The Jamie Glazov Show


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Meet Obama

Meet Obama’s Wahhabist Relatives

October 12, 2012
By Walid and Theodore Shoebat

While discussion of Obama’s connections to his Muslim family in Kenya is an acceptable topic for discussion in the Arab world, it is viewed as a great taboo in the United States. But why is that so? This taboo should be considered unfair at best, purely prejudiced at worst. Is it fair, after all, that we censor such discussions just because Obama’s relatives are Muslim?

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) should condemn the media for keeping a tight lid on the subject, and it’s high time to go beyond what is disclosed by President Obama in his book, Dreams From My Father, or Wikipedia’s limited information, which includes the only photo released by the Obama family:



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Well if the pics are real then I'd have to wonder if Barry spoke to them in Negro dialect and, if so, was it the same dialect he used in 2007 speaking to dem fokes at Hampin U?

I don't know how that works because when DEMOCRAT Senator Harry Reid referred to Obama as the "light-skinned" guy who has "no Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one," it wasn't made clear by Reid whether it would always have to be the same dialect.

Hey, maybe I should check with DEMOCRAT Vice President Joey Biden as he seems to know a lot about dialects, especially Indian ones he's so fond of at 7-11and Dunkin' Donuts stores as he once felt compelled to tell us about. For some reason. Other than just Joey being...just good old Uncle Joe again.
America's crazy uncle, Joe Biden, referred to Obama as "the first main-stream African-American who is clean and articulate and a nice looking guy". How's that for latent racism?
The Words Banned By Obama – on The Glazov Gang

April 30, 2013 By

The Gang gathered to discuss The Words Banned By Obama. The guests reflected on how we can defend ourselves from Jihad if we are not even allowed to say its name. The discussion occurred in the context of the Boston Marathon Massacre and how the Left has made us vulnerable to Islamic terrorist attacks due to its Jihad Denial. One of the key topics in the analysis was: Why Eric Holder Shut The Mouth of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. In this dialogue, the guests unveiled what the Obama administration doesn’t want you to know about the Jihad in Boston.

Watch both parts of the two part series below:

Part I:


The Words Banned By Obama ? on The Glazov Gang | FrontPage Magazine
How Terrorism Operates on the Psyche of Nations – on The Glazov Gang

May 1, 2013 By



The Gang gathered to discuss How Terrorism Operates on the Psyche of Nations. The guests reflected on how 9/11 traumatized Americans so badly that it made them submissive to Islam. The discussion occurred in the context of the Boston Marathon Massacre and how the Left has made us vulnerable to Islamic terrorist attacks due to its Jihad Denial.

The Gang also focused on: Why Eric Holder Shut The Mouth of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, unveiling what the Obama administration doesn’t want you to know about the Jihad in Boston. The dialogue involved one of the key issues: The Words Banned By Obama; on this theme, the guests reflected on how we can possibly defend ourselves from Jihad if we are not even allowed to say its name.

Watch both parts of the two part series below:


How Terrorism Operates on the Psyche of Nations ? on The Glazov Gang | FrontPage Magazine
Weiner and the Brotherhood Bunch — on The Glazov Gang

July 29, 2013 By



The Glazov Gangsters gathered to discuss Weiner and the Brotherhood Bunch. The guests dissected the maze of a sex-obsessed politician and his Muslim Brotherhood wife and in-laws.

The episode also shed light on Rolling Stone Magazine Humanizing Dzokhar Tsarnaev and African R&B Star Akon Telling African-Americans to Move Back to Africa.

To watch both parts of the two-part series, see below:

Part I:

Weiner and the Brotherhood Bunch ? on The Glazov Gang | FrontPage Magazine
Obama’s War on American Allies — on The Finch Gang

August 21, 2013 By


The Gang gathered this week to discuss Obama’s War on American Allies. The discussion occurred in Part I and focused on why this administration is reaching out in solidarity to U.S. adversaries. The segment featured Barack’s Brotherhood Bond, analyzing the unfolding events in Egypt — and Obama’s siding with the Islamists.

In Part II, the Gang discussed The Betrayal of Navy SEAL Team 6, shedding disturbing light on how the Obama administration fingered — and marked for death — the American heroes who killed Osama.

To watch both parts of the two-part series, see below:

Part I:


Obama?s War on American Allies ? on The Finch Gang | FrontPage Magazine
Jihad Denial — on The Glazov Gang

September 6, 2013 By

In this special episode of The Glazov Gang, Josh Brewster interviewed the host of the show, Frontpage’s editor Jamie Glazov.

In the two-part video interview below, Brewster speaks with Glazov about Jihad Denial. The discussion focuses on Jamie’s critically-acclaimed United in Hate, his latest book High Noon For America: The Coming Showdown, his family’s struggle for freedom, David Horowitz’s work and influence, and much more.

In Part I, the discussion focuses on Jamie Glazov’s parents’ dissident activity in the former Soviet Union and how it molded his battle against the Left.

Part II deals with Jamie’s United in Hate, his new book, High Noon For America: The Coming Showdown, why progressives can’t accept the truth about Islamic supremacism, the legacy of Alexander Solzhenitsyn and David Horowitz’s priceless contribution to fighting the Left.


Jihad Denial ? on The Glazov Gang | FrontPage Magazine
Huma Abedin’s Brotherhood Network Unveiled — on The Glazov Gang

October 16, 2013 By


This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Walid Shoebat, the former Muslim Brotherhood terrorist who turned to love and Christianity. He exposes Huma Abedin’s Brotherhood Network (starts at the 4:40 mark), the Obama administration’s Islamist odyssey, and terror links of Obama’s brother, Malik Obama. He also makes The Case for Islamophobia, and much, much more:


Huma Abedin?s Brotherhood Network Unveiled ? on The Glazov Gang | FrontPage Magazine
How The Left Formulates Our Vocabulary — on The Glazov Gang

October 22, 2013 By


In Part I, the Gang focused on The IRS’ Witch Hunt Unveiled, as Karen Kenny of the IRS-targeted San Fernando Valley Patriots told a disturbing tale. Kai Chen went on to talk about his journey out of tyrannical China, while John Duffy shared his journey into and out of Maoism and the tyrannical world of the Black Panthers.


How The Left Formulates Our Vocabulary ? on The Glazov Gang | FrontPage Magazine
What Obama Wants — on The Glazov Gang

October 30, 2013 By


The Gang gathered this week to discuss What Obama Wants. The discussion occurred in Part II (starting at the 14:40 mark) and focused on the Radical-in-Chief’s endgame — and what Americans can do best to safeguard their freedoms. The dialogue was preceded by the Gang’s focus on Breaking Ranks With The Left, with each guest sharing their brush with the totalitarian inferno:


What Obama Wants ? on The Glazov Gang | FrontPage Magazine
ObamaCare’s Dirty Little Secret — on The Glazov Gang

November 6, 2013 By



The Gang gathered to discuss ObamaCare’s Dirty Little Secret. The discussion occurred in Part II and focused on the disaster of “access” and how Americans need to get ready to stand in the lines for medicare that they stand in at the DMV. The segment went on to also shed light on What The $17 Trillion Debt Really Means, Mao’s Kitchen in Los Angeles, and Sean Penn’s Call for Ted Cruz and Tea Party Members to be Institutionalized:


In Part I the Gang focused on To Lie for ObamaCare, shedding light on the falsehoods told by the president to force his socialist medicare plan on the American people. The guests also dissected the catastrophe that ObamaCare will inflict on America.


ObamaCare?s Dirty Little Secret ? on The Glazov Gang | FrontPage Magazine

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