The last time I voted for a 3Rd party was Perot

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
As much as I would like to again to send a clear message to the GOP the stakes are just too high.

I stated many months ago that our choices sucked. But the fact remains that even a shitty choice is better than 4 more years of this clusterfuck we've endured for the last four years.

Four more years of Obama will enshrine the progressive agenda into the American mind. It will become the norm just like all the social programs that are now breaking us.

I agree that Romney is not the perfect candidate and that he on occasion has leaned left. But I also believe that he is a pragmatic man and based on that he is the clear choice for our near term fixes. The private sector and industry is tearing at the seams to burst out and just waiting until a business friendly administration won't step on their toes in the process.

This is not the time to pick the party apart. When the ship is sinking you don't change captains. You plug the fucking hole and worry about power struggles later.
As much as I would like to again to send a clear message to the GOP the stakes are just too high.

I stated many months ago that our choices sucked. But the fact remains that even a shitty choice is better than 4 more years of this clusterfuck we've endured for the last four years.

Four more years of Obama will enshrine the progressive agenda into the American mind. It will become the norm just like all the social programs that are now breaking us.

I agree that Romney is not the perfect candidate and that he on occasion has leaned left. But I also believe that he is a pragmatic man and based on that he is the clear choice for our near term fixes. The private sector and industry is tearing at the seams to burst out and just waiting until a business friendly administration won't step on their toes in the process.

This is not the time to pick the party apart. When the ship is sinking you don't change captains. You plug the fucking hole and worry about power struggles later.

Well let me thank you then for Helping Elect Clinton :)
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As much as I would like to again to send a clear message to the GOP the stakes are just too high.

I stated many months ago that our choices sucked. But the fact remains that even a shitty choice is better than 4 more years of this clusterfuck we've endured for the last four years.

Four more years of Obama will enshrine the progressive agenda into the American mind. It will become the norm just like all the social programs that are now breaking us.

I agree that Romney is not the perfect candidate and that he on occasion has leaned left. But I also believe that he is a pragmatic man and based on that he is the clear choice for our near term fixes. The private sector and industry is tearing at the seams to burst out and just waiting until a business friendly administration won't step on their toes in the process.

This is not the time to pick the party apart. When the ship is sinking you don't change captains. You plug the fucking hole and worry about power struggles later.

Well let me thank you then for Helping Elect Clinton :)

I know right? Lol
As much as I would like to again to send a clear message to the GOP the stakes are just too high.

I stated many months ago that our choices sucked. But the fact remains that even a shitty choice is better than 4 more years of this clusterfuck we've endured for the last four years.

Four more years of Obama will enshrine the progressive agenda into the American mind. It will become the norm just like all the social programs that are now breaking us.

I agree that Romney is not the perfect candidate and that he on occasion has leaned left. But I also believe that he is a pragmatic man and based on that he is the clear choice for our near term fixes. The private sector and industry is tearing at the seams to burst out and just waiting until a business friendly administration won't step on their toes in the process.

This is not the time to pick the party apart. When the ship is sinking you don't change captains. You plug the fucking hole and worry about power struggles later.
As much as I would like to again to send a clear message to the GOP the stakes are just too high.

I stated many months ago that our choices sucked. But the fact remains that even a shitty choice is better than 4 more years of this clusterfuck we've endured for the last four years.

Four more years of Obama will enshrine the progressive agenda into the American mind. It will become the norm just like all the social programs that are now breaking us.

I agree that Romney is not the perfect candidate and that he on occasion has leaned left. But I also believe that he is a pragmatic man and based on that he is the clear choice for our near term fixes. The private sector and industry is tearing at the seams to burst out and just waiting until a business friendly administration won't step on their toes in the process.

This is not the time to pick the party apart. When the ship is sinking you don't change captains. You plug the fucking hole and worry about power struggles later.

I couldn't agree with you more. Except for this sentence:

"When the ship is sinking you don't change captains."

The ship is sinking and we do need to change the "Captain".
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As much as I would like to again to send a clear message to the GOP the stakes are just too high.

I stated many months ago that our choices sucked. But the fact remains that even a shitty choice is better than 4 more years of this clusterfuck we've endured for the last four years.

Four more years of Obama will enshrine the progressive agenda into the American mind. It will become the norm just like all the social programs that are now breaking us.

I agree that Romney is not the perfect candidate and that he on occasion has leaned left. But I also believe that he is a pragmatic man and based on that he is the clear choice for our near term fixes. The private sector and industry is tearing at the seams to burst out and just waiting until a business friendly administration won't step on their toes in the process.

This is not the time to pick the party apart. When the ship is sinking you don't change captains. You plug the fucking hole and worry about power struggles later.

19% of us are still slapping our foreheads....
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As much as I would like to again to send a clear message to the GOP the stakes are just too high.

I stated many months ago that our choices sucked. But the fact remains that even a shitty choice is better than 4 more years of this clusterfuck we've endured for the last four years.

Four more years of Obama will enshrine the progressive agenda into the American mind. It will become the norm just like all the social programs that are now breaking us.

I agree that Romney is not the perfect candidate and that he on occasion has leaned left. But I also believe that he is a pragmatic man and based on that he is the clear choice for our near term fixes. The private sector and industry is tearing at the seams to burst out and just waiting until a business friendly administration won't step on their toes in the process.

This is not the time to pick the party apart. When the ship is sinking you don't change captains. You plug the fucking hole and worry about power struggles later.

I couldn't agree with you more. Except for this sentence:

"When the ship is sinking you don't change captains."

The ship is sinking and we do need to change the "Captain".

Yeah, I was referring to infighting in the party
Willard is an etch-a-sketch, flip flopping piece of shit that want's to do nothing but return us to the epically failed W era plans that destroyed the country in the first place, and expand on them even further. You would have to be mentally ill to support Willard or the GOP.
As much as I would like to again to send a clear message to the GOP the stakes are just too high.

I stated many months ago that our choices sucked. But the fact remains that even a shitty choice is better than 4 more years of this clusterfuck we've endured for the last four years.

Four more years of Obama will enshrine the progressive agenda into the American mind. It will become the norm just like all the social programs that are now breaking us.

I agree that Romney is not the perfect candidate and that he on occasion has leaned left. But I also believe that he is a pragmatic man and based on that he is the clear choice for our near term fixes. The private sector and industry is tearing at the seams to burst out and just waiting until a business friendly administration won't step on their toes in the process.

This is not the time to pick the party apart. When the ship is sinking you don't change captains. You plug the fucking hole and worry about power struggles later.

So what happens next time when you use that same excuse to elect someone you don't like? What about the election after that, and the one after that? How many times will the stakes be too high to elect someone worth a damn?
It's always the same every election. "The stakes are too high." "We'll deal with it next time." It never happens. Nothing ever changes because every election is so "critical."
As much as I would like to again to send a clear message to the GOP the stakes are just too high.

I stated many months ago that our choices sucked. But the fact remains that even a shitty choice is better than 4 more years of this clusterfuck we've endured for the last four years.

Four more years of Obama will enshrine the progressive agenda into the American mind. It will become the norm just like all the social programs that are now breaking us.

I agree that Romney is not the perfect candidate and that he on occasion has leaned left. But I also believe that he is a pragmatic man and based on that he is the clear choice for our near term fixes. The private sector and industry is tearing at the seams to burst out and just waiting until a business friendly administration won't step on their toes in the process.

This is not the time to pick the party apart. When the ship is sinking you don't change captains. You plug the fucking hole and worry about power struggles later.

So what happens next time when you use that same excuse to elect someone you don't like? What about the election after that, and the one after that? How many times will the stakes be too high to elect someone worth a damn?

I don't remember an election ever having the implications this one does. And I don't have a crystal ball to foresee the future candidates. I prefer to deal with today's problems first
It's always the same every election. "The stakes are too high." "We'll deal with it next time." It never happens. Nothing ever changes because every election is so "critical."

I don't see it that way. My Perot vote proves your theory wrong. Clinton was largely unknown so what were these stakes your speaking of?
As much as I would like to again to send a clear message to the GOP the stakes are just too high.

I stated many months ago that our choices sucked. But the fact remains that even a shitty choice is better than 4 more years of this clusterfuck we've endured for the last four years.

Four more years of Obama will enshrine the progressive agenda into the American mind. It will become the norm just like all the social programs that are now breaking us.

I agree that Romney is not the perfect candidate and that he on occasion has leaned left. But I also believe that he is a pragmatic man and based on that he is the clear choice for our near term fixes. The private sector and industry is tearing at the seams to burst out and just waiting until a business friendly administration won't step on their toes in the process.

This is not the time to pick the party apart. When the ship is sinking you don't change captains. You plug the fucking hole and worry about power struggles later.

So what happens next time when you use that same excuse to elect someone you don't like? What about the election after that, and the one after that? How many times will the stakes be too high to elect someone worth a damn?

You obviously don't have a good grasp of what is at stake in terms of ideaology and what path the nation will be taken down philosophically.
It's always the same every election. "The stakes are too high." "We'll deal with it next time." It never happens. Nothing ever changes because every election is so "critical."

I don't see it that way. My Perot vote proves your theory wrong. Clinton was largely unknown so what were these stakes your speaking of?

If you don't think there were people back in 1992 talking about how we have to support Bush because electing Bill Clinton would be disastrous for the country, and a vote for Perot is a vote for Clinton then you're crazy. It happens every single election. I remember in 2008 people were talking about how you have to support McCain even though he's far from ideal because this was a pivotal election and we can't let Obama become President. That's not to say it doesn't happen on the Democratic side as well, but it's always the same. A candidate is perceived to not be that great to the base and the propagandists come out talking about how "pivotal" this election is and would you rather see the candidate from the other party (the horror!) be elected? So buck up and be a team player even though the candidate you'll have to support is awful. Happens every time.
It's always the same every election. "The stakes are too high." "We'll deal with it next time." It never happens. Nothing ever changes because every election is so "critical."

I don't see it that way. My Perot vote proves your theory wrong. Clinton was largely unknown so what were these stakes your speaking of?

If you don't think there were people back in 1992 talking about how we have to support Bush because electing Bill Clinton would be disastrous for the country, and a vote for Perot is a vote for Clinton then you're crazy. It happens every single election. I remember in 2008 people were talking about how you have to support McCain even though he's far from ideal because this was a pivotal election and we can't let Obama become President. That's not to say it doesn't happen on the Democratic side as well, but it's always the same. A candidate is perceived to not be that great to the base and the propagandists come out talking about how "pivotal" this election is and would you rather see the candidate from the other party (the horror!) be elected? So buck up and be a team player even though the candidate you'll have to support is awful. Happens every time.

I don't see Romney as awful. I do see Obama as severely damaging our country so the net vote should be obvious.
I don't see it that way. My Perot vote proves your theory wrong. Clinton was largely unknown so what were these stakes your speaking of?

If you don't think there were people back in 1992 talking about how we have to support Bush because electing Bill Clinton would be disastrous for the country, and a vote for Perot is a vote for Clinton then you're crazy. It happens every single election. I remember in 2008 people were talking about how you have to support McCain even though he's far from ideal because this was a pivotal election and we can't let Obama become President. That's not to say it doesn't happen on the Democratic side as well, but it's always the same. A candidate is perceived to not be that great to the base and the propagandists come out talking about how "pivotal" this election is and would you rather see the candidate from the other party (the horror!) be elected? So buck up and be a team player even though the candidate you'll have to support is awful. Happens every time.

I don't see Romney as awful. I do see Obama as severely damaging our country so the net vote should be obvious.

If Romney's not awful why do you want to "send a clear message to the GOP." Personally, I don't care how "critical" an election is perceived to be, the sooner you can send a message to the GOP, or the Democrats if that's your party, that they can't nominate wishy-washy candidates the better. Of course, I'm not of the opinion that a message really can be sent. They didn't get the message with Dole, and they didn't get the message with McCain. My guess is "they" don't care.
As much as I would like to again to send a clear message to the GOP the stakes are just too high.

I stated many months ago that our choices sucked. But the fact remains that even a shitty choice is better than 4 more years of this clusterfuck we've endured for the last four years.

Four more years of Obama will enshrine the progressive agenda into the American mind. It will become the norm just like all the social programs that are now breaking us.

I agree that Romney is not the perfect candidate and that he on occasion has leaned left. But I also believe that he is a pragmatic man and based on that he is the clear choice for our near term fixes. The private sector and industry is tearing at the seams to burst out and just waiting until a business friendly administration won't step on their toes in the process.

This is not the time to pick the party apart. When the ship is sinking you don't change captains. You plug the fucking hole and worry about power struggles later.

So what happens next time when you use that same excuse to elect someone you don't like? What about the election after that, and the one after that? How many times will the stakes be too high to elect someone worth a damn?

Perhaps the 3rd parties need to put up more appealing candidates who resonate with MORE Americans. Note my sig. I'm a believer, but I'm pragmatic. My principled vote for Perot helped put Clinton in the WH for 4 years. The most important question is, do you want Obama reelected? If not, you know what has to be done.
As much as I would like to again to send a clear message to the GOP the stakes are just too high.

I stated many months ago that our choices sucked. But the fact remains that even a shitty choice is better than 4 more years of this clusterfuck we've endured for the last four years.

Four more years of Obama will enshrine the progressive agenda into the American mind. It will become the norm just like all the social programs that are now breaking us.

I agree that Romney is not the perfect candidate and that he on occasion has leaned left. But I also believe that he is a pragmatic man and based on that he is the clear choice for our near term fixes. The private sector and industry is tearing at the seams to burst out and just waiting until a business friendly administration won't step on their toes in the process.

This is not the time to pick the party apart. When the ship is sinking you don't change captains. You plug the fucking hole and worry about power struggles later.

So what happens next time when you use that same excuse to elect someone you don't like? What about the election after that, and the one after that? How many times will the stakes be too high to elect someone worth a damn?

Perhaps the 3rd parties need to put up more appealing candidates who resonate with MORE Americans. Note my sig. I'm a believer, but I'm pragmatic. My principled vote for Perot helped put Clinton in the WH for 4 years. The most important question is, do you want Obama reelected? If not, you know what has to be done.

No, I do not want Obama reelected. But voting for a white Obama doesn't really help me either.

I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't vote for anyone who I believed would be bad for the country. The lesser of two evils argument is nothing but an excuse that keeps bad people in office. If you want to vote for someone that will not change a damn thing, then be my guest. But you won't guilt trip me into throwing away my vote for something as stupid as partisan politics.
So what happens next time when you use that same excuse to elect someone you don't like? What about the election after that, and the one after that? How many times will the stakes be too high to elect someone worth a damn?

Perhaps the 3rd parties need to put up more appealing candidates who resonate with MORE Americans. Note my sig. I'm a believer, but I'm pragmatic. My principled vote for Perot helped put Clinton in the WH for 4 years. The most important question is, do you want Obama reelected? If not, you know what has to be done.

No, I do not want Obama reelected. But voting for a white Obama doesn't really help me either.

I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't vote for anyone who I believed would be bad for the country. The lesser of two evils argument is nothing but an excuse that keeps bad people in office. If you want to vote for someone that will not change a damn thing, then be my guest. But you won't guilt trip me into throwing away my vote for something as stupid as partisan politics.

Obama is half white. Is Romney half black? Wait until the media gets a hold of that!:confused: That sure is Wacky, Quacky!
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So what happens next time when you use that same excuse to elect someone you don't like? What about the election after that, and the one after that? How many times will the stakes be too high to elect someone worth a damn?

Perhaps the 3rd parties need to put up more appealing candidates who resonate with MORE Americans. Note my sig. I'm a believer, but I'm pragmatic. My principled vote for Perot helped put Clinton in the WH for 4 years. The most important question is, do you want Obama reelected? If not, you know what has to be done.

No, I do not want Obama reelected. But voting for a white Obama doesn't really help me either.

I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't vote for anyone who I believed would be bad for the country. The lesser of two evils argument is nothing but an excuse that keeps bad people in office. If you want to vote for someone that will not change a damn thing, then be my guest. But you won't guilt trip me into throwing away my vote for something as stupid as partisan politics.

Well, that's where we differ. While Romney might not have been my candidate of choice, I DO believe he will do a better job than Obama. Hell, my cat could do a better job than Obama and all he does is lay around the house all day, eating, sleeping, crapping and licking his butt. I don't consider my vote throw away A vote for Obama is a vote for Obama. A vote for Romeny is a vote for Romney. A vote for a 3rd party candidate who doesn't stand a chance of winning takes votes away from who and increasesthe chances of who? IMHO, voting for Romney isn't parisan's what is in the best interest of our nation.

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