The liberal media misses the whole point of the tea party protests !


Apr 15, 2009
Try as they might the liberal media: most newspapers primarily the N.Y. TiIMES, the cable news networks: MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, ABC and BET, totally misrepresented the real issue of the April 15th national protests. It wasn't just higher taxes as they portrayed it, it was fiscal irresponsibility, government intrusion into all aspects of our lives: health care, runaway spending, social engineering involving gay marriage, forced abortion providing in all hospitals, failing schools etc. It was a wake up call for Obama and his congress and senate ramming their failed stimulus program through and the inconceivable trillions of debt mortgaging our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It was a clear message that Obama's "change" is NOT the change the millions of protesters thought they were getting. This protest was a call to arms for the 2010 mid term elections where "change" will definitely occur. This days' events show clearly how effective Fox News and talk radio reallly are. The people are getting the message!
Try as they might the liberal media: most newspapers primarily the N.Y. TiIMES, the cable news networks: MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, ABC and BET, totally misrepresented the real issue of the April 15th national protests. It wasn't just higher taxes as they portrayed it, it was fiscal irresponsibility, government intrusion into all aspects of our lives: health care, runaway spending, social engineering involving gay marriage, forced abortion providing in all hospitals, failing schools etc. It was a wake up call for Obama and his congress and senate ramming their failed stimulus program through and the inconceivable trillions of debt mortgaging our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It was a clear message that Obama's "change" is NOT the change the millions of protesters thought they were getting. This protest was a call to arms for the 2010 mid term elections where "change" will definitely occur. This days' events show clearly how effective Fox News and talk radio reallly are. The people are getting the message!

so you think fauxnews is supposed to be shilling for the GOP?

and, i really hate to be the one to break the news to you....

but the "tea parties" have changed nothing

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

except marginalized an already marginalized party further.

change? RAFLMAO... sore losers is all y'all are...

now reality:

on 10/20/08, almost 90% of the country thought we were moving in the wrong direction. That number has now improved by almost a third... far from perfect, but way, way better... notwithstanding the efforts of the GOP propaganda arms.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country
Try as they might the liberal media: most newspapers primarily the N.Y. TiIMES, the cable news networks: MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, ABC and BET, totally misrepresented the real issue of the April 15th national protests. It wasn't just higher taxes as they portrayed it, it was fiscal irresponsibility, government intrusion into all aspects of our lives: health care, runaway spending, social engineering involving gay marriage, forced abortion providing in all hospitals, failing schools etc. It was a wake up call for Obama and his congress and senate ramming their failed stimulus program through and the inconceivable trillions of debt mortgaging our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It was a clear message that Obama's "change" is NOT the change the millions of protesters thought they were getting. This protest was a call to arms for the 2010 mid term elections where "change" will definitely occur. This days' events show clearly how effective Fox News and talk radio reallly are. The people are getting the message!

so you think fauxnews is supposed to be shilling for the GOP?

and, i really hate to be the one to break the news to you....

but the "tea parties" have changed nothing

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

except marginalized an already marginalized party further.

change? RAFLMAO... sore losers is all y'all are...

now reality:

on 10/20/08, almost 90% of the country thought we were moving in the wrong direction. That number has now improved by almost a third... far from perfect, but way, way better... notwithstanding the efforts of the GOP propaganda arms.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country

Ohh looky the Disinformation Queen hard at work again. Tell me Jillian do you have a picture of Obama's ass you kiss every night before sleepy time?
Try as they might the liberal media: most newspapers primarily the N.Y. TiIMES, the cable news networks: MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, ABC and BET, totally misrepresented the real issue of the April 15th national protests. It wasn't just higher taxes as they portrayed it, it was fiscal irresponsibility, government intrusion into all aspects of our lives: health care, runaway spending, social engineering involving gay marriage, forced abortion providing in all hospitals, failing schools etc. It was a wake up call for Obama and his congress and senate ramming their failed stimulus program through and the inconceivable trillions of debt mortgaging our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It was a clear message that Obama's "change" is NOT the change the millions of protesters thought they were getting. This protest was a call to arms for the 2010 mid term elections where "change" will definitely occur. This days' events show clearly how effective Fox News and talk radio reallly are. The people are getting the message!

so you think fauxnews is supposed to be shilling for the GOP?

and, i really hate to be the one to break the news to you....

but the "tea parties" have changed nothing

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

except marginalized an already marginalized party further.

change? RAFLMAO... sore losers is all y'all are...

now reality:

on 10/20/08, almost 90% of the country thought we were moving in the wrong direction. That number has now improved by almost a third... far from perfect, but way, way better... notwithstanding the efforts of the GOP propaganda arms.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country


yours truly,

thats the controlled media not the liberal media ..its not left or right

I call it the corporate media.
We're both Right, it's the corporate controlled media just like it's the corporate controlled government.
Try as they might the liberal media: most newspapers primarily the N.Y. TiIMES, the cable news networks: MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, ABC and BET, totally misrepresented the real issue of the April 15th national protests. It wasn't just higher taxes as they portrayed it, it was fiscal irresponsibility, government intrusion into all aspects of our lives: health care, runaway spending, social engineering involving gay marriage, forced abortion providing in all hospitals, failing schools etc. It was a wake up call for Obama and his congress and senate ramming their failed stimulus program through and the inconceivable trillions of debt mortgaging our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It was a clear message that Obama's "change" is NOT the change the millions of protesters thought they were getting. This protest was a call to arms for the 2010 mid term elections where "change" will definitely occur. This days' events show clearly how effective Fox News and talk radio reallly are. The people are getting the message!

Yeah and in other news, the sun rose today.

Most people out there don't really give a shit.

There were more people in this protest (below) in one city than the entire "tea bagging" that occurred today.


And it took years and years and years of protests, demonstrations and what not to finally bring about change.

You people think one news channel that only influences Republicans to vote for Republicans is going to "change" anything?

And in reality, there are very few Democratic seats in the House or Senate that are in danger in 2010, whereas with 1992, the Democrats had only won by a narrow margin and it wasn't very difficult for the Republicans to pull off a win in 1994.
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The point of the tea party was to express the frustration the Republicans feel over losing the election.

You have my sympathy.
Try as they might the liberal media: most newspapers primarily the N.Y. TiIMES, the cable news networks: MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, ABC and BET, totally misrepresented the real issue of the April 15th national protests. It wasn't just higher taxes as they portrayed it, it was fiscal irresponsibility, government intrusion into all aspects of our lives: health care, runaway spending, social engineering involving gay marriage, forced abortion providing in all hospitals, failing schools etc. It was a wake up call for Obama and his congress and senate ramming their failed stimulus program through and the inconceivable trillions of debt mortgaging our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It was a clear message that Obama's "change" is NOT the change the millions of protesters thought they were getting. This protest was a call to arms for the 2010 mid term elections where "change" will definitely occur. This days' events show clearly how effective Fox News and talk radio reallly are. The people are getting the message!
I don't know if they missed the point but I didn't. We had all of that under Bush with no protesting. Therefore, what they are actually protesting is that Obama won a free election.
Yeah, so they had their tea parties.

Now what?
The far right wingers, that 10% of teh electorate and falling, will Declare Victory, and will go back to compliantly awaiting their corporate leaders instructions over FOX News about what to be outraged about, next.
It was like one big prank to most American viewers, but attendants took it so seriously.
Wonder who at FOX will get blamed for the Tea Parties being such flops ?
Try as they might the liberal media: most newspapers primarily the N.Y. TiIMES, the cable news networks: MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, ABC and BET, totally misrepresented the real issue of the April 15th national protests. It wasn't just higher taxes as they portrayed it, it was fiscal irresponsibility, government intrusion into all aspects of our lives: health care, runaway spending, social engineering involving gay marriage, forced abortion providing in all hospitals, failing schools etc. It was a wake up call for Obama and his congress and senate ramming their failed stimulus program through and the inconceivable trillions of debt mortgaging our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It was a clear message that Obama's "change" is NOT the change the millions of protesters thought they were getting. This protest was a call to arms for the 2010 mid term elections where "change" will definitely occur. This days' events show clearly how effective Fox News and talk radio reallly are. The people are getting the message!

Sure we are getting the message. A bunch of you do not like to pay your share of the taxes that support our infrastructure. As far as fiscal responsibility is concerned, where the hell were you the last eight years, when this economic debacle was created?

And it was not millions of protesters. About the same number of people, nationwide, as turned out to see Obama during the Presidential campaign in just Portland, Oregon.
Try as they might the liberal media: most newspapers primarily the N.Y. TiIMES, the cable news networks: MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, ABC and BET, totally misrepresented the real issue of the April 15th national protests. It wasn't just higher taxes as they portrayed it, it was fiscal irresponsibility, government intrusion into all aspects of our lives: health care, runaway spending, social engineering involving gay marriage, forced abortion providing in all hospitals, failing schools etc. It was a wake up call for Obama and his congress and senate ramming their failed stimulus program through and the inconceivable trillions of debt mortgaging our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It was a clear message that Obama's "change" is NOT the change the millions of protesters thought they were getting. This protest was a call to arms for the 2010 mid term elections where "change" will definitely occur. This days' events show clearly how effective Fox News and talk radio reallly are. The people are getting the message!

My wife went to one yesterday, but she wasn't there to protest any of those issues. She was there solely regarding government spending. And she was pissed at Fox for expanding it to cover all the other things you mention.

Clearly not all attendees had a purely GOP agenda.
Try as they might the liberal media: most newspapers primarily the N.Y. TiIMES, the cable news networks: MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, ABC and BET, totally misrepresented the real issue of the April 15th national protests. It wasn't just higher taxes as they portrayed it, it was fiscal irresponsibility, government intrusion into all aspects of our lives: health care, runaway spending, social engineering involving gay marriage, forced abortion providing in all hospitals, failing schools etc. It was a wake up call for Obama and his congress and senate ramming their failed stimulus program through and the inconceivable trillions of debt mortgaging our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It was a clear message that Obama's "change" is NOT the change the millions of protesters thought they were getting. This protest was a call to arms for the 2010 mid term elections where "change" will definitely occur. This days' events show clearly how effective Fox News and talk radio reallly are. The people are getting the message!

Who here would doubt the effectiveness of the Murdoch news outlets on shaping opinions? I don't.
Try as they might the liberal media: most newspapers primarily the N.Y. TiIMES, the cable news networks: MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, ABC and BET, totally misrepresented the real issue of the April 15th national protests. It wasn't just higher taxes as they portrayed it, it was fiscal irresponsibility, government intrusion into all aspects of our lives: health care, runaway spending, social engineering involving gay marriage, forced abortion providing in all hospitals, failing schools etc. It was a wake up call for Obama and his congress and senate ramming their failed stimulus program through and the inconceivable trillions of debt mortgaging our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It was a clear message that Obama's "change" is NOT the change the millions of protesters thought they were getting. This protest was a call to arms for the 2010 mid term elections where "change" will definitely occur. This days' events show clearly how effective Fox News and talk radio reallly are. The people are getting the message!

Damn! I guess they should have asked you prior to reporting it.

I thought it was just an opportunity to have some tea and biscuits. Sort of a "Meet Your Neighbor"-type shindig.

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