The Left Can’t Stop Lying About Rand Paul

Now it’s the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Tim Kaine, who “does a Maddow” and flat-out lies on national television about Rand Paul. On Fox News Sunday Kaine claimed that Paul said it was “un-American to hold BP accountable” for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Host Chris Wallace called him out by pointing out that what Paul said was “un-American” was a Democratic pol’s grandstanding bloviation that “we should put a boot on the neck of BP.” Paul said that such rhetoric is un-American, not holding BP accountable for damage it has caused.

Can someone please explain to me why some mealy-mouthed optometrist from Kentucky is suddenly national news?

There is shit going on that MATTERS, in case anyone here gives a fuck. You all have less than EIGHT HOURS to raise sand about a 400% increase in the federal gas tax.

Stop picking on Kentucky, for Gawd's sake. T'aint like there's no assholes wherever the fuck YOU live.

I would agree with you but its important to point out whenever possible the insanity of the tea baggers.
Now it’s the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Tim Kaine, who “does a Maddow” and flat-out lies on national television about Rand Paul. On Fox News Sunday Kaine claimed that Paul said it was “un-American to hold BP accountable” for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Host Chris Wallace called him out by pointing out that what Paul said was “un-American” was a Democratic pol’s grandstanding bloviation that “we should put a boot on the neck of BP.” Paul said that such rhetoric is un-American, not holding BP accountable for damage it has caused.

Can someone please explain to me why some mealy-mouthed optometrist from Kentucky is suddenly national news?

There is shit going on that MATTERS, in case anyone here gives a fuck. You all have less than EIGHT HOURS to raise sand about a 400% increase in the federal gas tax.

Stop picking on Kentucky, for Gawd's sake. T'aint like there's no assholes wherever the fuck YOU live.

I would agree with you but its important to point out whenever possible the insanity of the tea baggers.
This is a non-issue. Find something real to attack Rand with.

In the meantime, Madeline is right. Who cares what he thinks on this issue?

We've got that tax increase she said, there's the border thing, the whole situation in Korea...

But instead you choose to pick at his views on race (which aren't his views).

There is no need to lie when his platform is more outrageous than even a lie...:lol:
Can someone please explain to me why some mealy-mouthed optometrist from Kentucky is suddenly national news?

There is shit going on that MATTERS, in case anyone here gives a fuck. You all have less than EIGHT HOURS to raise sand about a 400% increase in the federal gas tax.

Stop picking on Kentucky, for Gawd's sake. T'aint like there's no assholes wherever the fuck YOU live.

I would agree with you but its important to point out whenever possible the insanity of the tea baggers.
This is a non-issue. Find something real to attack Rand with.

In the meantime, Madeline is right. Who cares what he thinks on this issue?

We've got that tax increase she said, there's the border thing, the whole situation in Korea...

But instead you choose to pick at his views on race (which aren't his views).


Why thankies! I love reading "Madeline is right", Oscar Wao. It almost doesn't matter what about, LOLOLOL.


Anyone bother to contact their representative?
Rand Paul will be fine.

He made an error in trying to discuss the complexities surrounding the Civil Rights Bill - and in doing so, actually showed a far greater grasp of the history of that legislation than most who are now attempting to spin the intent his response. It would have been far easier for him to simply state - "I want to make sweet hot love to the Civil Rights Bill" and the left would have had to accept him as one of their own! :) Instead, he actually approached it with attempted intellectual understanding of its far reaching implications, and some in the media have now attempted to turn him into an outright racist.

This attempt is not playing in Kentucky though - Rand Paul will be a member of the U.S. Senate - one of MANY new faces coming to Congress after November 2010...

Funny but didn't rand paul admit that he hadn't read most of the civil rights act?? So how can you have a grasp on something that you admit that you haven't even read??

Face it, he took a position he now regrets it going public and has backtracked from not really sure if he would have voted for it to I would vote for it.
Rand Paul will be fine.

He made an error in trying to discuss the complexities surrounding the Civil Rights Bill - and in doing so, actually showed a far greater grasp of the history of that legislation than most who are now attempting to spin the intent his response. It would have been far easier for him to simply state - "I want to make sweet hot love to the Civil Rights Bill" and the left would have had to accept him as one of their own! :) Instead, he actually approached it with attempted intellectual understanding of its far reaching implications, and some in the media have now attempted to turn him into an outright racist.

This attempt is not playing in Kentucky though - Rand Paul will be a member of the U.S. Senate - one of MANY new faces coming to Congress after November 2010...

What are the "complexities surrounding the Civil Rights Bill"?


Really? You have no idea about the drawn out negotiations, concerns, and resulting implications of the Civil Rights Bill?


So you are asked for specifics and all you can offer are vague generalities. LOL
Can someone please explain to me why some mealy-mouthed optometrist from Kentucky is suddenly national news?

There is shit going on that MATTERS, in case anyone here gives a fuck. You all have less than EIGHT HOURS to raise sand about a 400% increase in the federal gas tax.

Stop picking on Kentucky, for Gawd's sake. T'aint like there's no assholes wherever the fuck YOU live.

I would agree with you but its important to point out whenever possible the insanity of the tea baggers.
This is a non-issue. Find something real to attack Rand with.

In the meantime, Madeline is right. Who cares what he thinks on this issue?

We've got that tax increase she said, there's the border thing, the whole situation in Korea...

But instead you choose to pick at his views on race (which aren't his views).


This man is the rea bagger re presenter. He believes in businesses having the right to have signs that say "whites only". How is this a small thing? THIS IS HUGE....and will destroy that crazy far right wing fringe called TEABAGGERS.

By the way, the irony of your sig is lost on you...

"No defense for this racsim...none. Not even diversion, avoidance, or anything else."- Zona, on people who believe in small government

It has nothing to do with small government, it has EVERYTHING to do with businesses having signs out that says "whites only". EVERYTHING. If you agree with Rand about this, then you are a racist. There is NO DEFENSE, not even diversion....(like saying I dont believe in small government) can make this righty.
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Right....Rand was talking about how the "boot on the throat" phraseology was un-American, not criticizing BP per se.

But I don't expect partisan hacks to ever read or listen for context and comprehension.

Hack right back at ya, you hack.

Hmm? and Who used that terminology??

So based on who used it and the fact that paul said it sounds un-American he was therefore saying that the administration sounds un-American.

You talk about context and then proceed to ignore the context as you try to spin it to suit your needs.

however, thanks for admitting that you are a hack. LOL
You had me at "The left can't stop lying". :lol:

and Rand had me at "whites only".

How can any of you guys defend this tripe?
Because that's not at all what he meant, and race baiting hack dirtballs like you know it.

Based on his stance that is exactly what he meant.

Based on what he said he blieves that a "private" business should be able to exclude anyone it chooses to no matter the reason including race. It's just that he would choose not to go to an establishment that would engage in such practices.

So please continue to spin away as you try to make excuses for the inexcusable.
It is sad to see so many showing an inability to understand what Rand Paul was attempting to discuss on the issue of the Civil Rights Act.

There is far more to the Civil Rights Act than merely "Black and White".

The implications regarding individual freedom and private property - both foundational institutions of the Republic, are very deeply imbedded within the 1964 law.

Rand Paul was attempting to actually have a conversation regarding the law and its implication, not give an easy "Yes We Can" soundbite.

Have you seen the sign "We reserve the right to refuse service"? That simple sign, placed in so many businesses throughout the country, serves as a constant reminder of the very complexities Rand Paul was discussing in relation to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

One can raise questions regarding the Civil Rights Act without being a racist. It is a very very sad commentary on the lack of intellectual understanding some appear to have regarding the issue...

I just love this, either you accept sinatra's spin as the gospel or you are ignorant and lack the ability to understand. LOL

Paul wants this to just go away because he knows it hurts his image and his chances. However, if these are the beliefs that he holds then the voters have a right to know about who they are voting for and should ask these questions. To avoid talking about one's beliefs merely because they are not exactly mainstream and may hurt your chances to win an election makes one seem less than honest.
You are quite correct.

Sinatra, Dude, you can be racist as you want to be. If you act in a discriminatory way, there are laws and retributions that will be had. God bless America and this is not 1963.

Defend this nut Rand all you want,but we passed a law for a reason. You and he lose again sirs.

Good day. :lol:


You run from the discussion - refusing to actually learn of the implications at play within the contradictory nature of the Constitution and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Again - so very sad...

LOL What discussion?? The only discussion that you are having is calling people ignorant because they happen to disagree with your OPINIONS.

talk about sad. LOL
Can someone please explain to me why some mealy-mouthed optometrist from Kentucky is suddenly national news?

There is shit going on that MATTERS, in case anyone here gives a fuck. You all have less than EIGHT HOURS to raise sand about a 400% increase in the federal gas tax.

Stop picking on Kentucky, for Gawd's sake. T'aint like there's no assholes wherever the fuck YOU live.

I would agree with you but its important to point out whenever possible the insanity of the tea baggers.
This is a non-issue. Find something real to attack Rand with.

In the meantime, Madeline is right. Who cares what he thinks on this issue?

We've got that tax increase she said, there's the border thing, the whole situation in Korea...

But instead you choose to pick at his views on race (which aren't his views).


I just think it's hilarious that after all of the REAL non-issues that the right has tried to spin since obama was elected that they are now trying to claim that a politicians stance and beliefs on one of the most important pieces of legislation in the last 100 years is a non-issue all because they want it to go away. LOL

It's just funny how the right wants to talk about REAL issues when there is a topic that they don't want to discuss. LOL However, all you have to do is look at some of the threads that are regularly on this board to know that there are several non-issues that the right wishes to try to spin into something as they ignore the REAL issues. LOL
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I would agree with you but its important to point out whenever possible the insanity of the tea baggers.
This is a non-issue. Find something real to attack Rand with.

In the meantime, Madeline is right. Who cares what he thinks on this issue?

We've got that tax increase she said, there's the border thing, the whole situation in Korea...

But instead you choose to pick at his views on race (which aren't his views).


I just think it's hilarious that after all of the REAL non-issues that the right has tried to spin since obama was elected that they are now trying to claim that a politicians stance and beliefs on one of the most important pieces of legislation in the last 100 years is a non-issue all because they want it to go away. LOL

It's just funny how the right wants to talk about REAL issues when there is a topic that they don't want to discuss. LOL However, all you have to do is look at some of the threads that are regularly on this board to know that there are several non-issues that the right wishes to try to spin into something as they ignore the REAL issues. LOL

First of all, Rand Paul is a Libertarian; he does not fit in with either the Republicans or Democrats. Second, I have already said twice in other posts that Rand Paul is an asshole. Here's a third time: he's an asshole.

However, I do not live in Kentucky. This is not a Kentucky Board. I don't give a fuck if Kentuckians want to elect another mouth-breather; why do YOU? BTW, drsmith, the Conservatives on this board are busy roasting me alive just as fast as the Liberals are. I am no more a "rightie" than Che Guevera was.
This is a non-issue. Find something real to attack Rand with.

In the meantime, Madeline is right. Who cares what he thinks on this issue?

We've got that tax increase she said, there's the border thing, the whole situation in Korea...

But instead you choose to pick at his views on race (which aren't his views).


I just think it's hilarious that after all of the REAL non-issues that the right has tried to spin since obama was elected that they are now trying to claim that a politicians stance and beliefs on one of the most important pieces of legislation in the last 100 years is a non-issue all because they want it to go away. LOL

It's just funny how the right wants to talk about REAL issues when there is a topic that they don't want to discuss. LOL However, all you have to do is look at some of the threads that are regularly on this board to know that there are several non-issues that the right wishes to try to spin into something as they ignore the REAL issues. LOL

First of all, Rand Paul is a Libertarian; he does not fit in with either the Republicans or Democrats. Second, I have already said twice in other posts that Rand Paul is an asshole. Here's a third time: he's an asshole.

However, I do not live in Kentucky. This is not a Kentucky Board. I don't give a fuck if Kentuckians want to elect another mouth-breather; why do YOU? BTW, drsmith, the Conservatives on this board are busy roasting me alive just as fast as the Liberals are. I am no more a "rightie" than Che Guevera was.

First of all, my response was directed at someone else's post who happened to respond to yours.
Second I don't care what he is calling himself he is running as a republican on the republcian ticket, to me that makes him a republican. If elected what will follow or preceed his name, an "R" or an "L"?

Third, who KY elects and how they vote will have a direct impact on the rest of the country so it's best not to ignore something so important as you pretend that it's not.

Fourth, I don't know a damn thing about you nor do i care since I only recently started seeing your posts and i never presume to know where someone lies until I read a few of their posts to see where they fit in the politcal spectrum. So please learn that if my post is NOT in direct response to yours and I don't mention you by name then it's pretty obvious that I am not referring to you.

So are you through playing the victim when no one targeted you??

Kentucky U. S. Senate candidate, Rand Paul.​

Education in Kentucky
From Wikipedia

Education in Kentucky suffers from the same negative stigma as many other Southern states. Some statistics, such as ranking 47th in the nation in percentage of residents with a bachelor's degree and an adult illiteracy rate of about 40%.

Got the picture?

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Now it’s the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Tim Kaine, who “does a Maddow” and flat-out lies on national television about Rand Paul. On Fox News Sunday Kaine claimed that Paul said it was “un-American to hold BP accountable” for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Host Chris Wallace called him out by pointing out that what Paul said was “un-American” was a Democratic pol’s grandstanding bloviation that “we should put a boot on the neck of BP.” Paul said that such rhetoric is un-American, not holding BP accountable for damage it has caused.

According to this New York Times link, President Obama is going to the Gulf tomorrow.

Text - Obama?s News Conference on the Oil Spill -

Following is from the president's speech today, I thought it was direct and nailed BP.

But make no mistake: BP is operating at our direction. Every key decision and action they take must be approved by us in advance. I've designated Admiral Thad Allen -– who has nearly four decades of experience responding to such disasters -– as the National Incident Commander, and if he orders BP to do something to respond to this disaster, they are legally bound to do it. So, for example, when they said they would drill one relief well to stem this leak we demanded a backup and ordered them to drill two. And they are in the process of drilling two.

And, the effort is bi-partisan. Lot's of talk in this thread, but few practical solutions to help.

So we'll continue to do whatever is necessary to protect and restore the Gulf Coast. For example, Admiral Allen just announced that we're moving forward with a section of Governor Jindal's barrier island proposal that could help stop oil from coming ashore. It will be built in an area that is most at risk and where the work can be most quickly completed.

Your thread is trying to make partisan conflict in a time of major crisis. That's low.
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