The killer pilot: 'Bye, bye Miss American Pie'

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
It is the horrific moment an Afghan man is blown apart by a US missile.

But in a moment of twisted inspiration an American helicopter pilot decided to give it a impromptu soundtrack - by singing ‘Bye, bye Miss American pie.’

He belted out the most famous line of the Don McLean classic at the moment of impact when a fireball consumed at least one man.

UPDATED: 07:33 GMT, 6 July 2012

US helicopter strike blasts Afghan man as the pilot sings 'Bye, bye Miss American Pie' | Mail Online

It is the horrific moment an Afghan man is blown apart by a US missile.

But in a moment of twisted inspiration an American helicopter pilot decided to give it a impromptu soundtrack - by singing ‘Bye, bye Miss American pie.’

He belted out the most famous line of the Don McLean classic at the moment of impact when a fireball consumed at least one man.

UPDATED: 07:33 GMT, 6 July 2012

US helicopter strike blasts Afghan man as the pilot sings 'Bye, bye Miss American Pie' | Mail Online

That's what happens when you choose the wrong side.

NOTE: The side opposite the United States is ALWAYS the wrong side.
It is the horrific moment an Afghan man is blown apart by a US missile.

But in a moment of twisted inspiration an American helicopter pilot decided to give it a impromptu soundtrack - by singing ‘Bye, bye Miss American pie.’

He belted out the most famous line of the Don McLean classic at the moment of impact when a fireball consumed at least one man.

UPDATED: 07:33 GMT, 6 July 2012

US helicopter strike blasts Afghan man as the pilot sings 'Bye, bye Miss American Pie' | Mail Online


Those "innocents" were planting an IED-ever seen what one of those does to OUR troops? Well, I have, and it is not pleasant. I've seen American troops who will live the rest of their lives without arms or legs due to them. Take some of your"compassion" over to Walter Reed, and ask some of THEM how THEY feel about that pilot singing while he put a Hellfire up the arses of those damn Taliban savages. I have a feeling they wouldn't mind a bit, and neither do I! As a matter of fact, I can recall saying worse, when I shoved a bayonet into a VC's gut and twisted it. I do not particularly care whether you approve of that or not, either! Take your sympathy for seventh century goat-f*cking barbarians where someone may actually give a tinker's damn, because I do not! Get lost, you anti-American whiner!
It is the horrific moment an Afghan man is blown apart by a US missile.

But in a moment of twisted inspiration an American helicopter pilot decided to give it a impromptu soundtrack - by singing ‘Bye, bye Miss American pie.’

He belted out the most famous line of the Don McLean classic at the moment of impact when a fireball consumed at least one man.

UPDATED: 07:33 GMT, 6 July 2012

US helicopter strike blasts Afghan man as the pilot sings 'Bye, bye Miss American Pie' | Mail Online


That's fucking awesome.

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