The Knuckledraggers on MSLSD

Romney has promised to cut everyone's taxes by 20%. At least that's one of his positions on the issue.


With half of American households already paying NO federal income taxes, and conservatives complaining about that constantly,

how many more households would go into the no-tax category if a 20% across the board cut were implemented?

I missed the 20% across the board tax cut in Romney's plan. Can you link it or did you just make that up.

This is what I found on his tax policy;

• Maintain marginal rates at current levels
• Further reduce taxes on savings and investment
• Eliminate the death tax
• Long-term goal: pursue a flatter, fairer, simpler structure
• Lower the corporate income tax rate to 25 percent
• Transition to a “territorial” tax system
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Yes, we know Romney's plan already. Cut the taxes on the rich, raise them on the middle class and working poor, and blame the Second Great Republican Depression on President Obama.

We saw from 2001 to 2009 the kind of growth that GOP policies create. Jan, 2009, we were losing 750,000 jobs a month. And the economy was in freefall. Elect the Romney-Ryan ticket, and see a repeat in only four years.

I saw what the sub-prime mortgage caused that was a policy started in 1999.
I don't doubt for a moment tht Romney has a plan.

It's precisely his plan that makes me unlikely to vote for him.

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