The just comply with police lie exposed.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
I have been sitting on this for a while. I honestly wondered if anyone else would post it. For as long as I have been alive, I have heard the old lie. As long as you comply with the police you won’t be beaten or killed. Well. The police think that compliance is no reason to assume you won’t be beaten to a bloody pulp.

Justifying Brutality: Police Defend Use of Taser, Chokehold & Excessive Force Against Man Who Complied During Arrest

The police admit that the victim complied. But they say they have the right to throw a beating on him so severe that he ended up in the hospital for three days. He was not resisting. He didn’t attack the cops. They just beat him anyway.

So what else can we blame this on? We can’t blame Democrats. Oklahoma is solid red. Even the cities voted for Trump. We can’t blame it on Liberals overreacting since the cops admit in their filing that the guy did not resist.

I wonder what if any excuse the cops come first crowd will toss out there?
1. Few Americans belong to the "Cops come first crowd."

a. They know that many cops lie and use excessive force.

b. Here in Los Angeles, for example, the chief has just admitted that some cops have falsely labeled some individuals as gang members,

2. Fortunately, there are now more juries that are not fooled by the very professional and persuasive way such cops lie in court.

3. But most Americans know that cops are a NECESSARY evil.

a. There are so many violent individuals in this country.

4. They also know that most people would NEVER want to be a cop. A cop has to deal every day with the most horrible violent people.

5. I hope that a jury will listen carefully to this case and make a just decision.
If you have personal experience with this, please inform. If you’re gonna generalize, this is just more of the same. With all of the interactions throughout the country, the assistance of police is not accentuated. It’s the nitpicking that’s put out there. Next time you have a squirrel in your attic at 2am, lock your keys in your car in a rainstorm, or need your 80 something parent lifted off the floor of their house, DIY.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have been sitting on this for a while. I honestly wondered if anyone else would post it. For as long as I have been alive, I have heard the old lie. As long as you comply with the police you won’t be beaten or killed. Well. The police think that compliance is no reason to assume you won’t be beaten to a bloody pulp.

Justifying Brutality: Police Defend Use of Taser, Chokehold & Excessive Force Against Man Who Complied During Arrest

The police admit that the victim complied. But they say they have the right to throw a beating on him so severe that he ended up in the hospital for three days. He was not resisting. He didn’t attack the cops. They just beat him anyway.

So what else can we blame this on? We can’t blame Democrats. Oklahoma is solid red. Even the cities voted for Trump. We can’t blame it on Liberals overreacting since the cops admit in their filing that the guy did not resist.

I wonder what if any excuse the cops come first crowd will toss out there?

i'm thinking you arent separating POLICE and PEOPLE,,,its like blaming government with people,,,
one is a generic term to describe a whole and the other is the ones in that whole that cause the problems,,,,ie,, our government is one of the greatest ever created but its democrats and republicans that make it look shitty,,,

as a whole the police are honorable where as there are a few that make them look like jack boots,,
I have been sitting on this for a while. I honestly wondered if anyone else would post it. For as long as I have been alive, I have heard the old lie. As long as you comply with the police you won’t be beaten or killed. Well. The police think that compliance is no reason to assume you won’t be beaten to a bloody pulp.

Justifying Brutality: Police Defend Use of Taser, Chokehold & Excessive Force Against Man Who Complied During Arrest

The police admit that the victim complied. But they say they have the right to throw a beating on him so severe that he ended up in the hospital for three days. He was not resisting. He didn’t attack the cops. They just beat him anyway.

So what else can we blame this on? We can’t blame Democrats. Oklahoma is solid red. Even the cities voted for Trump. We can’t blame it on Liberals overreacting since the cops admit in their filing that the guy did not resist.

I wonder what if any excuse the cops come first crowd will toss out there?

i'm thinking you arent separating POLICE and PEOPLE,,,its like blaming government with people,,,
one is a generic term to describe a whole and the other is the ones in that whole that cause the problems,,,,ie,, our government is one of the greatest ever created but its democrats and republicans that make it look shitty,,,

as a whole the police are honorable where as there are a few that make them look like jack boots,,

As opposed to politicians, that make the majority of them look like jack boots...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Been to jail twice for fighting with these fucking punks.Won both cases.Lost both fight. 2 show and 35 arrive shortly.
I was a gunsmith back in the day and also lifted at the gym these assholes went to (and shot up/sold anabolics)at.Knew dozens of the pricks quite well. Cops are fucking idiots. MOST. Not "a few". The good ones quit and have done real work since the late seventies early eighties.Most are old men like me now. They have zero respect for the vast majority of these pricks. Ex meatheads are the worst ones.
The 'nam guys were tough, yet realistic.
1.When blacks made the "pigs" the enemy, they didn't get to choose the extent of the blow back.
2. Good cop, bad cop mimics 2 different kinds of cops because there are two types of cops.
3. Complying is still a safer bet than resisting, regardless of race.
4. I hope they make this man very wealthy, at the cop's expense, if he wins his case.
There ya go...
I have been sitting on this for a while. I honestly wondered if anyone else would post it. For as long as I have been alive, I have heard the old lie. As long as you comply with the police you won’t be beaten or killed. Well. The police think that compliance is no reason to assume you won’t be beaten to a bloody pulp.

Justifying Brutality: Police Defend Use of Taser, Chokehold & Excessive Force Against Man Who Complied During Arrest

The police admit that the victim complied. But they say they have the right to throw a beating on him so severe that he ended up in the hospital for three days. He was not resisting. He didn’t attack the cops. They just beat him anyway.

So what else can we blame this on? We can’t blame Democrats. Oklahoma is solid red. Even the cities voted for Trump. We can’t blame it on Liberals overreacting since the cops admit in their filing that the guy did not resist.

I wonder what if any excuse the cops come first crowd will toss out there?
Thank you for sharing your cherry-picked story of a few bad cops out of 10s of thousands who acted badly. Like all Liberals, you have a hateful bias and you seek out these juicy cherries to feed your hate.
1.When blacks made the "pigs" the enemy, they didn't get to choose the extent of the blow back.
2. Good cop, bad cop mimics 2 different kinds of cops because there are two types of cops.
3. Complying is still a safer bet than resisting, regardless of race.
4. I hope they make this man very wealthy, at the cop's expense, if he wins his case.
There ya go...
There you go with rightwing racism and stupidity.
I have been sitting on this for a while. I honestly wondered if anyone else would post it. For as long as I have been alive, I have heard the old lie. As long as you comply with the police you won’t be beaten or killed. Well. The police think that compliance is no reason to assume you won’t be beaten to a bloody pulp.

Justifying Brutality: Police Defend Use of Taser, Chokehold & Excessive Force Against Man Who Complied During Arrest

The police admit that the victim complied. But they say they have the right to throw a beating on him so severe that he ended up in the hospital for three days. He was not resisting. He didn’t attack the cops. They just beat him anyway.

So what else can we blame this on? We can’t blame Democrats. Oklahoma is solid red. Even the cities voted for Trump. We can’t blame it on Liberals overreacting since the cops admit in their filing that the guy did not resist.

I wonder what if any excuse the cops come first crowd will toss out there?
your anti-cop lies never stop, do they?
..there are going to be problems/mistakes/errors/wrongs/etc--cops are HUMAN
..but it's not out of's not a major chronic problem--I've put out the stats/links on this many times
I have been sitting on this for a while. I honestly wondered if anyone else would post it. For as long as I have been alive, I have heard the old lie. As long as you comply with the police you won’t be beaten or killed. Well. The police think that compliance is no reason to assume you won’t be beaten to a bloody pulp.

Justifying Brutality: Police Defend Use of Taser, Chokehold & Excessive Force Against Man Who Complied During Arrest

The police admit that the victim complied. But they say they have the right to throw a beating on him so severe that he ended up in the hospital for three days. He was not resisting. He didn’t attack the cops. They just beat him anyway.

So what else can we blame this on? We can’t blame Democrats. Oklahoma is solid red. Even the cities voted for Trump. We can’t blame it on Liberals overreacting since the cops admit in their filing that the guy did not resist.

I wonder what if any excuse the cops come first crowd will toss out there?
It’s idiotic to ‘blame’ Democrats regardless – even if this occurred in a blue state.

And to characterize liberals’ appropriate and warranted opposition to police violence as ‘overreacting’ is just as idiotic.

Stop trying to assign ‘blame’ and looking for ‘excuses’ and find a solution to the problem instead.
I have been sitting on this for a while. I honestly wondered if anyone else would post it. For as long as I have been alive, I have heard the old lie. As long as you comply with the police you won’t be beaten or killed. Well. The police think that compliance is no reason to assume you won’t be beaten to a bloody pulp.

Justifying Brutality: Police Defend Use of Taser, Chokehold & Excessive Force Against Man Who Complied During Arrest

The police admit that the victim complied. But they say they have the right to throw a beating on him so severe that he ended up in the hospital for three days. He was not resisting. He didn’t attack the cops. They just beat him anyway.

So what else can we blame this on? We can’t blame Democrats. Oklahoma is solid red. Even the cities voted for Trump. We can’t blame it on Liberals overreacting since the cops admit in their filing that the guy did not resist.

I wonder what if any excuse the cops come first crowd will toss out there?
your anti-cop lies never stop, do they?
..there are going to be problems/mistakes/errors/wrongs/etc--cops are HUMAN
..but it's not out of's not a major chronic problem--I've put out the stats/links on this many times

Interesting. The link shows the court filing, the position of the Defendant, is that the police have a right to throw a beating on a guy even if he is complying. That is the position of the Police in court. Just as the position of the Police in court, was that they have no duty to protect you. Not once, but in two separate court cases. That is the official position of the Courts, the Law of this nation. Yet, you say that these problems are isolated.

How isolated? The position of the entire police department is that they have a right to throw a beating on you. Dozens of officials, FBI Agents, Supervisors, and Justice Department Lawyers all provided false evidence to the FISA court to justify a warrant. Explain this to me if the practice of criminal LEO’s is so isolated, how the hell did they get dozens of people involved? This is where your asinine arguments always fall down, common sense test.

Let’s say you are right. 99% of the Cops are keepers of the highest levels of integrity and honesty. They wouldn’t cheat at Solitaire. Then how the hell are there any corrupt cops ever? Wouldn’t that one corrupt cop be terrified of being found out? Wouldn’t that one corrupt cop live in absolute terror that he was surrounded by cops who would arrest him the moment that he let anything slip that gave the game away? Wouldn’t that one cop resign rather than risk exposure?

Instead, somehow, inexplicably, a dozen of these people who are willing to commit felonies, Perjury is a Felony in every single state, and the Federal Law. Yet, somehow they found a dozen agents and lawyers including supervisors, who were willing to commit this Felony. Astonishing. Now, how the hell did they manage to do that? Do the corrupt cops have a secret sign?

The Chief of the NYPD and the SFPD, both admitted that they had a problem in their departments with what the Police call Testilying. That is lying to get evidence admitted. So the cops in two departments thousands of miles away, somehow do the exact same thing? How odd is that? Police perjury - Wikipedia

Now, if I was you, I would believe that no cop other than those in the two departments are in any way involved in the same actions. When a Fiction writer, a hobby of mine, writes something. That author is asking you to suspend disbelief. You have to suspend disbelief to read and enjoy Harry Potter. The idea that there is a secret society living in magical shadows of London and Great Britain. You have to accept that the lie, is sort of true, so long as the story is concerned.

For anyone to believe that the first time any of those FBI agents, or Justice Department Lawyers lied to the FISA court, or on any documents was to investigate Trump pushes that suspension of disbelief to ridiculous extremes. Because not one of them wrote a memo saying that the information provided to the FISA court was false. So it is obvious that this is not the first time they have done something similar. But now the question. How many times have they done it before? Once? Ten? A hundred? We don’t know how many times they have done it. We know they have done it at least once.

Cops who are caught planting evidence. For us to believe your statistics. We have to believe that on that day, that one day, the cop had drugs in his pocket. Why? We don’t know. But again, for your statistics to be right, the cop would have to have the drugs in distribution level quantities, an odd coincidence, in his pocket and just decided for the very first time in his long career to plant the drugs on a guy. Really? We are supposed to honestly believe that?

How many times have you bought the Brooklyn Bridge? I ask because apparently you’ll fall for any story that comes along. How many times have you wired some money to an African Prince who wants to give you a million dollars if you will just send him $29.95 by Western Union?

That is the real problem with your statistical argument. The statistics lie. They require us all to accept that the cop was caught literally the very first time.

But what is odd about your statistics is this. The other cops who are present when the one percent bad cop was caught, and who wrote their reports in total agreement with the liar, are never punished. Odd isn’t it? Their reports match the report of the drug planting cop, but nobody ever busts them for the same Perjury that the drug planting cop did. Isn’t that Perjury too? If they all agree, isn’t that conspiracy?

You post lies. I post truth. You can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
I have been sitting on this for a while. I honestly wondered if anyone else would post it. For as long as I have been alive, I have heard the old lie. As long as you comply with the police you won’t be beaten or killed. Well. The police think that compliance is no reason to assume you won’t be beaten to a bloody pulp.

Justifying Brutality: Police Defend Use of Taser, Chokehold & Excessive Force Against Man Who Complied During Arrest

The police admit that the victim complied. But they say they have the right to throw a beating on him so severe that he ended up in the hospital for three days. He was not resisting. He didn’t attack the cops. They just beat him anyway.

So what else can we blame this on? We can’t blame Democrats. Oklahoma is solid red. Even the cities voted for Trump. We can’t blame it on Liberals overreacting since the cops admit in their filing that the guy did not resist.

I wonder what if any excuse the cops come first crowd will toss out there?
your anti-cop lies never stop, do they?
..there are going to be problems/mistakes/errors/wrongs/etc--cops are HUMAN
..but it's not out of's not a major chronic problem--I've put out the stats/links on this many times

Interesting. The link shows the court filing, the position of the Defendant, is that the police have a right to throw a beating on a guy even if he is complying. That is the position of the Police in court. Just as the position of the Police in court, was that they have no duty to protect you. Not once, but in two separate court cases. That is the official position of the Courts, the Law of this nation. Yet, you say that these problems are isolated.

How isolated? The position of the entire police department is that they have a right to throw a beating on you. Dozens of officials, FBI Agents, Supervisors, and Justice Department Lawyers all provided false evidence to the FISA court to justify a warrant. Explain this to me if the practice of criminal LEO’s is so isolated, how the hell did they get dozens of people involved? This is where your asinine arguments always fall down, common sense test.

Let’s say you are right. 99% of the Cops are keepers of the highest levels of integrity and honesty. They wouldn’t cheat at Solitaire. Then how the hell are there any corrupt cops ever? Wouldn’t that one corrupt cop be terrified of being found out? Wouldn’t that one corrupt cop live in absolute terror that he was surrounded by cops who would arrest him the moment that he let anything slip that gave the game away? Wouldn’t that one cop resign rather than risk exposure?

Instead, somehow, inexplicably, a dozen of these people who are willing to commit felonies, Perjury is a Felony in every single state, and the Federal Law. Yet, somehow they found a dozen agents and lawyers including supervisors, who were willing to commit this Felony. Astonishing. Now, how the hell did they manage to do that? Do the corrupt cops have a secret sign?

The Chief of the NYPD and the SFPD, both admitted that they had a problem in their departments with what the Police call Testilying. That is lying to get evidence admitted. So the cops in two departments thousands of miles away, somehow do the exact same thing? How odd is that? Police perjury - Wikipedia

Now, if I was you, I would believe that no cop other than those in the two departments are in any way involved in the same actions. When a Fiction writer, a hobby of mine, writes something. That author is asking you to suspend disbelief. You have to suspend disbelief to read and enjoy Harry Potter. The idea that there is a secret society living in magical shadows of London and Great Britain. You have to accept that the lie, is sort of true, so long as the story is concerned.

For anyone to believe that the first time any of those FBI agents, or Justice Department Lawyers lied to the FISA court, or on any documents was to investigate Trump pushes that suspension of disbelief to ridiculous extremes. Because not one of them wrote a memo saying that the information provided to the FISA court was false. So it is obvious that this is not the first time they have done something similar. But now the question. How many times have they done it before? Once? Ten? A hundred? We don’t know how many times they have done it. We know they have done it at least once.

Cops who are caught planting evidence. For us to believe your statistics. We have to believe that on that day, that one day, the cop had drugs in his pocket. Why? We don’t know. But again, for your statistics to be right, the cop would have to have the drugs in distribution level quantities, an odd coincidence, in his pocket and just decided for the very first time in his long career to plant the drugs on a guy. Really? We are supposed to honestly believe that?

How many times have you bought the Brooklyn Bridge? I ask because apparently you’ll fall for any story that comes along. How many times have you wired some money to an African Prince who wants to give you a million dollars if you will just send him $29.95 by Western Union?

That is the real problem with your statistical argument. The statistics lie. They require us all to accept that the cop was caught literally the very first time.

But what is odd about your statistics is this. The other cops who are present when the one percent bad cop was caught, and who wrote their reports in total agreement with the liar, are never punished. Odd isn’t it? Their reports match the report of the drug planting cop, but nobody ever busts them for the same Perjury that the drug planting cop did. Isn’t that Perjury too? If they all agree, isn’t that conspiracy?

You post lies. I post truth. You can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
......your post is more proof you are immature/youngster ..when you grow up, you will see how real life is
I n 2011, an estimated 31.4 million U.S. residents age 16 or older, or 13% of the population, requested assistance from the police at least once. About 93% of persons who requested police assistance thought the officers acted properly, 86% felt the police were helpful, and 85% were satisfied with the police response (figure 1). About 93% of persons who requested police assistance reported that they were just as likely or more likely to contact the police again for a similar problem
this is a DOJ link/stats--NOT Fox/CNN/etc bullshit links
I have been sitting on this for a while. I honestly wondered if anyone else would post it. For as long as I have been alive, I have heard the old lie. As long as you comply with the police you won’t be beaten or killed. Well. The police think that compliance is no reason to assume you won’t be beaten to a bloody pulp.

Justifying Brutality: Police Defend Use of Taser, Chokehold & Excessive Force Against Man Who Complied During Arrest

The police admit that the victim complied. But they say they have the right to throw a beating on him so severe that he ended up in the hospital for three days. He was not resisting. He didn’t attack the cops. They just beat him anyway.

So what else can we blame this on? We can’t blame Democrats. Oklahoma is solid red. Even the cities voted for Trump. We can’t blame it on Liberals overreacting since the cops admit in their filing that the guy did not resist.

I wonder what if any excuse the cops come first crowd will toss out there?
your anti-cop lies never stop, do they?
..there are going to be problems/mistakes/errors/wrongs/etc--cops are HUMAN
..but it's not out of's not a major chronic problem--I've put out the stats/links on this many times

Interesting. The link shows the court filing, the position of the Defendant, is that the police have a right to throw a beating on a guy even if he is complying. That is the position of the Police in court. Just as the position of the Police in court, was that they have no duty to protect you. Not once, but in two separate court cases. That is the official position of the Courts, the Law of this nation. Yet, you say that these problems are isolated.

How isolated? The position of the entire police department is that they have a right to throw a beating on you. Dozens of officials, FBI Agents, Supervisors, and Justice Department Lawyers all provided false evidence to the FISA court to justify a warrant. Explain this to me if the practice of criminal LEO’s is so isolated, how the hell did they get dozens of people involved? This is where your asinine arguments always fall down, common sense test.

Let’s say you are right. 99% of the Cops are keepers of the highest levels of integrity and honesty. They wouldn’t cheat at Solitaire. Then how the hell are there any corrupt cops ever? Wouldn’t that one corrupt cop be terrified of being found out? Wouldn’t that one corrupt cop live in absolute terror that he was surrounded by cops who would arrest him the moment that he let anything slip that gave the game away? Wouldn’t that one cop resign rather than risk exposure?

Instead, somehow, inexplicably, a dozen of these people who are willing to commit felonies, Perjury is a Felony in every single state, and the Federal Law. Yet, somehow they found a dozen agents and lawyers including supervisors, who were willing to commit this Felony. Astonishing. Now, how the hell did they manage to do that? Do the corrupt cops have a secret sign?

The Chief of the NYPD and the SFPD, both admitted that they had a problem in their departments with what the Police call Testilying. That is lying to get evidence admitted. So the cops in two departments thousands of miles away, somehow do the exact same thing? How odd is that? Police perjury - Wikipedia

Now, if I was you, I would believe that no cop other than those in the two departments are in any way involved in the same actions. When a Fiction writer, a hobby of mine, writes something. That author is asking you to suspend disbelief. You have to suspend disbelief to read and enjoy Harry Potter. The idea that there is a secret society living in magical shadows of London and Great Britain. You have to accept that the lie, is sort of true, so long as the story is concerned.

For anyone to believe that the first time any of those FBI agents, or Justice Department Lawyers lied to the FISA court, or on any documents was to investigate Trump pushes that suspension of disbelief to ridiculous extremes. Because not one of them wrote a memo saying that the information provided to the FISA court was false. So it is obvious that this is not the first time they have done something similar. But now the question. How many times have they done it before? Once? Ten? A hundred? We don’t know how many times they have done it. We know they have done it at least once.

Cops who are caught planting evidence. For us to believe your statistics. We have to believe that on that day, that one day, the cop had drugs in his pocket. Why? We don’t know. But again, for your statistics to be right, the cop would have to have the drugs in distribution level quantities, an odd coincidence, in his pocket and just decided for the very first time in his long career to plant the drugs on a guy. Really? We are supposed to honestly believe that?

How many times have you bought the Brooklyn Bridge? I ask because apparently you’ll fall for any story that comes along. How many times have you wired some money to an African Prince who wants to give you a million dollars if you will just send him $29.95 by Western Union?

That is the real problem with your statistical argument. The statistics lie. They require us all to accept that the cop was caught literally the very first time.

But what is odd about your statistics is this. The other cops who are present when the one percent bad cop was caught, and who wrote their reports in total agreement with the liar, are never punished. Odd isn’t it? Their reports match the report of the drug planting cop, but nobody ever busts them for the same Perjury that the drug planting cop did. Isn’t that Perjury too? If they all agree, isn’t that conspiracy?

You post lies. I post truth. You can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
......your post is more proof you are immature/youngster ..when you grow up, you will see how real life is
I n 2011, an estimated 31.4 million U.S. residents age 16 or older, or 13% of the population, requested assistance from the police at least once. About 93% of persons who requested police assistance thought the officers acted properly, 86% felt the police were helpful, and 85% were satisfied with the police response (figure 1). About 93% of persons who requested police assistance reported that they were just as likely or more likely to contact the police again for a similar problem
this is a DOJ link/stats--NOT Fox/CNN/etc bullshit links

The DOJ? The same DOJ that signed off on the Lies used by the FISA court to approve Crossfire Hurricane? The same DOJ that failed to mention to the attorneys of Defendants that the FBI tests know as lead matching was in fact, junk science? Oh, after that was exposed, they of course swore a year later, that they would in fact notify the defendants that the test was now considered inaccurate, but they totally stand behind it. FBI Abandons Controversial Bullet-Matching Technique

The same DOJ who’s prosecutor swore that the FBI expert would testify to something he did not say, and could not confirm?

How the Secretive “Discipline” Process for Federal Prosecutors Buries Misconduct Cases

Or the DOJ who for years knew that this prosecutor regularly lied in court, and had others lie in court to get convictions?

That DOJ?

The same DOJ who did not see anything criminal in the signing of false affidavits and filings for the FISA court despite the signature block which shows everything attested to here is true and correct to the best of my knowledge under penalty of perjury? That DOJ?

Shall I continue? In every single event, the DOJ shows it stands less for Justice, and more for authority. The lies of the agents, and prosecutors, in the Bundy case are now well known, how does that work in with your Statistics? Another single agent, who was part of a large task force, consisting of many different departments, under the DOJ, with their lawyers in attendance, lied as an individual act?

Tell me how you really own some awesome beach front property in Arizona.
I have been sitting on this for a while. I honestly wondered if anyone else would post it. For as long as I have been alive, I have heard the old lie. As long as you comply with the police you won’t be beaten or killed. Well. The police think that compliance is no reason to assume you won’t be beaten to a bloody pulp.

Justifying Brutality: Police Defend Use of Taser, Chokehold & Excessive Force Against Man Who Complied During Arrest

The police admit that the victim complied. But they say they have the right to throw a beating on him so severe that he ended up in the hospital for three days. He was not resisting. He didn’t attack the cops. They just beat him anyway.

So what else can we blame this on? We can’t blame Democrats. Oklahoma is solid red. Even the cities voted for Trump. We can’t blame it on Liberals overreacting since the cops admit in their filing that the guy did not resist.

I wonder what if any excuse the cops come first crowd will toss out there?
your anti-cop lies never stop, do they?
..there are going to be problems/mistakes/errors/wrongs/etc--cops are HUMAN
..but it's not out of's not a major chronic problem--I've put out the stats/links on this many times

Interesting. The link shows the court filing, the position of the Defendant, is that the police have a right to throw a beating on a guy even if he is complying. That is the position of the Police in court. Just as the position of the Police in court, was that they have no duty to protect you. Not once, but in two separate court cases. That is the official position of the Courts, the Law of this nation. Yet, you say that these problems are isolated.

How isolated? The position of the entire police department is that they have a right to throw a beating on you. Dozens of officials, FBI Agents, Supervisors, and Justice Department Lawyers all provided false evidence to the FISA court to justify a warrant. Explain this to me if the practice of criminal LEO’s is so isolated, how the hell did they get dozens of people involved? This is where your asinine arguments always fall down, common sense test.

Let’s say you are right. 99% of the Cops are keepers of the highest levels of integrity and honesty. They wouldn’t cheat at Solitaire. Then how the hell are there any corrupt cops ever? Wouldn’t that one corrupt cop be terrified of being found out? Wouldn’t that one corrupt cop live in absolute terror that he was surrounded by cops who would arrest him the moment that he let anything slip that gave the game away? Wouldn’t that one cop resign rather than risk exposure?

Instead, somehow, inexplicably, a dozen of these people who are willing to commit felonies, Perjury is a Felony in every single state, and the Federal Law. Yet, somehow they found a dozen agents and lawyers including supervisors, who were willing to commit this Felony. Astonishing. Now, how the hell did they manage to do that? Do the corrupt cops have a secret sign?

The Chief of the NYPD and the SFPD, both admitted that they had a problem in their departments with what the Police call Testilying. That is lying to get evidence admitted. So the cops in two departments thousands of miles away, somehow do the exact same thing? How odd is that? Police perjury - Wikipedia

Now, if I was you, I would believe that no cop other than those in the two departments are in any way involved in the same actions. When a Fiction writer, a hobby of mine, writes something. That author is asking you to suspend disbelief. You have to suspend disbelief to read and enjoy Harry Potter. The idea that there is a secret society living in magical shadows of London and Great Britain. You have to accept that the lie, is sort of true, so long as the story is concerned.

For anyone to believe that the first time any of those FBI agents, or Justice Department Lawyers lied to the FISA court, or on any documents was to investigate Trump pushes that suspension of disbelief to ridiculous extremes. Because not one of them wrote a memo saying that the information provided to the FISA court was false. So it is obvious that this is not the first time they have done something similar. But now the question. How many times have they done it before? Once? Ten? A hundred? We don’t know how many times they have done it. We know they have done it at least once.

Cops who are caught planting evidence. For us to believe your statistics. We have to believe that on that day, that one day, the cop had drugs in his pocket. Why? We don’t know. But again, for your statistics to be right, the cop would have to have the drugs in distribution level quantities, an odd coincidence, in his pocket and just decided for the very first time in his long career to plant the drugs on a guy. Really? We are supposed to honestly believe that?

How many times have you bought the Brooklyn Bridge? I ask because apparently you’ll fall for any story that comes along. How many times have you wired some money to an African Prince who wants to give you a million dollars if you will just send him $29.95 by Western Union?

That is the real problem with your statistical argument. The statistics lie. They require us all to accept that the cop was caught literally the very first time.

But what is odd about your statistics is this. The other cops who are present when the one percent bad cop was caught, and who wrote their reports in total agreement with the liar, are never punished. Odd isn’t it? Their reports match the report of the drug planting cop, but nobody ever busts them for the same Perjury that the drug planting cop did. Isn’t that Perjury too? If they all agree, isn’t that conspiracy?

You post lies. I post truth. You can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
......your post is more proof you are immature/youngster ..when you grow up, you will see how real life is
I n 2011, an estimated 31.4 million U.S. residents age 16 or older, or 13% of the population, requested assistance from the police at least once. About 93% of persons who requested police assistance thought the officers acted properly, 86% felt the police were helpful, and 85% were satisfied with the police response (figure 1). About 93% of persons who requested police assistance reported that they were just as likely or more likely to contact the police again for a similar problem
this is a DOJ link/stats--NOT Fox/CNN/etc bullshit links

The DOJ? The same DOJ that signed off on the Lies used by the FISA court to approve Crossfire Hurricane? The same DOJ that failed to mention to the attorneys of Defendants that the FBI tests know as lead matching was in fact, junk science? Oh, after that was exposed, they of course swore a year later, that they would in fact notify the defendants that the test was now considered inaccurate, but they totally stand behind it. FBI Abandons Controversial Bullet-Matching Technique

The same DOJ who’s prosecutor swore that the FBI expert would testify to something he did not say, and could not confirm?

How the Secretive “Discipline” Process for Federal Prosecutors Buries Misconduct Cases

Or the DOJ who for years knew that this prosecutor regularly lied in court, and had others lie in court to get convictions?

That DOJ?

The same DOJ who did not see anything criminal in the signing of false affidavits and filings for the FISA court despite the signature block which shows everything attested to here is true and correct to the best of my knowledge under penalty of perjury? That DOJ?

Shall I continue? In every single event, the DOJ shows it stands less for Justice, and more for authority. The lies of the agents, and prosecutors, in the Bundy case are now well known, how does that work in with your Statistics? Another single agent, who was part of a large task force, consisting of many different departments, under the DOJ, with their lawyers in attendance, lied as an individual act?

Tell me how you really own some awesome beach front property in Arizona.
I have been sitting on this for a while. I honestly wondered if anyone else would post it. For as long as I have been alive, I have heard the old lie. As long as you comply with the police you won’t be beaten or killed. Well. The police think that compliance is no reason to assume you won’t be beaten to a bloody pulp.

Justifying Brutality: Police Defend Use of Taser, Chokehold & Excessive Force Against Man Who Complied During Arrest

The police admit that the victim complied. But they say they have the right to throw a beating on him so severe that he ended up in the hospital for three days. He was not resisting. He didn’t attack the cops. They just beat him anyway.

So what else can we blame this on? We can’t blame Democrats. Oklahoma is solid red. Even the cities voted for Trump. We can’t blame it on Liberals overreacting since the cops admit in their filing that the guy did not resist.

I wonder what if any excuse the cops come first crowd will toss out there?
your anti-cop lies never stop, do they?
..there are going to be problems/mistakes/errors/wrongs/etc--cops are HUMAN
..but it's not out of's not a major chronic problem--I've put out the stats/links on this many times

Interesting. The link shows the court filing, the position of the Defendant, is that the police have a right to throw a beating on a guy even if he is complying. That is the position of the Police in court. Just as the position of the Police in court, was that they have no duty to protect you. Not once, but in two separate court cases. That is the official position of the Courts, the Law of this nation. Yet, you say that these problems are isolated.

How isolated? The position of the entire police department is that they have a right to throw a beating on you. Dozens of officials, FBI Agents, Supervisors, and Justice Department Lawyers all provided false evidence to the FISA court to justify a warrant. Explain this to me if the practice of criminal LEO’s is so isolated, how the hell did they get dozens of people involved? This is where your asinine arguments always fall down, common sense test.

Let’s say you are right. 99% of the Cops are keepers of the highest levels of integrity and honesty. They wouldn’t cheat at Solitaire. Then how the hell are there any corrupt cops ever? Wouldn’t that one corrupt cop be terrified of being found out? Wouldn’t that one corrupt cop live in absolute terror that he was surrounded by cops who would arrest him the moment that he let anything slip that gave the game away? Wouldn’t that one cop resign rather than risk exposure?

Instead, somehow, inexplicably, a dozen of these people who are willing to commit felonies, Perjury is a Felony in every single state, and the Federal Law. Yet, somehow they found a dozen agents and lawyers including supervisors, who were willing to commit this Felony. Astonishing. Now, how the hell did they manage to do that? Do the corrupt cops have a secret sign?

The Chief of the NYPD and the SFPD, both admitted that they had a problem in their departments with what the Police call Testilying. That is lying to get evidence admitted. So the cops in two departments thousands of miles away, somehow do the exact same thing? How odd is that? Police perjury - Wikipedia

Now, if I was you, I would believe that no cop other than those in the two departments are in any way involved in the same actions. When a Fiction writer, a hobby of mine, writes something. That author is asking you to suspend disbelief. You have to suspend disbelief to read and enjoy Harry Potter. The idea that there is a secret society living in magical shadows of London and Great Britain. You have to accept that the lie, is sort of true, so long as the story is concerned.

For anyone to believe that the first time any of those FBI agents, or Justice Department Lawyers lied to the FISA court, or on any documents was to investigate Trump pushes that suspension of disbelief to ridiculous extremes. Because not one of them wrote a memo saying that the information provided to the FISA court was false. So it is obvious that this is not the first time they have done something similar. But now the question. How many times have they done it before? Once? Ten? A hundred? We don’t know how many times they have done it. We know they have done it at least once.

Cops who are caught planting evidence. For us to believe your statistics. We have to believe that on that day, that one day, the cop had drugs in his pocket. Why? We don’t know. But again, for your statistics to be right, the cop would have to have the drugs in distribution level quantities, an odd coincidence, in his pocket and just decided for the very first time in his long career to plant the drugs on a guy. Really? We are supposed to honestly believe that?

How many times have you bought the Brooklyn Bridge? I ask because apparently you’ll fall for any story that comes along. How many times have you wired some money to an African Prince who wants to give you a million dollars if you will just send him $29.95 by Western Union?

That is the real problem with your statistical argument. The statistics lie. They require us all to accept that the cop was caught literally the very first time.

But what is odd about your statistics is this. The other cops who are present when the one percent bad cop was caught, and who wrote their reports in total agreement with the liar, are never punished. Odd isn’t it? Their reports match the report of the drug planting cop, but nobody ever busts them for the same Perjury that the drug planting cop did. Isn’t that Perjury too? If they all agree, isn’t that conspiracy?

You post lies. I post truth. You can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
......your post is more proof you are immature/youngster ..when you grow up, you will see how real life is
I n 2011, an estimated 31.4 million U.S. residents age 16 or older, or 13% of the population, requested assistance from the police at least once. About 93% of persons who requested police assistance thought the officers acted properly, 86% felt the police were helpful, and 85% were satisfied with the police response (figure 1). About 93% of persons who requested police assistance reported that they were just as likely or more likely to contact the police again for a similar problem
this is a DOJ link/stats--NOT Fox/CNN/etc bullshit links

The DOJ? The same DOJ that signed off on the Lies used by the FISA court to approve Crossfire Hurricane? The same DOJ that failed to mention to the attorneys of Defendants that the FBI tests know as lead matching was in fact, junk science? Oh, after that was exposed, they of course swore a year later, that they would in fact notify the defendants that the test was now considered inaccurate, but they totally stand behind it. FBI Abandons Controversial Bullet-Matching Technique

The same DOJ who’s prosecutor swore that the FBI expert would testify to something he did not say, and could not confirm?

How the Secretive “Discipline” Process for Federal Prosecutors Buries Misconduct Cases

Or the DOJ who for years knew that this prosecutor regularly lied in court, and had others lie in court to get convictions?

That DOJ?

The same DOJ who did not see anything criminal in the signing of false affidavits and filings for the FISA court despite the signature block which shows everything attested to here is true and correct to the best of my knowledge under penalty of perjury? That DOJ?

Shall I continue? In every single event, the DOJ shows it stands less for Justice, and more for authority. The lies of the agents, and prosecutors, in the Bundy case are now well known, how does that work in with your Statistics? Another single agent, who was part of a large task force, consisting of many different departments, under the DOJ, with their lawyers in attendance, lied as an individual act?

Tell me how you really own some awesome beach front property in Arizona.

Odd isn’t it how you don’t address anything that I actually post. Like all pathological types, you keep repeating the same mantra. Odd how you aren’t in a cult or something. Thirty years ago, you would have been offering people flowers at the airport for a donation to the Moonies.
I have been sitting on this for a while. I honestly wondered if anyone else would post it. For as long as I have been alive, I have heard the old lie. As long as you comply with the police you won’t be beaten or killed. Well. The police think that compliance is no reason to assume you won’t be beaten to a bloody pulp.

Justifying Brutality: Police Defend Use of Taser, Chokehold & Excessive Force Against Man Who Complied During Arrest

The police admit that the victim complied. But they say they have the right to throw a beating on him so severe that he ended up in the hospital for three days. He was not resisting. He didn’t attack the cops. They just beat him anyway.

So what else can we blame this on? We can’t blame Democrats. Oklahoma is solid red. Even the cities voted for Trump. We can’t blame it on Liberals overreacting since the cops admit in their filing that the guy did not resist.

I wonder what if any excuse the cops come first crowd will toss out there?
your anti-cop lies never stop, do they?
..there are going to be problems/mistakes/errors/wrongs/etc--cops are HUMAN
..but it's not out of's not a major chronic problem--I've put out the stats/links on this many times

Interesting. The link shows the court filing, the position of the Defendant, is that the police have a right to throw a beating on a guy even if he is complying. That is the position of the Police in court. Just as the position of the Police in court, was that they have no duty to protect you. Not once, but in two separate court cases. That is the official position of the Courts, the Law of this nation. Yet, you say that these problems are isolated.

How isolated? The position of the entire police department is that they have a right to throw a beating on you. Dozens of officials, FBI Agents, Supervisors, and Justice Department Lawyers all provided false evidence to the FISA court to justify a warrant. Explain this to me if the practice of criminal LEO’s is so isolated, how the hell did they get dozens of people involved? This is where your asinine arguments always fall down, common sense test.

Let’s say you are right. 99% of the Cops are keepers of the highest levels of integrity and honesty. They wouldn’t cheat at Solitaire. Then how the hell are there any corrupt cops ever? Wouldn’t that one corrupt cop be terrified of being found out? Wouldn’t that one corrupt cop live in absolute terror that he was surrounded by cops who would arrest him the moment that he let anything slip that gave the game away? Wouldn’t that one cop resign rather than risk exposure?

Instead, somehow, inexplicably, a dozen of these people who are willing to commit felonies, Perjury is a Felony in every single state, and the Federal Law. Yet, somehow they found a dozen agents and lawyers including supervisors, who were willing to commit this Felony. Astonishing. Now, how the hell did they manage to do that? Do the corrupt cops have a secret sign?

The Chief of the NYPD and the SFPD, both admitted that they had a problem in their departments with what the Police call Testilying. That is lying to get evidence admitted. So the cops in two departments thousands of miles away, somehow do the exact same thing? How odd is that? Police perjury - Wikipedia

Now, if I was you, I would believe that no cop other than those in the two departments are in any way involved in the same actions. When a Fiction writer, a hobby of mine, writes something. That author is asking you to suspend disbelief. You have to suspend disbelief to read and enjoy Harry Potter. The idea that there is a secret society living in magical shadows of London and Great Britain. You have to accept that the lie, is sort of true, so long as the story is concerned.

For anyone to believe that the first time any of those FBI agents, or Justice Department Lawyers lied to the FISA court, or on any documents was to investigate Trump pushes that suspension of disbelief to ridiculous extremes. Because not one of them wrote a memo saying that the information provided to the FISA court was false. So it is obvious that this is not the first time they have done something similar. But now the question. How many times have they done it before? Once? Ten? A hundred? We don’t know how many times they have done it. We know they have done it at least once.

Cops who are caught planting evidence. For us to believe your statistics. We have to believe that on that day, that one day, the cop had drugs in his pocket. Why? We don’t know. But again, for your statistics to be right, the cop would have to have the drugs in distribution level quantities, an odd coincidence, in his pocket and just decided for the very first time in his long career to plant the drugs on a guy. Really? We are supposed to honestly believe that?

How many times have you bought the Brooklyn Bridge? I ask because apparently you’ll fall for any story that comes along. How many times have you wired some money to an African Prince who wants to give you a million dollars if you will just send him $29.95 by Western Union?

That is the real problem with your statistical argument. The statistics lie. They require us all to accept that the cop was caught literally the very first time.

But what is odd about your statistics is this. The other cops who are present when the one percent bad cop was caught, and who wrote their reports in total agreement with the liar, are never punished. Odd isn’t it? Their reports match the report of the drug planting cop, but nobody ever busts them for the same Perjury that the drug planting cop did. Isn’t that Perjury too? If they all agree, isn’t that conspiracy?

You post lies. I post truth. You can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
......your post is more proof you are immature/youngster ..when you grow up, you will see how real life is
I n 2011, an estimated 31.4 million U.S. residents age 16 or older, or 13% of the population, requested assistance from the police at least once. About 93% of persons who requested police assistance thought the officers acted properly, 86% felt the police were helpful, and 85% were satisfied with the police response (figure 1). About 93% of persons who requested police assistance reported that they were just as likely or more likely to contact the police again for a similar problem
this is a DOJ link/stats--NOT Fox/CNN/etc bullshit links

The DOJ? The same DOJ that signed off on the Lies used by the FISA court to approve Crossfire Hurricane? The same DOJ that failed to mention to the attorneys of Defendants that the FBI tests know as lead matching was in fact, junk science? Oh, after that was exposed, they of course swore a year later, that they would in fact notify the defendants that the test was now considered inaccurate, but they totally stand behind it. FBI Abandons Controversial Bullet-Matching Technique

The same DOJ who’s prosecutor swore that the FBI expert would testify to something he did not say, and could not confirm?

How the Secretive “Discipline” Process for Federal Prosecutors Buries Misconduct Cases

Or the DOJ who for years knew that this prosecutor regularly lied in court, and had others lie in court to get convictions?

That DOJ?

The same DOJ who did not see anything criminal in the signing of false affidavits and filings for the FISA court despite the signature block which shows everything attested to here is true and correct to the best of my knowledge under penalty of perjury? That DOJ?

Shall I continue? In every single event, the DOJ shows it stands less for Justice, and more for authority. The lies of the agents, and prosecutors, in the Bundy case are now well known, how does that work in with your Statistics? Another single agent, who was part of a large task force, consisting of many different departments, under the DOJ, with their lawyers in attendance, lied as an individual act?

Tell me how you really own some awesome beach front property in Arizona.

Can you tell me why Misconduct of LEO’s is only counted if there is a conviction?
your anti-cop lies never stop, do they?
..there are going to be problems/mistakes/errors/wrongs/etc--cops are HUMAN
..but it's not out of's not a major chronic problem--I've put out the stats/links on this many times

Interesting. The link shows the court filing, the position of the Defendant, is that the police have a right to throw a beating on a guy even if he is complying. That is the position of the Police in court. Just as the position of the Police in court, was that they have no duty to protect you. Not once, but in two separate court cases. That is the official position of the Courts, the Law of this nation. Yet, you say that these problems are isolated.

How isolated? The position of the entire police department is that they have a right to throw a beating on you. Dozens of officials, FBI Agents, Supervisors, and Justice Department Lawyers all provided false evidence to the FISA court to justify a warrant. Explain this to me if the practice of criminal LEO’s is so isolated, how the hell did they get dozens of people involved? This is where your asinine arguments always fall down, common sense test.

Let’s say you are right. 99% of the Cops are keepers of the highest levels of integrity and honesty. They wouldn’t cheat at Solitaire. Then how the hell are there any corrupt cops ever? Wouldn’t that one corrupt cop be terrified of being found out? Wouldn’t that one corrupt cop live in absolute terror that he was surrounded by cops who would arrest him the moment that he let anything slip that gave the game away? Wouldn’t that one cop resign rather than risk exposure?

Instead, somehow, inexplicably, a dozen of these people who are willing to commit felonies, Perjury is a Felony in every single state, and the Federal Law. Yet, somehow they found a dozen agents and lawyers including supervisors, who were willing to commit this Felony. Astonishing. Now, how the hell did they manage to do that? Do the corrupt cops have a secret sign?

The Chief of the NYPD and the SFPD, both admitted that they had a problem in their departments with what the Police call Testilying. That is lying to get evidence admitted. So the cops in two departments thousands of miles away, somehow do the exact same thing? How odd is that? Police perjury - Wikipedia

Now, if I was you, I would believe that no cop other than those in the two departments are in any way involved in the same actions. When a Fiction writer, a hobby of mine, writes something. That author is asking you to suspend disbelief. You have to suspend disbelief to read and enjoy Harry Potter. The idea that there is a secret society living in magical shadows of London and Great Britain. You have to accept that the lie, is sort of true, so long as the story is concerned.

For anyone to believe that the first time any of those FBI agents, or Justice Department Lawyers lied to the FISA court, or on any documents was to investigate Trump pushes that suspension of disbelief to ridiculous extremes. Because not one of them wrote a memo saying that the information provided to the FISA court was false. So it is obvious that this is not the first time they have done something similar. But now the question. How many times have they done it before? Once? Ten? A hundred? We don’t know how many times they have done it. We know they have done it at least once.

Cops who are caught planting evidence. For us to believe your statistics. We have to believe that on that day, that one day, the cop had drugs in his pocket. Why? We don’t know. But again, for your statistics to be right, the cop would have to have the drugs in distribution level quantities, an odd coincidence, in his pocket and just decided for the very first time in his long career to plant the drugs on a guy. Really? We are supposed to honestly believe that?

How many times have you bought the Brooklyn Bridge? I ask because apparently you’ll fall for any story that comes along. How many times have you wired some money to an African Prince who wants to give you a million dollars if you will just send him $29.95 by Western Union?

That is the real problem with your statistical argument. The statistics lie. They require us all to accept that the cop was caught literally the very first time.

But what is odd about your statistics is this. The other cops who are present when the one percent bad cop was caught, and who wrote their reports in total agreement with the liar, are never punished. Odd isn’t it? Their reports match the report of the drug planting cop, but nobody ever busts them for the same Perjury that the drug planting cop did. Isn’t that Perjury too? If they all agree, isn’t that conspiracy?

You post lies. I post truth. You can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
......your post is more proof you are immature/youngster ..when you grow up, you will see how real life is
I n 2011, an estimated 31.4 million U.S. residents age 16 or older, or 13% of the population, requested assistance from the police at least once. About 93% of persons who requested police assistance thought the officers acted properly, 86% felt the police were helpful, and 85% were satisfied with the police response (figure 1). About 93% of persons who requested police assistance reported that they were just as likely or more likely to contact the police again for a similar problem
this is a DOJ link/stats--NOT Fox/CNN/etc bullshit links

The DOJ? The same DOJ that signed off on the Lies used by the FISA court to approve Crossfire Hurricane? The same DOJ that failed to mention to the attorneys of Defendants that the FBI tests know as lead matching was in fact, junk science? Oh, after that was exposed, they of course swore a year later, that they would in fact notify the defendants that the test was now considered inaccurate, but they totally stand behind it. FBI Abandons Controversial Bullet-Matching Technique

The same DOJ who’s prosecutor swore that the FBI expert would testify to something he did not say, and could not confirm?

How the Secretive “Discipline” Process for Federal Prosecutors Buries Misconduct Cases

Or the DOJ who for years knew that this prosecutor regularly lied in court, and had others lie in court to get convictions?

That DOJ?

The same DOJ who did not see anything criminal in the signing of false affidavits and filings for the FISA court despite the signature block which shows everything attested to here is true and correct to the best of my knowledge under penalty of perjury? That DOJ?

Shall I continue? In every single event, the DOJ shows it stands less for Justice, and more for authority. The lies of the agents, and prosecutors, in the Bundy case are now well known, how does that work in with your Statistics? Another single agent, who was part of a large task force, consisting of many different departments, under the DOJ, with their lawyers in attendance, lied as an individual act?

Tell me how you really own some awesome beach front property in Arizona.

Can you tell me why Misconduct of LEO’s is only counted if there is a conviction?
it's right there = 93%

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