlock.
How hard is it to say:

"That's my ex boyfriend. We dated 8 months, and now we're just friends."

Or whatever.

It's not like you're giving away the secrets to the Universe! :cuckoo:

That's your ex? Oh Echo, you need to get over your attraction to those syrupy boys with clean-shaven chests. [Studying avatar]

Ohhhh, sorry, I misread what you were saying. :lol:
How hard is it to say:

"That's my ex boyfriend. We dated 8 months, and now we're just friends."

Or whatever.

It's not like you're giving away the secrets to the Universe! :cuckoo:

That's your ex? Oh Echo, you need to get over your attraction to those syrupy boys with clean-shaven chests. [Studying avatar]

Ohhhh, sorry, I misread what you were saying. :lol:

Sherry and I decided we are going to give the guy in my avatar a nice sponge bath. :cool:
How hard is it to say:

"That's my ex boyfriend. We dated 8 months, and now we're just friends."

Or whatever.

It's not like you're giving away the secrets to the Universe! :cuckoo:

That's your ex? Oh Echo, you need to get over your attraction to those syrupy boys with clean-shaven chests. [Studying avatar]

Ohhhh, sorry, I misread what you were saying. :lol:

Sherry and I decided we are going to give the guy in my avatar a nice sponge bath. :cool:

Holy hell, you know what the P in PM stands for??:redface:
That's your ex? Oh Echo, you need to get over your attraction to those syrupy boys with clean-shaven chests. [Studying avatar]

Ohhhh, sorry, I misread what you were saying. :lol:

Sherry and I decided we are going to give the guy in my avatar a nice sponge bath. :cool:

Holy hell, you know what the P in PM stands for??:redface:

Of course, how do you think I spend my countless hours on here, reading everyone's PM's!

Some of you should be ASHAMED of yourselves......................:eek::eek:

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