The Key To Meeting With Obama Is Question Everything


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Obama is about to start his dog and pony show.

The only safe way to treat him is like you would treat N. Korea. Nether practices honesty.

So Obama is using this sham to appear presidential and he's gonna hog the time never answering questions with yes or no answers.

Does anyone expect anything good to come from this?

Obama is well know for talking the talk but never walking the walk.

Jobs are being lost in increasing numbers so this is all just bad timing that they're back to talking about health care.

We just can't afford to work on something when people are about to lose their homes and haven't been working for one maybe two years now.

What a waste of time and money.

Yesterday the gaudawful display with Toyota's CEO was bad. I expect this to be even worse.

What say you??
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I agree its going to be a big dog and pony show.

Caught part of Greta last night and she had Judd Gregg on. He was asked to attend but declined. He said it was a big waste of time. I gotta agree.

Why the hell is OL'BO still on about healthcare anyway?? The only way they can pass it is with reconciliation. They don't have the numbers to pass it any other way. OL'BO should be working on jobs, jobs, jobs and the economy.

Of course theres always the chance to try to shift the blame onto the Reps. The supermajority Dems couldn't do jack. They were to busy fighting with each other. I'm sure the Prez will try to show all what a fair and bipartizaned kinda guy he is. Jeeze
We are going to see lots of "He shoots, he scores" commentary from the obabmabots this morning. It was supposed to be a session where he would listen and get an idea on how to move things forward. It has already morphed into a lecture.
I agree its going to be a big dog and pony show.

Caught part of Greta last night and she had Judd Gregg on. He was asked to attend but declined. He said it was a big waste of time. I gotta agree.

Why the hell is OL'BO still on about healthcare anyway?? The only way they can pass it is with reconciliation. They don't have the numbers to pass it any other way. OL'BO should be working on jobs, jobs, jobs and the economy.

Of course theres always the chance to try to shift the blame onto the Reps. The supermajority Dems couldn't do jack. They were to busy fighting with each other. I'm sure the Prez will try to show all what a fair and bipartizaned kinda guy he is. Jeeze

Right now he's kissing everyone's butt and he's going on and on about nothing. It's painful to watch. I don't think he knows the meaning of getting down to business.
He wants to be on TV for six hours, talking to the world and looking impressive.

Let him talk. by now he is boring folks.

(I can't see this btw... No TV. I do not feel deprived)
Jeezus, Lamar Alexander is already off on a rant about 'tyranny of the majority'.

Where in the FUCK did Republicans get the notion that our government was designed so that they win when they're in the majority, and then, they win when they're in the minority?
Jeezus, Lamar Alexander is already off on a rant about 'tyranny of the majority'.

Where in the FUCK did Republicans get the notion that our government was designed so that they win when they're in the majority, and then, they win when they're in the minority?

Where did they get that notion? Maybe from Democrats:
Charles Schumer 5/18/2005: “We are on the precipice of a crisis, a constitutional crisis. The checks and balances which have been at the core of this Republic are about to be evaporated by the nuclear option. The checks and balances which say that if you get 51% of the vote you don’t get your way 100% of the time. It is amazing it’s almost a temper tantrum.
Harry Reid 5/18/2005: “Mr. President the right to extended debate is never more important than the one party who controls congress and the white house. In these cases the filibuster serves as a check on power and preserves our limited government.”
Dianne Feinstein 5/18/2005: “If the Republican leadership insists on forcing the nuclear option the senate becomes ipso facto the House of Representatives where the majority rules supreme and the party of power can dominate and control the agenda with absolute power.”
Hillary Clinton 5/23/2005: “You’ve got majority rule and then you have the senate over here where people can slow things down where they can debate where they have something called the filibuster. You know it seems like it’s a little less than efficient -- well that’s right it is. And deliberately designed to be so.”
Has anyone bothered to question why they're doing this at all? I mean, Obama has already posted his proposals. He did this BEFORE the meeting. So he was never interested in hearing ideas from the Republicans.
All of this is window dressing. It is pro forma. It is a giant fake designed to make Obama look bipartisan when in fact he is old style Chicago partisan.
What a crock. he can't even lie convincingly.
Nice to see wingnuts going from complaining about closed door meetings to complaining about televised meetings.

You know, once in awhile you people could at least aspire to demonstrating an ounce of credibility.


Nice word.

Wonder if OL'BO knows what it means????
I'm expecting a LOT of good to come from this.

Chiefly being the TRUTH about the Republican Party's agenda will be exposed.

The only people that are AGAINST this are the people that have an agenda to keep the TRUTH...FROM the population.

Me....? I can't wait.

How's it going so far? Anybody have a link online to watch and/or listen to it live?

I'm expecting a LOT of good to come from this.

Chiefly being the TRUTH about the Republican Party's agenda will be exposed.

The only people that are AGAINST this are the people that have an agenda to keep the TRUTH...FROM the population.

Me....? I can't wait.

How's it going so far? Anybody have a link online to watch and/or listen to it live?


That's exactly why the Democrats couldn't get it passed with a SUPERMAJORITY. And now? Even some of those Democrats that voted for the first bill are saying they WILL NOT vote for this one. I think maybe it's not being passed because it's really not a good bill for America. Novel idea, I know.

I'm expecting a LOT of good to come from this.

Chiefly being the TRUTH about the Republican Party's agenda will be exposed.

The only people that are AGAINST this are the people that have an agenda to keep the TRUTH...FROM the population.

Me....? I can't wait.

How's it going so far? Anybody have a link online to watch and/or listen to it live?


Yes. The truth of the GOP agenda is that they want less government, lower taxes, and more competition in the insurance industry leading to lower rates for everyone.
Let's expose their dirty secret!

Has anyone noticed that everytime BarryO does one of these it comes out he has lied about something?
I'm expecting a LOT of good to come from this.

Chiefly being the TRUTH about the Republican Party's agenda will be exposed.

The only people that are AGAINST this are the people that have an agenda to keep the TRUTH...FROM the population.

Me....? I can't wait.

How's it going so far? Anybody have a link online to watch and/or listen to it live?


Fox is carrying it live. I assume MSNBC and CNN are also.

Right now Harry Reid is on and he's talking about how 59% of Americans want reform. What he isn't saying is they want reform on whats wrong. Not this clusterfuck of a bill they want to pass. Jeeze.
This is the Democrat talking point:
"People want reform"
"Pass our bill that everyone opposes"

The most clueless administration in history. Whatever happened to "jobs jobs jobs"? I realize that last week is like ancient history with this administration but you'd think they couild stay on message for a week.
Jobless claims up 12% in the past two weeks. But hey ... let's discuss healthcare reform.

NEW YORK ( -- The number of Americans filing for initial unemployment insurance surged to just below the 500,000 level last week, and have climbed more than 12% over the past two weeks, the government said Thursday.

A dog and pony show indeed Mudwhistle! Political Theater, as I like to refer to it.

It does seem though, that Mr. President has a fallback healthcare proposal plan, should today's entertainment not get the roaring round of applause he's hoping for.

Obama Readies a Fallback Health-Care Proposal -
Jeezus, Lamar Alexander is already off on a rant about 'tyranny of the majority'.

Where in the FUCK did Republicans get the notion that our government was designed so that they win when they're in the majority, and then, they win when they're in the minority?

Where did they get that notion? Maybe from Democrats:
Charles Schumer 5/18/2005: “We are on the precipice of a crisis, a constitutional crisis. The checks and balances which have been at the core of this Republic are about to be evaporated by the nuclear option. The checks and balances which say that if you get 51% of the vote you don’t get your way 100% of the time. It is amazing it’s almost a temper tantrum.

Dianne Feinstein 5/18/2005: “If the Republican leadership insists on forcing the nuclear option the senate becomes ipso facto the House of Representatives where the majority rules supreme and the party of power can dominate and control the agenda with absolute power.”
Hillary Clinton 5/23/2005: “You’ve got majority rule and then you have the senate over here where people can slow things down where they can debate where they have something called the filibuster. You know it seems like it’s a little less than efficient -- well that’s right it is. And deliberately designed to be so.”

Well then you agree that the Republicans are as wrong now as those Democrats were wrong then.

Interesting that you cited the year 2005. That's the year the Republicans passed Medicaid and Medicare reform with a tiebreaking vote by VP Cheney... much for the Republicans crying about reconciliation.

Jeezus, Lamar Alexander is already off on a rant about 'tyranny of the majority'.

Where in the FUCK did Republicans get the notion that our government was designed so that they win when they're in the majority, and then, they win when they're in the minority?

from Democrats.

no need to thank me. virtue is its own reward.
This is the Democrat talking point:
"People want reform"
"Pass our bill that everyone opposes"

The most clueless administration in history. Whatever happened to "jobs jobs jobs"? I realize that last week is like ancient history with this administration but you'd think they couild stay on message for a week.

What Reid did is disingenuous and I hope the American People are smart enoujgh to see past it.
No one claimed that the polls said healthcare reform is not necessary. They said the polls showed that the current legislation should be scrapped.
I think...and I may be wrong....but I think that poor Guy, Jose Ramos' child changed sex during Reids speech.

Didnt it start off as a "newborn boy" and ended as "little girl"?

Again, I may be wrong.

Oh yeah...and I highly doubt that would have been headline news that a newborn was claimed as having a "pre-exisitng" condition......

Likewise....Obama and his wife are attorneys....why did his grandmother have to be the one on the phone ALL DAY LONG EVERY DAY with the insuracne companies as she lied dying in her hiospital bed?
Sorry....give me truth...not stories to support your argument.
I'm expecting a LOT of good to come from this.

Chiefly being the TRUTH about the Republican Party's agenda will be exposed.

The only people that are AGAINST this are the people that have an agenda to keep the TRUTH...FROM the population.

Me....? I can't wait.

How's it going so far? Anybody have a link online to watch and/or listen to it live?


Here's something that might interest you MarcATL.

LIVEBLOG: Bipartisan healthcare summit at the White House - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

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