The Left Turns Adults into Children....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "After graduating from Brown University in 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in comparative literature and completing a Fulbright scholarship in Brazil, Cassie Owens was left with a few dollars on her stipend and no job in sight. So, Ms. Owens returned home to her mother in Philadelphia.

a. In Owens’s case, that’s journalism and music, which the 24-year-old is exploring with internships at Philadelphia’s CITY newspaper and at R&B Records,

b. “I moved back home pretty much for lack of money and prospects,” she says.

2. ...scores of so-called “boomerang kids,” young adults who move out of the family home for school or work and then return home. Unable to find well-paying work in a weak economy,...

a. many as 3 in 10 – are returning home to the family nest, resulting in the highest share of young adults living in multigenerational households since the 1950s,...

b. “The recession has really accelerated trends of prolonging adolescence and shifting adulthood later. If you can’t find a job, it’s difficult to establish yourself,”...
Three in 10 young adults live with parents, highest level since 1950s -

Perhaps it is less about the economy, than about choosing a more demanding major.

3. "More than 900 four-year colleges and universities allow students to develop their own programs of study...Born of student demands for academic freedom in the 1970s, many early DIY major programs were pretty offbeat. Puzzle master Will Shortz earned a degree in enigmatology (the study of puzzles) from Indiana University in 1974. And at Hampshire College in Amherst, Mass., back then, a student majored in the marketing, design and aerodynamics of "flying disks," presumably Frisbees. Alan Goodman, Hampshire's dean of faculty, says advisers today require students to tie majors more closely to their planned fields of work or research.

4. A sampling of some students' D-I-Y majors
• Ethnobotany
• Magic
• Ethology (animal psychology and behavior)
• Music promotion
• Anthropology of mental health and illness
• Peace and conflict resolution
• Historical clothing
• Sociology of fashion
• Environmental racism
• Complex organizations and informational systems
• Neuroscience, human behavior and society
• Asian-American studies
• Bioethics in crosscultural perspectives"
Can't Pick a College Major? Create One -

What about an 'Angry Woman' major???

And, back to Brown University...

5. This is how the Leftism from the 60's forward destroyed America.
Ira Magaziner: “As a student activist at Brown University in the late 1960s, he helped codify the no-requirements approach of the so-called New Curriculum (few grades, lots of self-discovery) and changed the face of modern academics. As Bill Clinton's point man on health care in 1994, he led perhaps the most contentious public-policy project of the last 20 years.” Whatever Happened to

Why, next thing ya' know, we'll have 30-year-old students demanding government birth control.....

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